San Diego

How is Quarantine Life?teeth_smile
QueenBia See my TER Reviews 807 reads

I understand the need to be safe & healthy, but I am tired of living in fear. Thank God for regulars!
lol I have been isolated, and am missing life with no Covid19. I hope & pray 2021 brings everyone happiness, and wealth!

Smile 4 me my TER friends!

is frustrating, tiring, depressing, touchless, passionless, awful.

A couple of ladies whom I have seen in the past have sent me emails about a visit. I am afraid of the virus (I am over 70) and do not plan to see anyone until I get the shot.

I am curious because you shared about your regulars...have you engaged in a virtual session?

If no, then why not? You can still see them & session, just not in person. I am just suggesting it might be fun. I have been talking on the phone with my bestie for hours, and some video chats it is what it is. I think it is better, than nothing.  
Happy 2021!

I have thought about that. Just doesn't appeal to me now as I could not engage in my favorite activity in virtual.

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