Sports Talk

7 years / $120 million, thank you Scott Boras
hiddenhills 143 Reviews 5883 reads
posted is reporting the terms of Matt Holliday's new contract So what do you think he should get Scott Boras for Christmas. At least he's a got an entire year to go shopping. BTW is this guy worth it? And what does that make Albert Poulos worth?

Read my lips...

NO ONE IS WORTH $120,000,000/7 years FOR PLAYING BASEBALL!!!  

But, as long as the market bears it, there ya go, and as long as they can, they will.

Until people stop ponying up the money to attend games, no change will happen.

Scott Boras is an evil troll, but you can't blame him.  He is just better than most at manipulating a flawed system.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not siding with the owners, either...but sports entertainment in this country is out of hand.  When there are people out there putting their lives on the line daily, or serving their country, or doing something that actually contributes to the general welfare, and we pay athletes hundreds of millions of me, that is the dark side of capitalism: it rewards human stupidity.

Obviously, if you paid people for what they actually contributed to the wellfare of society, athletes would be paid far less than as you allude to, police officers, school teachers, military personnel, etc.. (although in fairness to athletes when teams win championships, they can often lift, at least in the short term, the spirits of entire communities)

That said, however, athletes are paid what they are because millions and millions of people care about sports, watch sports, read about sports, pay to go to sporting events, etc. If no one bothered, athletes wouldnt be paid. That simple.  

So while an athlete is not worth 120 million (or for that matter 1 million) in the overall importance of societal contributions, the fact of the matter is that sports as a whole is a multi billion dollar industry that millions of people care about and contribute to.

CYNIC5171 reads

there are a number of players that would be "worth it," starting of course, with Babe Ruth.  I just don't think Holliday is worth it.  It was a relative comparison, not an absolute one.  For what it's worth, I don't complain about provider rates, as I can accept or reject as I see fit.  I might also add that I've attended ONE baseball game in the last 15 years.  It simply isn't worth it to me given the prices they're asking in NY.  So let me try this again - I don't think Holliday is worth it relative to what other players are getting in today's market. Doesn't matter what I think, however, because if someone is willing to pay him that, he's obviously worth it to somebody.

CoachFollowme4277 reads

Worry about Scottie he gets, I believe, 10%, so i would say Christmas 2010 came early for him.

Thank you
2010 = 28

How many teams do you believe Scott Boras said were bidding on Matt?

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