Sports Talk

Definitely hard to root for the Pack ...
WineYouWendy See my TER Reviews 8760 reads
1 / 5

Looks like Chicago will be cheering the Packers on tomorrow!  Ummmmmmm.... I'm thinking THAT is a tough thought to swallow!!!!!

But what options do you have?  Vikings win, then you're in 2nd place tied with the Pack.  Packers win, then you're in a three way tie for 1st.  I know it's early in the season and all...but every game counts in the end!

Happy Game Watching!


rktect7 5 Reviews 6528 reads
2 / 5

... however, should the Vikes win and remain undefeated, the Bears would be all alone in second place at 3-1, as the Packers would be 2-2.

Enjoy the game ...

WineYouWendy See my TER Reviews 7003 reads
3 / 5

Better go back to doing what I do best....  



rktect7 5 Reviews 8066 reads
4 / 5

... needless to say, my imagination has run quite wild perusing your site in the past.  Still trying to find the ways and means to schedule a date, for sure.  And, alas,that is entirely my own problem.

Foodyguy 29 Reviews 8075 reads
5 / 5

of what you do best!!!

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