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Re: I don't think that would comply with FOSTA / SESTA
impposter 49 Reviews 479 reads

Posted By: Drumguy25
I read another thread in these forums, stating the median I.Q. of the U.S. to be around 100. I would say that probably is only correct for a third of the nation ...  
 Most would probably be in the upper 80's at best.
Well, AVERAGE has a mathematical definition and it doesn't let you pick and choose whose IQ scores to use to come up with your preferred answer. "If I only pick stupid people, the average IQ is less than 100."  
"Most ... in the upper 80s" also makes little sense as that statement implies a huge spike in the upper 80s and very narrow tails to lower and higher scores. With large populations, a normal distribution is assumed.  IQ testing and scoring is adjusted so that the average IQ of the population is around 100.  See the picture.  
IQ tests are supposed to measure various aspects of intelligence including short-term memory, analytical thinking, mathematical ability, spatial recognition and so on. IQ tests do not attempt to measure the amount of information you have learned but rather your capacity to learn. There are various organizations that try to normalize testing across cultures and countries. When they do that, they come up with lists of "Average IQ by Country' and that map was posted to General:
S. Korea 106
UK 100
******* USA 98 ********
Greece 92
Peru 85
Kenya 80
Rwanda 70
Gabon 64
And common sense? That's an extreme rarity these days...
"Common sense is the most fairly distributed thing in the world: because everyone thinks he is so well endowed, that even those who are hardest to satisfy in everything else, have no habit of desiring more than they have." - Rene Descartes

Posted By: colleenwir

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On the other hand, if a site could verify that the ads and content were by, from, for, and about those who were authenticated to be consenting adults, free from coercion and to be acting of their own free will, would THAT satisfy SESTA?  I think it would.

GaGambler503 reads

but if you REALLY believe that SESTA is about protecting actual victims of coerced human trafficking then you are indeed delusional my friend.

Indeed, FOSTA is also about prostitution, but I meant to emphasize to the OP that I don't think that making an ad board private / members only would protect the website or ISP.  Maybe they could also put a big banner at the top of each Ad page: "No LE allowed. If you are LE, please leave this site now." Not.
Maybe TER could start a Steel or Aluminum Ad board where brokers could exchange info on how to get Chinese steel into the US while avoiding the new 25% tariff. The steel dealers would be breaking the law, but I don't think FOSTA / SESTA would find TER guilty of the crimes of those actually doing the trafficking in steel.

Posted By: GaGambler
Re: Impy, I don't think I have ever accused you of being delusional before but if you REALLY believe that SESTA is about protecting actual victims of coerced human trafficking then you are indeed delusional my friend.

I suggest you read the bill. "prostitution" is mentioned several times

This bill was created simply to remove any form of "escort" advertising from the internet. The " sex trafficking" term was just a thinly veiled disguise.... meant to attempt to look like a righteous act, rather than the government stripping away more freedom from U.S. citizens. For most of the "sheeple" chewing cud in the fields, this is another easy manipulation by the government, as society in general has been dumbed down to the equivalent of cattle. I read another thread in these forums, stating the median I.Q. of the U.S. to be around 100. I would say that probably is only correct for a third of the nation ...  
Most would probably be in the upper 80's at best. And common sense? That's an extreme rarity these days...

Don’t want free thinkers, educated masses who can rise up against this blatant infringement on our rights.  

Posted By: Drumguy25
I read another thread in these forums, stating the median I.Q. of the U.S. to be around 100. I would say that probably is only correct for a third of the nation ...  
 Most would probably be in the upper 80's at best.
Well, AVERAGE has a mathematical definition and it doesn't let you pick and choose whose IQ scores to use to come up with your preferred answer. "If I only pick stupid people, the average IQ is less than 100."  
"Most ... in the upper 80s" also makes little sense as that statement implies a huge spike in the upper 80s and very narrow tails to lower and higher scores. With large populations, a normal distribution is assumed.  IQ testing and scoring is adjusted so that the average IQ of the population is around 100.  See the picture.  
IQ tests are supposed to measure various aspects of intelligence including short-term memory, analytical thinking, mathematical ability, spatial recognition and so on. IQ tests do not attempt to measure the amount of information you have learned but rather your capacity to learn. There are various organizations that try to normalize testing across cultures and countries. When they do that, they come up with lists of "Average IQ by Country' and that map was posted to General:
S. Korea 106
UK 100
******* USA 98 ********
Greece 92
Peru 85
Kenya 80
Rwanda 70
Gabon 64
And common sense? That's an extreme rarity these days...
"Common sense is the most fairly distributed thing in the world: because everyone thinks he is so well endowed, that even those who are hardest to satisfy in everything else, have no habit of desiring more than they have." - Rene Descartes

Yes... I get it. Some chaw chewing redneck is getting the benefit of the doubt off others with higher intellect.  
Tongue in cheek humor....  
Without going full on conspiracy theory.... education is going to hell in this country. And the mindless dribble splashed across the television....
I think the nation is considerably " dumber" than it was 25 years ago. I base my opinion off the people I come in contact with on a daily basis, all from different stations in life.

Posted By: Drumguy25
I think the nation is considerably " dumber" than it was 25 years ago. I base my opinion off the people I come in contact with on a daily basis, all from different stations in life.
That's different than your IQ statement and I agree with you. 10-second soundbites (probably going back the 60s or 70s growth of TV Evening News); the decrease in reading; headline news versus in-depth news; ... I could toss in many other aspects of society (smart, challenging jobs versus mind-numbing dead-end jobs; lack of opportunities except for the elites or the lucky; anything involving responsibility and control for decision making versus being powerless and having no control; etc.) that lead to mind rot.

What I hope TER does is create a firm, written policy about what constitutes an advertisement, deletes any post violating that, and lets everything that doesn't fall under those guidelines go. The reason this thing is likely to be found unconstitutional is it is vague and overbroad. But the flip side of that is it's going to be very hard for them to establish what does and doesn't violate their own law. As an attorney, I'd feel pretty confident saying, look, we don't allow anyone to list rates or post explicit pictures or advertise any services. You can't seriously expect us to monitor people talking about their travels to different cities and asking about if there are any good concerts between certain dates, can you?

Well if you link ads to provider profiles and reviews, I don't think any judge is going to believe that.

You can add "no links to websites that list prices" or whatever else you'd like to a set of rules. The point is if you tailor a set of rules that says "we're prohibiting ads" it's one hell of an uphill climb trying to argue that a website should play thought police and figure out the intentions case by case of people on a message board talking about their travels.

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