San Diego

Re:new to references...any suggestons?
supergirl 10339 reads

are you kidding? have you even looked at the appointment forms or read any of the available escorts web ages...Every lady  that I know that is worth seeing has all of that info available to you on their site or will simply tell you what they require,
I think this is a fishing expedition to find providers that don't screen or to get some other information like who is so damn busy that they might forget you and give you a reference without knowing for has been done before. Please for those of you reading this do not give these guys information...stupidity and/or wasting tax dollars should not be rewarded. Ladies keep screening and watch who you take references from. I won't take just a reference for screening unless it is very good, they are a TER member with  many reviews and e-mail me through the system. Screening doesn't have to get in the way...there are several options you can explore if you are creative that will ensure you that they are who they are and not who you wouldn't want them to be.

-- Modified on 2/10/2003 8:21:55 AM

The ONLY provider I have seen was some 12-15 years ago. I understand the need for providers to be given legitimate references for purposes of protection. But what is a newcomer, (no pun intended,) to do?

supergirl10340 reads

are you kidding? have you even looked at the appointment forms or read any of the available escorts web ages...Every lady  that I know that is worth seeing has all of that info available to you on their site or will simply tell you what they require,
I think this is a fishing expedition to find providers that don't screen or to get some other information like who is so damn busy that they might forget you and give you a reference without knowing for has been done before. Please for those of you reading this do not give these guys information...stupidity and/or wasting tax dollars should not be rewarded. Ladies keep screening and watch who you take references from. I won't take just a reference for screening unless it is very good, they are a TER member with  many reviews and e-mail me through the system. Screening doesn't have to get in the way...there are several options you can explore if you are creative that will ensure you that they are who they are and not who you wouldn't want them to be.

-- Modified on 2/10/2003 8:21:55 AM

I thought my question to be a valid one. Of the few top providers' questionairs that I have looked at, they all seemed to ask for references. For my OWN sake I would NOT seek the company of a provider that did not screen potential clients. Such an inaction would raise a red flag either questioning her legitimacy or tell one that her concern for safety and/or privacy for both her AND her clients was not important. The ploys that supergirl(?) mentioned were so far from my mind, when I initially posed my question, that they borderline on the absurd......

Won Hung Lo8950 reads

Step up to the plate. Jump right in. Take a shot. Go for it. No guts no glory. Lead, follow or get out of the way. Soar with the eagles or fly with the shit birds. Make believe your Indiana Jones. If you follow those suggestions you'll answer your own questions and having done so, become an individual whose efforts contribute to the greater good. Not much hope, If you just hang out with what's available and don't use it. Besides, you've already drawn some keen attention to yourself. If you ever needed to get wet, you better do it soon!

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