Suggestion and Policy

Re: delisting
lvchi4u 14 Reviews 237 reads

I can think of a couple of well known incidents that took place in Las Vegas in the past couple of years that made the news where it was certainly in the best interest of everybody on TER that their profiles were completely removed...  

Posted By: dsurfer
I understand the issues that you guys raise regarding privacy, and safety. But it still doesn't make sense. Of course there are rules such that you can't put certain info like exact addresses or real names, etc into a review or posting, otherwise they will be removed.  
 But how is a girl's privacy affected by postings or reviews? I'm talking about providers who are advertising on several websites, that also frequently have their own websites and therefore they are advertising and providing their service in a public atmosphere. How is it a violation of privacy to discuss their service on TER? Do shops and businesses get to remove themselves from Yelp?  Do restaurants get to remove themselves from Zagats? I really don't see a security risk for the provider, just the possibility of negative reviews. Maybe I'm missing something, but it seems to me that the whole concept of a review board falls apart if the party being reviewed can opt-out.  
 And with regards to providers leaving the business and wanting to put it behind them, that has to do with removing their adds and their websites which contain identifying pictures. The TER reviews and postings are all under their "work names" anyways, not their real names, and there are no pictures on TER, so it should not affect their future activities.  
 Don't get me wrong. I have a lot empathy for the providers. Just trying to make sense out of this policy.

Does a provider have the option to remove her reviews and remove any message posted about her? It appears so, but this makes no sense. The whole point of boards like this is to share experiences about the providers. If a provider can remove herself from TER then any provider with poor service can continue to con hobbyists without criticism. I recently posted a message asking for info about a provider that I couldn't find anything on, and the thread was removed, citing that the policy is that one cannot post a message about a delisted provider.

...for her own reasons. It's also possible she broke one of TER's rules and they initiated the delisting. There  
are legitimate reasons a provider would request delisting. In the situation you describe probably not.

and I think TER's policy is probably as good as it can get.

People have a right to privacy, for whatever reasons they have.  The trade off is that if you want that privacy, then you have to opt out completely, not just those parts you don't care to share.

It would be a service to clients if TER left everything up, but then that could put providers at risk, and it's just not worth it in that case.

in other words if she needs to bail form this profession she should have the right to have all traces removed. Even if she is still working and did not want reviews but found some here and got de-listed. And yes some use it as a way to hide and resurface.  

Just remember not ALL de-listings are for nefarious purposes.

I understand the issues that you guys raise regarding privacy, and safety. But it still doesn't make sense. Of course there are rules such that you can't put certain info like exact addresses or real names, etc into a review or posting, otherwise they will be removed.  

But how is a girl's privacy affected by postings or reviews? I'm talking about providers who are advertising on several websites, that also frequently have their own websites and therefore they are advertising and providing their service in a public atmosphere. How is it a violation of privacy to discuss their service on TER? Do shops and businesses get to remove themselves from Yelp?  Do restaurants get to remove themselves from Zagats? I really don't see a security risk for the provider, just the possibility of negative reviews. Maybe I'm missing something, but it seems to me that the whole concept of a review board falls apart if the party being reviewed can opt-out.  

And with regards to providers leaving the business and wanting to put it behind them, that has to do with removing their adds and their websites which contain identifying pictures. The TER reviews and postings are all under their "work names" anyways, not their real names, and there are no pictures on TER, so it should not affect their future activities.  

Don't get me wrong. I have a lot empathy for the providers. Just trying to make sense out of this policy.

...privacy. It's that TER doesn't want her taking advantage of TER's benefits when she doesn't follow their guidelines. Discussing her here is/could be advertising for her. TER delisting her and not allowing discussion prevents that.

I don't think she can just "opt out" if she is still in business. But she could break a rule on purpose to de facto opt out.  

If she retires TER is a web presence for her. Pictures or not it is one more web connection to her old life. I see no problem getting rid of it.  

Frankly, to get the definitive answer contact TER admin.

GaGambler288 reads

once she does so, she is persona non grata here from that day on. IOW she can't get the benefits of advertising on TER, posting on the discussions boards, etc, but then claim she has a "no review" policy.

I don't always agree with TER rules, but this is one rules I agree with completely, but with one caveat. It would be nice if we could post warnings about providers that are delisted "for cause" in order to warn other guys to avoid her. Under the current system a provider delisted for self reviewing looks just as benign as a provider who has simply gone UTR. Either way all you get is "provider info not found".

I can think of a couple of well known incidents that took place in Las Vegas in the past couple of years that made the news where it was certainly in the best interest of everybody on TER that their profiles were completely removed...  


Posted By: dsurfer
I understand the issues that you guys raise regarding privacy, and safety. But it still doesn't make sense. Of course there are rules such that you can't put certain info like exact addresses or real names, etc into a review or posting, otherwise they will be removed.  
 But how is a girl's privacy affected by postings or reviews? I'm talking about providers who are advertising on several websites, that also frequently have their own websites and therefore they are advertising and providing their service in a public atmosphere. How is it a violation of privacy to discuss their service on TER? Do shops and businesses get to remove themselves from Yelp?  Do restaurants get to remove themselves from Zagats? I really don't see a security risk for the provider, just the possibility of negative reviews. Maybe I'm missing something, but it seems to me that the whole concept of a review board falls apart if the party being reviewed can opt-out.  
 And with regards to providers leaving the business and wanting to put it behind them, that has to do with removing their adds and their websites which contain identifying pictures. The TER reviews and postings are all under their "work names" anyways, not their real names, and there are no pictures on TER, so it should not affect their future activities.  
 Don't get me wrong. I have a lot empathy for the providers. Just trying to make sense out of this policy.

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