Sports Talk

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OSP 26 Reviews 6389 reads

I have two members in my family who have 'brandings' on their forearms so that WE can gather in this very fashion to yell obscenities at opposing teams.

All joking aside; thanks to everyone SERVING or has SERVED.

penny716991 reads

ESPN GameDay is doing a tribute to the military. Bravo Zulu, ESPN; great job!!  Whatever we do today, take time out to thank a veteran for the freedoms we so often take for granted. God Bless our sailors, soldiers, airmen and marines!!

As proud 03 Hump-a-lot, Alum of Uncle Sams Misguided Children (USMC) I thank you, and applaud those whom recognize and pay thanks to those in Uniform.  

Recent events, and upcoming recognition(s) November 10 USMC Birthday, 234 years strong, and November 11, Veterans day, remind us of the toll we place upon those whom stand proudly, and put their lives in harms way for our great Nation.  

Go Navy (fuckin' squids)beat Notre Dame

Thank/Bang a vet.  

Semper Fideles

I have two members in my family who have 'brandings' on their forearms so that WE can gather in this very fashion to yell obscenities at opposing teams.

All joking aside; thanks to everyone SERVING or has SERVED.

any of our brave young men & women in the mall, or in the restaurant, or especially in the airport, please take the time to stop and say thank you.

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