San Diego

If she is a rip-off, please post a review. EOM.
TIREDOFBS 11 Reviews 10522 reads
1 / 8

Talked to Gabriella on the phone (2 for an hour plus tips). She knew what I wanted. Olivia came over(nice looking gave her 2) said 2 was to get her there and another 1 she'd stay for FIFTEEN MINUTES! Let her keep the 2 but out she went.
Took one for the team?

GirlCrazy 8984 reads
2 / 8
tommyboy19 22 Reviews 10585 reads
3 / 8

I find it hard to believe that a TER member would not know that is how the agencies work in San Diego. They are not neccessarly rip-offs just a lot more $$$$ for the same service as an independent. The thing is that the agencies usually have younger, college talent. So sometimes it's worth spend the extra coin, for the model style girl. I don't know of any reasonable agencies in the San Diego area, LA has a couple. Enjolie comes to mind. In the future, you might want to double think of model material coming to your doorstep for $1\2 to $$. You should know that additional tipping is going to be involved.

Average_Joe 2 Reviews 10592 reads
4 / 8

She says she 6' and 135lbs...yeah right! 160-170 maybe.

Thanks for taken one for the team.

GirlCrazy 13365 reads
5 / 8
TIREDOFBS 11 Reviews 11159 reads
6 / 8

1) Girl Crazy- I posted the review. I haven't looked to see if got posted but its the same as I described here.
2) Tommy- I know how they operate. When I moved here 2 years ago it was Gabriella that set me up a couple of times with providers that met agency specs. I knew that the girls had an extra cut coming to 'em. However, this was different. That is why I KNEW from this thing's attitude (100.00/15 minutes) that it was a RIPOFF! The girls I seen from agencies would at least say dance for an extra 100. I could tell this one was purely dishonest especially when she said that Diamonds is a RIPOFF cause they charge more than the rest of the agencies. When a girl bad mouths her agency upon arrival it's not a good sign.
The only reason I took this chance is because this just how I met the best provider I ever met (a long time ago). She's gone now so I'm on a mission. Thanks for the feedback.

GirlCrazy 13715 reads
7 / 8

not Olivia.  Is this simply a mistake?  The profile of Cassandra is nowhere near that of Olivia listed on Diamonds in the night website.  I am confused.

TIREDOFBS 11 Reviews 10788 reads
8 / 8

Hey, TER! My review was for Olivia not Cassandra! What happened. Are they the same person? Olivia was a ripoff!

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