Sports Talk

I hope no one is offendedregular_smile
OSP 26 Reviews 8025 reads

I am tired of sitting with you folks at home watching sports on TV. I will be sitting somewhere else on Nov. 8th and DEC. 20 watching football. Specifically the EAGLES. I'll wave to ya'll.

penny715110 reads

Why would we be offended? Make sure you hold up a sign that says, "Howdy, TER couch potatoes," so we'll know which one is you.

CYNIC5960 reads

up in Ann Arbor, and will be going again for the Ohio State game.  Take my word for it, when the weather is sunny and good, there is nothing better in the sports world than being in the Big House for a game!  Win or lose (although winning is better), I love it!

The other one is with the NINERS. I just took the BAD with the GOOD. I usually go to many Terps Basketball games. The biggest thrill is the ACC Tourn.

CYNIC6836 reads

I ever saw was when my high school won the county championship in a double overtime, and that was a VERY long time ago.  Jordan, Bird and Magic made things exciting, but they're gone, and I just can't get interested in the players and teams of today.  Ho-Hum.  Yawn!

see my Alma Mater play. I even travel to Tempe and Seattle. The Rose Bowl is a dream of mine.

In summer, I go to a couple of minor league games. THe Giants and A's are too big league for me. Besides at smaller parks, the food is better and they give away neat bobbleheads. It's also a better chance for my nephew to catch a ball.

For winter, I bought a ten-pack for Warrior games.

Tell me how do you like Richard Rodriquez? Man, I Love to go to Ann Arbor or South Bend.

CYNIC4487 reads

The jury is still out on RR.  Most people are supporting him and are willing to give him more time, but there's a smaller, but very vocal contingent, that wants him out.  Having said that, everyone is disappointed with this team, mainly with the defense, or lack thereof.  However, one thing that just about everyone agrees with is that this offense is much more exciting to watch.  These two freshman QBs make plenty of mistakes, but they certainly are talented.  The good news is that Michigan has a QB coming in that supposedly is better than the two freshman there now.  Stay tuned.

(with 11 teams I might add) is weak as usual.  Iowa will get beat in their BCS game as will Ohio State in the Outback Bowl while Penn State might have a chance against the SEC's #3 team in the Citrus Bowl.

Michigan will probably be staying home again over the holidays.

CYNIC7550 reads

be tough (although not impossible) for them to beat Ohio State.  I don't know if they'll be in a bowl this year - looks like it'll depend on the outcome of the Purdue game this week.  But I've been going to Michigan games since 1960, so I've seen PLENTY of W's.  Remember, they still have the best W-L record in college football.

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