Suggestion and Policy

It’s Been Removed From The Site Map
cks175 43 Reviews 241 reads

Not good news for TER Members waiting for it’s return…

I don't click over there very often.  Noticed a few days ago it is now private.

CurlyW-NatsFan249 reads

between now and the last time when it was not private.  

I guess now it would be violation of TER policy to spill the crap that happens there on this board.. Just like the RO board or the PO board. .

I always wonder what happens on PO board.. Do women talk about make-up, guys' dick size, and their periods?  I would love to be fly on the wall on that board for sure.. LOL

-- Modified on 9/24/2022 7:35:53 PM

I'll spill the beans on what it was like before it went private ... an insult fest.

It happened yesterday and when I asked them about it I was told the atmosphere of the board had become so negative they didn't wish to continue it. There was an implication it might come back but that's far from certain.
I've suggested to them they change the message you get when you try to go there to more accurately reflect its true status. Because it does now imply that some can get on, which isn't true. It's shut to everyone.
Personally, the atmosphere on that board has been strongly negative ever since I went there years ago. But still, it has so little to do with TER's mission I don't see why they'd waste any resources on it.

I liked the P&R board although I thought that some posters could be less personal and more P&Rical in their posts. Maybe there could be some new policies to try out, such as a three or four strike rule.
1. First violation = 1 week suspension from posting to P&R (but Reading privs continue).
2. Second violation = 2 week suspension from posting ...
3. Third violation = 1 month suspension ...
4. Fourth violation =  1 year suspension ...
In all cases, allow continued access to READ the P&R posts to create a desire to regain posting privs ("I gotta get back on so I can rebut those posts ... but without the ad hominem.")

Posted By: inicky46
Re: I didn't really "go private." It's been shut down.
It happened yesterday and when I asked them about it I was told the atmosphere of the board had become so negative they didn't wish to continue it. There was an implication it might come back but that's far from certain.  
 I've suggested to them they change the message you get when you try to go there to more accurately reflect its true status. Because it does now imply that some can get on, which isn't true. It's shut to everyone.  
 Personally, the atmosphere on that board has been strongly negative ever since I went there years ago. But still, it has so little to do with TER's mission I don't see why they'd waste any resources on it.

that will put up a response in disagreement to a post and then end it with, "And you're an idiot, moron, liar, dunce, etc."  That makes it personal because the attack is on the PERSON and not the post where it should be.  If someone said my interpretation of something was ridiculous, I don't consider that an attack on my intelligence or character, just a difference of opinion, which they are entitled to.  It just seems that those who know they were bested on the substance of the argument need to fall back on personal attacks.  It's a sign of weakness and insecurity and there should be a rule against it if they reopen that board.

Steve_Trevor249 reads

it is a sign of weakness and insecurity, and there should be a rule against it.  

Here’s a good example of this kind of behavior. I have other examples if anyone is interested.

We previously could kick politics discussions back to the p&r forum.  Now they'll break out on other forums and we won't be able to tell people to take it to the politics forum.

True and that is a potential problem however, it also opens up the possibility that TER will simply delete/prevent such posts and keep the entire topic area out of the discussions. If they start enforcing that it might lead to improved interactions across the boards - but we'd need to see a bit more actual moderation of the discussion boards to be sure that would happen.

Is an example of an ideal topic for the P&R Forum. As t stands it will possibly be removed entirely or pushed to the Legal Forum.

I posted the original on General and didn't see the topic was already here on S&P.  Admin must have moved mine here.  So sorry for the duplicate.

Personally, I felt the toxicity dropped considerably when one extremely prolific poster was banned. Apparently that wasn’t enough. Hopefully they’ll bring the board back after the midterms.

I guess we were too optimistic hoping they would bring it back before the midterms. Maybe they are waiting until all the polls close! 😂

Not good news for TER Members waiting for it’s return…

Personally, I'm still hoping they bring it back.

Posted By: cks175
Re: It’s Been Removed From The Site Map
Not good news for TER Members waiting for it’s return…

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