San Diego

It's been a long, long time!confused_smile
incallman2 32 Reviews 5555 reads

Hello all. Some of you know me, most probably don't. I stopped hobbying back about 2017? Hell, I can't remember. It took me forever to remember I had a number in my user name and my password? Took even longer. Being such a smart guy I never wrote them down. Now, with Covid and other things going on in my personal life, I am lonely, frustrated, feeling old and just .... well, I think ya'll know what I mean. I hope not from personal experience.

I recognize a few handles on this forum. Most I am familiar with are missing. Today is the first time I've logged in since, like I said, about 2017. I am no longer a VIP member and probably never will be so I can't read messages or email. All I can read are what is posted here. By the way, despite many fewer posts, I am happy to see the posts are much nicer with no, or very little, rudeness or insults. So much easier and enjoyable to read.

Why am I here? I'm not sure, really. I think I just wanted to connect. Is this sad, or what? Geez! Health issues at my age, I'm not old, is a real drag on the mind. Especially these days when personal contact is so limited. So, for those of you that might remember me, reply to this and maybe we can start a dialog. And, for what this is worth, I can't remember if non VIP members are limited on the forums or not.

One more thing, Angelina, Since I saw you way back when and we exchanged emails, I've never forgotten the difference between Hungary and Hungry. Such a small thing but it stuck with me. Live and learn. The small things do add up.

Everyone stay healthy, take care and don't work too hard. Life is too short. Have fun while you can!!!

Welcome back dear!  
It's indeed been a very long time!
I'm sorry to hear of your maladies...I too, have experienced them.

I truly sympathize with you!    
Not a single person can understand all of the changes which occur  
mentally, physically, emotionally, financially, et al,  unless one has  
experienced it themselves.

Just remember,  every day though sometimes a struggle, is better
than being six-feet-under!

I hope you are enveloped with caring, loving family and friends to  
assist you.  

Enjoy being back to the TER Family.  I know that your intellectual input
will be very welcomed!

Is there anyone else in this TER Board Community whom has experienced  
a serious setback due to illness, Covid, or any other life-altering circumstances  
in which you'd like to share?

0r perhaps, positive outcomes from the Covid?

Angelina  Jones

Thank you, Angelina. In hindsight, I may have made it seem like things are worse than they are. I am generally healthy, I just have an electrical problem in my head. I'm working with it and I can still do the things I want. Hell, I can even drive! I do stay off ladders, though. Better living through chemistry!

I do hope that your electrical issues are not resultant from EMF.   { Prayers for you Luv! }

Interestingly enough, I'm watching at this very moment, a documentary discussion regarding  
how devices detrimentally affect our brain and overall health.  
{ And for those whom watch too much porn on your hand-held device {pun-intended 😁},  
switch to watching it on your large screen TV at a distance... to be safe! }  

However, I digress....
Last night I viewed a documentary on Aluminum.    
Again, truly eye-opening and  a further notion that  we are all subject to environmental and  
chemical factors which are sometimes, beyond our control.

I suggest one to seek information regarding this.   Though the research is minimal, it is indeed  
out there and it affects us all!      


Welcome back. I dont find much here of interest these days. I visit every so often out of curiosity. There are better sites now although nothing like TER in its prime.

You are so right! TER in its prime was informative and entertaining. Not now. So few participants it's pretty boring which is why I am only checking every once in awhile.

I certainly remember you.  We shared some humorous threads.  I also remember when you left.  It was a loss for this board.  

When TER was dark in the US for 20 months, beginning April 2018, you could only access TER though a VPN.  Most of the Regional boards dried up pretty quickly.  The only lively discussions were on the GD and P & R board, but there was a group of a dozen or so regulars who did our best to keep these boards active until TER returned to the US in December 2019.  As I write this, there are 4203 users online.  During the dark days, it was more like 300.  Back when you were here before, it was not uncommon to have 50,000 users logged on during peak times.  

-- Modified on 4/12/2021 6:00:35 AM

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