Suggestion and Policy

New boards for other cities?
book_guy 14 Reviews 3440 reads

What do other folks think about the idea of TER creating new web-boards for cities other than the ones already available? Given that it doesn't really matter whether a board is really busy or not (it can just sit there, no harm done), I personally would suggest that a board for Florida be established (plenty of Miami, Orlando, and Tampa people in the reviews section of TER; plenty of disgruntled post-TBD members; etc.). But I'm not going to submit this as a suggestion until I see some discussion on the topic, since I'm not sure my sentiments are the same as the general folks' ideas.

Anybody else want to see other regions represented in the city boards section? Toronto, Canada? Dubuque, Iowa? Ouagadougou, Burkina Fasso?

Staff2033 reads

Funny you mention that, we just created a Florida board :-)

-- Staff

Neato, thanks! I'll go use some of it right now!


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