Sports Talk

I suddenly have a vomit taste in my mouth (EOM)
Jayceeofdallas See my TER Reviews 7845 reads
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during this whole tournament, I've been an "anyone BUT Duke" fan.

-- Modified on 4/4/2010 9:47:40 PM

1rob 42 Reviews 4757 reads
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Hi, Jaycee,
Duke is the Muhammed Ali of college basketball-either loved or hated-but watched at 'Showtime.'
As I note you are from Texas and unused to big time quality men's college basketball, I hope you will tune in to see what it looks like-heh heh  Have a great week, Bud   1rob....Go Blue Devils!!!.....OUT   8-)

johnhuntback 5216 reads
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he suffered against Michigan State. If he can't go, Butler will lose it's best post player. Stay tuned.

OSP 26 Reviews 6761 reads
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It's a road day ya'll.

Don't even plan to stay around for a 30 point 'junior varsity intramural' thrashing.


ACC BABY!!! EVERYONE else is just the 'supporting cast'.

keystonekid 114 Reviews 5719 reads
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ACC knowledge against her.  Besides, without someone rooting for the other team, there is no rivalry.

Jayceeofdallas See my TER Reviews 5054 reads
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and as Keystone will attest, I'm quite acclimated for taking heat for my views, that doesn't mean I back down.  All in good fun and jest though.

I certainly know, that Duke is the likely winner of this game, but that wont stop me from cheering for Butler.

But if Butler wins, oh my, you guys should have to do some kind of Butler dance for me, or something else.


keystonekid 114 Reviews 8637 reads
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when we finally meet.  Now, if Duke wins, what will you do for me?  Um .......... [imagination running wild]

Jayceeofdallas See my TER Reviews 3597 reads
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so a tit for tat wager, isnt a fair wager.  Keystone, I've been to the horse races once or twice before, that's not how they do it.  I mean do you want a cookie or something?

Sexy Carolina See my TER Reviews 4804 reads
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First we were hated because we were Yanks...then because we were private..haves v have nots. Then we were hated because we were mostly white. North v South. Then we were hated because Coach K spells his name different then he pronounces it. Then we were hated because Coach k wouldn't put up with the refs not calling the games fair. Then they hated us because Coach k talked to the he's the only coach ever to bend an ear of an official.

Watch the HBO special in the link provided and see where your hate rates

THESPORTCAPITAL 143 Reviews 5348 reads
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i would love to see butler win but trust me it will never happened. duke destroyed west virginia, and butler beat michigan state an overrated team. the real final was duke vs kentucky.

Jayceeofdallas See my TER Reviews 5777 reads
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I never said I hated Duke, if indeed you were referring to me.  Hate is a very strong word, and not a word I would reserve, for a team, that I simply have a preference for losing this game.  

I dislike Duke, but not for any of the reasons that you mentioned.

Again, I realize that Butler is the underdog, and that more than likely, Duke will walk away with bragging rights.  Its just I wont be one of the ones applauding them.


johnhuntback 4037 reads
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People who rant and rail against Duke are doing it out of jealousy that their favorite team doesn't have the same success.

1rob 42 Reviews 5095 reads
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before tonight's title game---As I've noted before, mostly we're hated because WE'RE BEAUTIFUL-HEH HEH-Ah, The Curse of Excellence
and Living on Top of the Mountain-sigh-Guess we'll just have to live with the Great Terrapin...'ACC Rules...all else drools'.....and expecting Devil Title #4 tonight...OUT 8-)

Sexy Carolina See my TER Reviews 5205 reads
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Why is it that you loathe Duke? You make the statement but you never exactly tell us WHY in any of your posts?

SaraPrescott See my TER Reviews 3847 reads
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I just don't think it can happen.  I hate Duke too but I think that this is the end of the line for Butler.  Anything could happen I suppose but it is highly unlikely as Duke is too much of a formidable opponent.


Little Phil 5198 reads
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Woo-hoo, I'm SOOO there.

Ol_Desperado 59 Reviews 3980 reads
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OSP 26 Reviews 4550 reads
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You take heat for just opening your mouth.;-)

And while we're on the subject of opening mouth.......oh never mind. :-D

I got your Butler Dance right here!!!!!Grabs crotch.

dblhappy 43 Reviews 4197 reads
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You can count me in as one of the many that like to root against Duke basketball.

The funny thing is, I used to root for them ... from afar.  I always tend to side with the higher academic programs when they are matched up against the Athletic Factories masqerading as universities.  That's why I had Cornell making it to the 16.  Hey, I attended a rigorous academic school with Div III sports.  I don't get to watch them on ESPN very often- LOL!

Therefore, I USED to root for Duke ... that is until I moved to the south and actually met Duke alumni and had to deal with their unbelievably irritating arrogance when it comes to their beloved basketball team.

Coach K seems like a great coach and a decent guy.  Most of their players present themselves well and rarely seem to get into trouble.  It's the ALUMNI that I seem to have a problem with!


Go Butler!!  ;)

takingmytime 72 Reviews 5013 reads
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Holding Duke under 65 points, if they can I think they can win!

OSP 26 Reviews 7915 reads
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Are you an Ivy Leaguer????

Butler is just the ncaa SUPPORTING CAST!!!!!!

Little Phil 6693 reads
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takingmytime 72 Reviews 4944 reads
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and I think is playing a sharper game, if they hold Duke below 65 they have a shot, if they hold Duke below 60 they are actually odds on favorites to win.

Duke wins running the floor and Butler favors the low scoring bang it out style, I think they can play it better than Duke can.  All about tempo and style of play, if it is a shooting match Dukes runs away, if it is a body on body game I think Butler handles Duke.

At face value, I think Butler is more focused and a better back side help team.  They play the fundamentals better to this point.

Ivy leaguer?  That makes you book smart nothing more.  Ask the kid that was a Harvard grad and got fired from a Prominant Law practice for not understand HOW to practice law!

It is all about the intangibles.

Ghost.of.Glen.Livet 5470 reads
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very well thought out.....hoping for a re-creation of 1985 (Villanova / Georgetown) this evening......

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 4461 reads
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