San Diego

Re:Seems to me that some folks are missing that point...
beefsteak 12575 reads
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JBIRDCA 8 Reviews 11413 reads
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Because one of them strikes the moderator as being somewhat offensive and possibly inappropriate - it's being reviewed by others for a second opinion.

The other is under review to try and verify the information.

Other posts have been approved and posted.

MUFF R US 12225 reads
3 / 20

I have also experienced what must be described as censorhip by TER? This has happened on the Bulleting Board but I have reviews which seem to have taken along time to be approved.  I am not a negative person but I do like to talk about facts as I perceived them. I would never put anyone down. Is this screening/censorship really necessary in an adult forum?

JBIRDCA 8 Reviews 8403 reads
4 / 20

I will only further this thread by saying that there have been messages that served no purpose other than mislead others, misrepresent situations or create friction and inflame others.

Some posts seem to have been written from a defensive posture as a response to other postings and it is often better to allow these posts to remain "on hold" for a period of time to allow calmer opinions to prevail.

A couple posts that were "questionable" have been deleted when the moderator queue was reset and the messages were lost.

I've ssen internet newsgroups, which were unrestricted, become wastelands because a select few engage in bickering and flame warfare. The purpose of moderated forums is to prevent that type of situation from developing.

There have been known TER posters who get frustrated and withdraw, sometimes returning-sometimes never to be heard from again.

If I am unsure about a post, I'll ask other moderators to review the post in question.

beefsteak 10157 reads
5 / 20

Not that I care so much to argue with you, but don't you think you're being a tad bit anal here? The posts offered nothing more than mere opinion in an appropriate fashion. How do you expect to continue this forum if you only allow posts that you agree with, and the ones that you don't, you discard. That seems very biased and quite unfair.It also discourages individuals from posting in the future, as writing these posts turns out to be nothing but a waste of time!

JBIRDCA 8 Reviews 10660 reads
6 / 20

Considering you've only started posting in the San Diego board since the beginning of October (at least under your current guise of "Beefsteak"), I find it amusing that you assume I only allow posts I agree with.

There are a few other posters who might agree with your assessment, however, since I don't believe any of you are capable of reading my mind, I seriously doubt you have any clue what I agree or disagree with.

I have to make judgement calls regarding what posts get approved and what posts don't get approved. I have had some posters accuse me of favoritism towards providers, which is silliness. (In fact, there are some providers here in San Diego whom I despise, yet I would allow them to post - as well as pull postings if they crossed the line.)

If I believe a post will not contribute value to the board, I won't allow it, or I'll pull it. If I feel that anyone is being overly offensive or questionable, I'll moderate them. Being moderated is not a death sentence, it merely means that anything written must be reviewed BEFORE it's posted, not after the fact (YES, I have killed messages from un-moderated posters).

This is not a free speech forum. If you have something worthwhile to say, or you just want to have fun and say hello, I don't mind. If you want to nitpick and be "bitchy", at some point in time I'll stop you. Everyone has an off day or two, and sometimes things slip through that probably shouldn't - but I'll continue to moderate as I see fit with suggestions and guidance from the other moderators.

The message boards are secondary to the purpose of TER - which is REVIEWS. If you feel that oppressed, then I suggest you invst your time and money in creating your own bulletin board system and you can control it as you wish.

raincoat 30 Reviews 10475 reads
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I also have had a number of posts that have not been posted.  When I questioned TER about them- they never even responded.  What's up?  Maybe this board needs a new moderator?

JBIRDCA 8 Reviews 9790 reads
8 / 20

I recommend you send an email message to:

[email protected]

beefsteak 12269 reads
9 / 20

Because one of them strikes the moderator as being somewhat offensive and possibly inappropriate - it's being reviewed by others for a second opinion.

The other is under review to try and verify the information.

Other posts have been approved and posted.

Nobody is suggesting that he has the ability to read your mind, but when you claim that the messages were  of an offensive/inappropriate nature, one is certainly left to inquire to whom, you? This clearly indicates that you possess some sort antipathy towards the point being expressed within the message. All the messages submited contained tasteful expression w/o insult or vulgarity of any sort, yet you still deemed them inappropriate.  Additionally, you claim in your response that, with the exception of the ones that you feel are offensive, all others have been posted. Well, this is clearly not the case, since I do not see any of them posted on the board!

JBIRDCA 8 Reviews 8759 reads
10 / 20

A search of the message database for the last 365 days reveals your posting history began 10/6/02 for a total of 9 messages. This can be verified by performing a search for messages by author "beefsteak" and specifying 365 days ago. Assuming you do not desire to verify this information, I have included the search results at the end of this message. Of the nine messages, the two with asterisks ("*") have not been approved.

One of the messages was your continued expression of your opinion/position regarding provider verification of ID's, etc. You had made your point and then replied to another poster's message. Your followup message was reviewed by other moderators because I felt it to be somewhat offensive/abusive and asked for opinions. The opinions of other moderators were in agreement with mine and the message was not posted. You feel that what you wrote was tastefull and not vulgar, yet you wrote " F**k it, I don't care; live in it, because you created it! In the old days, this sh*t was unheard of" (I left the asterisks in place, this was a cut & paste).

Your other message related to an accusation that a new agency was a reincarnation of several San Diego rip-off providers. Because you posted this as a direct accusation, without offering first hand evidence, this post is being held pending confirmation.

My patience with your petty complaints has reached it's limit. If you feel somehow excessively abused, I suggest you contact: [email protected] and voice your grievances. Your other otpions inlcude, accept it and move on with life, withdraw to "stealth mode" (read but don't contribute), ar continue to voice your complaints. I will advise you that additional messages in the vein of this most recent post will not be approved, they will be deleted and you will remain a moderated user.

Case closed.

All found messages for user "beefsteak":



11 / 20

all this pissing and crying because a few of your posts weren't posted? oh waaaah! What a bunch of crybabies! So what? What is inappropriate is left up to the judgment of the mod, deal with it. He's the one taking unpaid time out of his life to watch these boards to make sure that your real names numbers and addresses don't end up posted here for everyone to see. You aren't! How much time and effort do you whiners put into TER unless it is to your direct personal benefit? None? That's what I thought.
Unless you are willing to take over and take your time to do his job then shut up. Its so easy to cry we need a new mod as long as you dont have to put in the effort right? Let someone else do it for us right? You don't want the work you just want to cry because something didn't go your way?Pathetic. If your post didn't get posted, get over it. Next topic. Move on.It's happened to all of us sometime.
Damn straight adults need censorship! Without it the few flame throwing morons would chase away the rest of us here to exchange information. I haven't seen Jbirca be unfair as a mod or have favoritism to anyone, but it is his job to see that the posts here show good judgment, that is not something everyone has.
We dont need a new mod, a few of you just need to get real and stop crying about the small stuff.This isnt your board. Your only a guest here like we all are. play by TER's rules or go somewhere else.Start your own board where you make the rules.You don't make the rules here, TER does. And TERs rule is that the mod decides what is appropriate and what isnt. Do you get it yet? Good. Now shut up and move on

-- Modified on 10/17/2002 2:29:20 AM

NAUGHTIUSMAXIMUS 7 Reviews 13499 reads
12 / 20

Personally, I don't have a problem with our moderator. I've posted "questionable" items here not expecting them to be posted (I was not disappointed). He is merely doing his job. No, I am not sucking up to the mod either. You want to see a bad moderator? Check out the Las Vegas board on the "other" review site, you'll see what an overbearing, obnoxious jackass is really about.

hewhocame 7 Reviews 9149 reads
13 / 20

He's doing a job I wouldn't want to do and doing it just fine...

DDHunter(o)(o) 9139 reads
14 / 20

I deleted messages also. So I can speak from experience. This Moderator is doing just fine. He isn't doing anything that I didn't do to the best of my knowledge. Moderator is like a Referee / Umpire and sometimes you make calls for fouls that might upset some people.

This isn't a first admendment / free speech issue either. The right doesn't apply to this type of forum.

Something else you should all know. There weren't any free benefits to do this, no free memberships or whatever. I had to still turn in my reviews for approval just like the rest of you do.

Want to get your messages posted???? Then behave yourselves, try to put a little thought in what you're trying to say. Don't be vulgar /rude, don't get personal.

PS:  Be careful in what you say / how you say it.. REMEMBER BIG BROTHER WATCHES TOO ( LE )

bkman 32 Reviews 10591 reads
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that this is NOT a free for all forum.  It's a MODERATED board, meaning posts must adhere to certain guidelines/rules.  The S/N ratio on this board seems pretty good compared to other boards, so I'm not sure I see the problem with the current moderator that some here are complaining about.

If you want to be able to speak your mind out, stand at the corner on a soap box and let it out.  But if you want to do it on this board, you'd better understand that some of what you have to say may not meet the guidelines, and hence, won't make it on the board.  Simple.

Just my $0.02.

GirlCrazy 12180 reads
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, no big deal.  I didn't whine or complain.  I continued to post messages.  Just have to wait several hours until they are posted.  After a week or so, my moderation is lifted by the Mod in Seattle.

If some of your posts are deem inappropriate, try to PM the mod and inquire about the problem, rephrase your wordings and see whether that will now be accepted.

Moderators have respect for member's right in TER boards.  Otherwise, they won't spend their free time serving.

OhMy! 12185 reads
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So tell me then- when I tried to post a message asking about providers who provide Greek lessons- why was this message never posted?  I've seen many similar messages posted elsewhere.  Additionally, when I emailed you two times to find out why it wasn't posted you never responded.  Why is that?

gumby007 11271 reads
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Face the facts people. Our moderator can't make all the people happy all the time. While I have had more than my fair share of disagreements with him, I must admit that he has a difficult task. He has to take time to go over all of the moderated posts that are submitted and determine if they will or will not cause future flames or if they themselves are flame. He often states that" may cause flame...", when responding as to why something that was submitted , did not get posted. .  What any particular post may or may not do is determined as to how others readers take the post.
    I have also emailed our moderator several times with no response. This can be very frustrating at times. While this board is meant for exchanging information about the hobby, some do take it a bit to seriously.  
  I personally go by what the main page says as to the rules about this board. I refrain from profanity, giving out personal information or causing flame. The last one is very difficult. Who knows what will cause flame? I once asked a simple question and got my butt kicked by other members who apparently thought the question was ridiculous and that I must be brain dead. I try to be more careful now.
  Following these rules are simple, but apparently not enough. Now, our moderator will not post a submission if "he" feels that it "may" cause flame. While not perfect, the rules of the board have served us well in the past with other moderators.So, I ask why this one feels to do things differently. Mnay have stated that our moderator appears to be doing a good job. To a certain extent, I agree. However, we don't know what he has decided not to post.
   I noticed a few posts down where a provider has decided to give a black eye to a hobbyist. She stated a few bad things about him. While this info. does not give out any personal info, he will no longer be able to use his screen name as a reference. Did the moderator think to verify this before letting the post go up. If the guy is anything like sandiego2, then I agree that he needs to be outed. But, unlike with sd2, there is only one provider making this claim. Just my 4 cents. Normally it's 2 cents, but I ranted quite a bit on this one. Sorry.

Rob001 8223 reads
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I wouldn't want the Mod's job here for all the $ in the world. I have been lurking for some time here, trying to learn personalities and getting some pointers to some good providers. I don't want to get into an argument about this or that. One must obey the membership's rules, whether they think them fair or not.
JBIRDCA keep it up! I think you do a service to this board. For you argumentative dudes, keep it up too, it makes for petty, light browsing, & sometimes, rather amusing too.

tommyboy19 22 Reviews 8438 reads
20 / 20

I agree 100%. You couldn't pay me enough money to put up with whiners and cry babies. JBirdCA, in my opinion, is doing a fine job. Especially if there are no bennies for doing this job. I'm sorry to hear that he was little rattled with a member saying that he was doing a biased job. I nearly fell out of my seat laughing when he hinted at resigning and let the member in question moderate for a while. I was very amused, thanks for the laughs guys.

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