San Diego

Recommend Reliable Escort In San Diego
TankEQ 9535 reads

Hey guys, help me out here. I am seeking a woman with an athletic build in the San Diego area. Have never done anything like this, but I believe I need the atention much more these days. Any recommendations on a reliable escort that gives a good GFE?

hmm....  try reading this site a little or frequent he areas around donut shops.  you chose.  sorry about the slam, there have been attempts by LE to use this as a way to waste our tax dollars.  read into this site a little for some good, adult fantasy reading.

that you stop being lazy and do some research on your own instead of asking us to do it for you. The reviews you see on this site, those ARE recommendations. You newbies don't realize how easy you have it with something like TER at your disposal and yet you still want someone else to do the work. Do you still call your mom when you need to blow your nose? Some of us have been doing this since BEFORE there was an internet. We went from the daily rag to bi weekly publications, yellow pages and then finally able to share information via internet bulletin boards which evolved to usenet and finally the end product you see on this site. There wasn't anyone along the way to ask for help. It consisted mostly of trial and error. You've got some balls dude and frankly, I'm sick of seeing people coming on this board asking for a handout.As far as I'm concerned it's just high tech panhandling.
Get VIP status. If you don't know hot to use the site, most of us (myself included) will be happy to help you out. Check out the newbie board. All the information you could want is contained on this site.

TankEQ24626 reads

Sorry about the question. No need to get all defensive. I understand now.

jim588131 reads

- he's seeking a direct answer to questions he has as a so-called "newbie". The reason he's asking is - the non-member reviews are quite generic and he likley wants to make certain that his hard earned money is "well spent".

Won Hung Lo11829 reads

What Money? Can't find anything in his post concerning money. Poor Guy is already being misunderstood! Now we assume he wants to spend his hard earned money. So, we now have him using money and being in a hurry. Why? You know, he may only be looking for an athletic type to workout with. Let us please, not, create any profoundly wild scenarios on the board. It's suppose to be fun.

That's why I recommended that he get VIP status by whatever means. Submitting reviews isn't the only way to become one. Here's a novel idea. Pay for it. TER gladly accepts payment in exchange for VIP status. It's a perfect example of his hard earned money being well spent. Direct enough answer?

jim5810377 reads

Or he could ask for free advice, as he did - remember, the site has both N/C and paid reviews; he was seeking N/C advice and for that reason he's entitled. For those VIP's that are offended by his request for free information, ask TER to go FEE ONLY and see what they say...remember, its a service!

Just sick of panhandlers. Brother can you spare a review for a down and out hobbiest?

-- Modified on 4/8/2003 4:56:28 PM

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