San Diego

Other websites
samodun 7 Reviews 2378 reads

Outside of TER what other websites does everyone use to find reliable sources of providers? Rubratings seems okay sometimes but was curious if there are other websites people like to use? Thanks

that you couldn't post the other review web sites.

It doesn't specifically state that you can't talk about them just that you cant link them.

Other active review sites that compete with TER are allowed to be mentioned on TER.  That's been the policy for years.  If they go out of business, then its okay to mention them post-mortem.  The OP must have slipped passed the moderator in charge of this board.  If there has been a change in the rules , then its UTR and has not been formally announced.

John_Laroche132 reads

you seem to like a low entry point. Might as well stick with the source you already referenced as it probably has the highest volume of providers in that realm of massage plus upgrade.  Now if you're really asking on behalf of those providers that you have reviewed, then I'd suggest real pics and consistent service is a better route to success than where they spend their ad dollar.

The time TER was down taught me that it's the gold standard.  You can bottom feed on other sites but you'll eventually come out disappointed at best, scammed at worst.  

I would really like to know if "The List" or "New List" has resurfaced.  That was a good source of intel on the Massage/HE side of things

John_Laroche122 reads

I think THE LIST has been dead and buried and never to return. I can't even remember now why it shut down.  

I browsed when it was free, but too many reviews/forum comments were shill posts filled with fluff. I also got the impression that the site operator pressured providers to show up for meet-and-greets and he'd put them on his "bad list" or whatever he called it if they were late paying their bill, nothing to do with shady service. That Thai girl that you reviewed here was one like that.  

If you're looking for independent massage reports, google is your friend. The site can't be mentioned here. That said, times have changed.

I typed in san diego escorts and the first 10 were stories about police stings

So on the one end YOU clients are looking for the perfect provider and browsing all these different sites. On the other end WE providers are looking for the perfect client and browsing all these different sites.

What is the solution to all this I wonder?

Sometimes I get clients who is looking for this:

1. Buffet menu on a fast food budget.
2. Perfect looks.
3. Some one who never sleeps.
4. Some one who loves non-stop sexting and dirty calls.
5. Has odd items in the closet that does not fit the season.
6. Ability to cancel or randomly change the time for arrival.

My wish list of a perfect client is:

1. Texting brief to the point messages.
2. Likes connection and good time rather than a scripted list of our encounter.
3. On time and makes no changes or cancelations.
4. No low balling.
5. No wish list of what to wear.
6. Cherish friendship more than Karmasutra positions
7. Likes to be clean.

Same people are looking on all the different sites and same people are listing on the different sites. I do not think there is that one perfect site. I think we need to find the perfect median for both sides to enjoy and respect each other.  

I think trying to focus on treating each other like two equal individuals would go very far. The purpose for the encounter to be a way for both sides to be happy not a transaction that has a price. Something with meaning not just to be bought and sold.

So thinking how it is on the other side of things can bring that understanding. So for clients to realize how they would like to be approached if they were the provider. Then the provider to realize what the client is looking for and why would help to understand her client.

So to browse all over the place does not help to find the perfect match. Both providers and clients are doing that on same sites. Choose a few favorite sites would just do the same. If you are looking for the perfect match and not able to find it, then perhaps there is something on the wish list that needs to be worked on? Something in the approach that needs to be changed?

Just a thought from some one who has been around for a while...

Posted By: JessicaSweden
Re: Both sides are constantly looking...

My wish list of a perfect client is:  

5. No wish list of what to wear.  
6. Cherish friendship more than Karmasutra positions.

JessicaSweden, thank you for your very insightful and concise thoughts on this issue. Your intelligence shows through in your writing, and it's a pleasure to read it. I think it's not only extremely important but also extremely beneficial when there is two-way communication between providers and clients.

I have isolated two of your points about which I'd like to ask you for a bit more clarification, if you would not mind.  

5. No wish list of what to wear.
What are the reasons you oppose clothing requests?

6. Cherish friendship more than Karmasutra positions.
Does this mean you consider the development of friendships or of a friendship between providers and clients to be more the point of the transactional arrangement and the one-on-one encounter than the sexual activity that takes place during it?


Thank you in advance if you care to respond. Bear in mind that I am not seeking any preconceived notion on my part of what I consider to be a "right answer" or a "wrong answer". Instead, I am merely asking for your line of thinking so as to better understand on my end. It's also possible that any other people hear may get something out of it that helps both sides see the other's viewpoints better.



Lol,  I love this Jessica, and you're so spot-on with "The Lists",  
for the perfect mutual search!


Jessica and I do Doubles together, and on the rare occasion we  have the  
chance to commiserate afterwards, we may  briefly  discuss the  very list  
she has posted for "The Perfect Client".


We adore and appreciate our Clients of all varied Races, characteristics,  
shapes, sizes, and personalities.


We're blessed to have such nice Clients overall, however, the "Holy Grail"  
comes around maybe six times annually.

Recently, Jessica enlisted me for a rendezvous, and I might mention,
rarely does she inform me of details about the impending Client.


I never know what to expect, however I'm always gratefully and pleasantly


Well in walks this strapping young tall blonde stud, whom I might add
is in the Military in a status capacity....... "The Holy Grail",  aka  "The Perfect Client"!


He's  handsome, timely, clean, smells amazing, (maintains a hairless nether region),  
polite, respectful, sweet, sensitive, caring, a wonderful lover, and has a great sense  
of humor!    


Two hours of this man and I think we're all "in love"!  ;)


As the end of a blissful tryst approaches, Jessica and I don't have to do  
"the polite nudge";    as  he's  instinctively aware of his departure-time nearing and he  
gets up to shower, dresses, and bids us a kissing adieu....Whew!


With this lovely scenario having presented itself, this is a rarity in the P4P and even
in the "Civvie" dating  world.


I may also add, despite what many men may  ponder  as  to  what's  a  most  desirable  
male   specimen,  at least in the "Civvie World";    
In any dating "World",  "looks and physical perfection aren't even everything", however,  
"respect, a pleasant personality  and excellent  hygiene  definitely  is!"


● Adding to Jessica's List:  
Mentioning it again;  A huge plus is cleanliness, fresh minty breath, and if possible;  
a hairless below-the-belt region.


If anyone has been with the lovely JessicaSweden and I for a Duo,  you'll greatly  
appreciate the benefits of being  sans "fur" down  there! ;)


Getting back to  "The List":


●  Most importantly, when booking with us Companions, despite what anyone  
         really thinks of P4P,   it's  a  Business.


In keeping with "The List"......  
0ur question to many prospective Clients is:

"What's so difficult about understanding that  as Providers/Companions/Escorts  
our  Time and Companionship  IS  our Business?"


● Businesses  do not operate  "for free"  and   they have  procedural  protocol;  

        ● Some businesses  operate upon  diligent  appointment  scheduling which simply  
              requires  discreet  information  exchange.  

        ● Appointments must be  attended  in  a  timely  manner,  and  with  zero
               maneuverings,  cancellations,  or  changes,  in  order  for  said  Business to  
               make a profit.

         ● One's  Barber, Hairdresser, Dentist, Doctor, and  Utility  Company   charges  a  
                "Late  Fee",    and/or  a  "Cancellation  Fee".


In  summary;
The only "Business-like" behavior comes in the scheduling of a rendezvous.
After that, it's all sensual, non-business  D-E-L-I-G-H-T !  

"The  List"   is   not  difficult to adhere to, and requires minimal effort for maximum pleasure!

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