San Diego

Is fantasy shots just a jack shack? eom
redwing 20999 reads


Been there many times, when that was all I was looking for.  Got to touch a dancer once ( and I mean just touch, nothing else) - she was terminated shortly after.  It is just a Jack Shack, nothing more.

Right now the girls there are not even that good looking. Risque Lingerie in Kearny Mesa is basically the same deal, but the girls there are much prettier. Check out Charlotte, Ashley, McKenna or Olivia.

Not only that, the girls really dislike the guys that go in there, laugh at them, and take their money.  To top it off, these girls brag that they make a minimum of $1,500 a day!! Now, that is some real cash my friends!

I know, because I am very well acquainted with a girl that works there and at a strip club .... it makes me angry to think these girls are making a ton of money by essentially misleading people.

fillherup17225 reads

fuck em!  What I like to do to bitchs like that is to  walk in with a big smile and then act disappointed when they come out to greet me, leaving them with the impression that Im turned off by their looks!   Give those "man-haters" a real reason to hate men even more...   ;-D

gingergrrrl16896 reads

1,500 /day is a grossly overinflated joke...yes there were a couple of nights when a girl with alot of regulars might have made that and some who do a grand fairly regularly but they don't actually do as well as they say. Yes they do sit around and make fun of the guys as the working atmosphere is tense and boring and alot of homeless guys and crazies come in and you are forced to deal with them. The suggestion to go in there and not get a session is actually funny because numbers are kept for each girl for shows done versus walk outs. If you did it to the same poor girl more than once you can make a serious difference in her income by keeping her from getting shifts. If you don't lead the guy on then you are fired....the boss is an over inflated ass hole that barely advertises and makes the girls act like desperate street hookers to get the ones that do straggle in to get shows...I would agree about risque having much better girls. all the best ones from FS left to work there if they could...if you like that sort of entertainment though Jenna at FS is one wild girl who loves the fetish guys and anyone with bizarre fantasies, and ashley at risque is fabulously gorgeous and really sexy

A better deal for jack-shackin' is Jolar Cinema on University Ave.
Haven't been in there for about 6 months, but, definitely a better deal than Risque and Fantasy.

HottyH18926 reads

I tried to get a job there two years ago and they wouldn't hire me because I didn't have big fake tits. Now, that I look back on it they did me a big favor. I really wouldn't want to work there now. haha!

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