Suggestion and Policy

re: lustman's idea posted on 5/27/00
Staff 1725 reads

Having the review button disappear if there are not reviews in not the complicated part.  The problem is with performance.  Here is an example: Do a ViewAll with 50 messages in the thread.  We have to check up to members against a VERY large review database to see if he has any reviews.  It would be very slow and probably slow the entire site down.

There is a better way but it will take a little more programming, hopefully in the next few weeks.

As far as providers with memberships, there are plans in the works to allow providers to use a few really neat things in the not to distant future.  I hope this answers your questions for now.  I really did not want you to think we forgot.

-- Staff

blindedbyTER3209 reads

Staff, you replied that you like his idea but it appears as if you did not read it correctly. I like his idea too but It requires that your system be able to distinguish between members and providers. This would require that providers indicate that they are providers in their member account. This way, when someone post on the discussion board, you can check to see if it's a member or provider. If it's a member you link to all of the member's reviews. If it's a provider you link to the provider's profile and all the reviews for that provider. And since the provider profile has a link to their website they won't have to add it to their post if they want a plug. Providers that do not want this can use the alias feature that is already in place. I suggest you contact some providers that post on the board such as Sensual Ashley to see what they think.

lustman posted-'I for one like being able to click on a posters link and be taken directly to his reviews.  It should be a fairly simpleprocedure call to be taken to a providers review when she is the poster, also if the poster has no reviews the link shouldbe dimmed or non-existentI don't write html code, but I write sql all f*ing day longand it should be a fairly simple call.LM'

Staff1726 reads

Having the review button disappear if there are not reviews in not the complicated part.  The problem is with performance.  Here is an example: Do a ViewAll with 50 messages in the thread.  We have to check up to members against a VERY large review database to see if he has any reviews.  It would be very slow and probably slow the entire site down.

There is a better way but it will take a little more programming, hopefully in the next few weeks.

As far as providers with memberships, there are plans in the works to allow providers to use a few really neat things in the not to distant future.  I hope this answers your questions for now.  I really did not want you to think we forgot.

-- Staff

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