Suggestion and Policy

Agreed, and all edits should go up immediately.........sad_smile
a..Rod 6035 reads

It was always that way until fairly recently. Having to wait is an inconvenience that just makes members angry. Not being able to edit alias posts just doesn't make any sense, and is another annoyance.

a..Rod6036 reads

It was always that way until fairly recently. Having to wait is an inconvenience that just makes members angry. Not being able to edit alias posts just doesn't make any sense, and is another annoyance.

when a person does an edit on a post the way it routes through the system - the system does not know whether the edit is from a moderated or unmoderated poster.  So, if that's true, the unmoderated could end run the system by getting a allowed post up and then editing it to slide past moderation.  :)

I brought this up to Staff several months ago.  It has nothing to do with posting under an alias.

You can edit your post.  All edited posts just go into the review cycle whether or not you are moderated.  Staff gave me the same reason you did - some moderated members were abusing the system by submitting a mild post and then editing it with unallowed material (rude comments, forbidden topics, etc.) after it was approved and posted.  So I don't know why unmoderated users should be penalized by something that moderated users are doing.

I told Staff that this will just make unmoderated users create new posts instead of correcting the original post causing more clutter on the boards.  Sounds like a process problem to me.  They should check where the post is coming from whether it is an original or edited post.  Staff told me that some changes were going to be implemented "soon" to fix this.  This was back in April and nothing has changed so I wouldn't hold my breath.

I'm not staff and don't pretend to be but I do understand system and process changes and it just doesn't happen quickly.  I imagine there's a whole lot being done that carries a higher priority and the mods are much much better at getting those posts approved then they were, say 4 mos ago.  I take that as a really good band aid in the meantime.

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