San Diego

Autumn of Seattle is a TOTAL sweetheart...
RebeccaofSeattle 8470 reads

You will love her!!


Camus11029 reads

Just curious, but if you had to choose three providers to see over the next year that you haven't already seen based on reviews and photos who would they be? For me and not in any particular order...
1. Mara always has those consistently high remarks. (she seems like the Barry Bonds of TER always out preforming the competition.)
2. Anna Have you seen her pictures, enough said.
3. One Yummy Blond. Based on her comments on the boards I would say she is well spoken and intellegent. Smart is Sexy.

Watch out Ladies I will be seeing you in the new year.

1. Mara, ditto.
2. Dream, those beautiful lips in red lipstick!!!
3. Natalie.  I just love those long sexy legs.

Those are three very good choices. As I mention to my clients, what greater reference is there than from their own peers? To hear it from another Provider? And I WOULD recommend these three (as well as others), but these three I would send my own (personal life) men to. That says a lot.
And I only know, personally, one of them.
Then you're bound to have a delightful New Year!

Warmest regards,

1.Debbie-San Francisco-I love her photos. Great Athletic Body
2.Holly Body-LA I love her leggs.
3.Kelly-SD Love the photos
Runner ups but easily could be in the top 3.
Candra-Love the photos. Love the reviews. I will be calling you soon.
Cindy-Love the photos. Will schedule a double after seeing Candra. Should be soon
Austin&Briggett NOT...I would love to call these two. Have them show up at the hotel, then walk out on them. they should be run out of town....
-- Modified on 1/1/2003 7:40:35 PM

-- Modified on 1/3/2003 8:43:08 AM

Narrow it down to 3...that's tough.  I need at least a top 10.  Anyway, some good ones are getting left off here but here's my (partial) list.

1)  Mara - very intriguing.  She seems to be very sexual.  You can't go wrong with someone that loves their job.

2)  Candra- She's like a fine wine!

3)  Tania-  the legend of TJ.  I must make the trip this year!

WOW...I'm Flattered...And Blushing!
Thank-You for your kind words.  I truly appreciate compliments like yours!!  Let's definitely get together sometime, alright?

The Sooner The Better!

pervert bob10288 reads

Even though I've seen you once, your're on my top 3 list for this year.

Happy New Year to all.

iLikeNaughtyGirls11058 reads

My top three are;
1) Sexy Bexy
2) Jenni
3) Sexy Bexy and Jenni together, they're mother and daughter, oh my!!!

In no particular order, my "three to see" for this year are:

Anna, if she had smaller boobs :) Its my wish that a petite new provider with the reputation of Anna, Mara, Suzanne et al emerges for me to enjoy again and again :)

Have a fun 2003 everybody.

Not San Diego but close enough for me to want to take a trip.

In no particular order....
Sexy Bexy

Normally only see mature ladies

San Diego


Los Angeles


Palm Springs


What a year!!

Thank you!

Happiest of New Years to you!


Sexy Bexy

Don't forget to throw Austin and Brigette in there!!!!!

Those two should be on a not to see list of Rip Off artists!

MARSHAL9090 reads

1-laura                                                             2-oneyummyblond 3-luura

OberonSD10701 reads

In no real order (and im new to this so...)

Dream - Just b.c of all the nice reviews ;-)
Sindy - b.c Im a small guy myself :-P
One Yummy Blonde - b.c I think her name pretty much says it all!


Anna & Mara
Mistress M
Oh well there are too many...maybe a big jacuzzi party.....

1) LeAnn
2) Alana
3) Bambi

And you, my dear, are on MY list!

Nibbles for now,

sure there are ladies I'd like to see, and I've got them somewhat prioritized, but it changes like every week.  I try to plan ahead where possible, but specials, visitors, and the spontaneous groove oftentimes rule the day.  The Chat Ladies are always in my field of lust, so they're difficult to rule out, and my regulars are, well, regulars for a reason.  Just about everyone listed above sounds like fun, so I'll add three that nobody has mentioned (yet):

mymichelle in phoenix
wownikki in la
autumn666 in seattle

If anything, rather than a ToDo list of ladies, I think it would be great to see a ToDo list of fantasies, etc.  For example, I'm looking forward to being blindfolded! lol.  That and having a really really nice sleepover with someone.  And 3) well, surprise me ladies,

surprise me,


Dream in North County10954 reads

Thank-you all for the sweet consideration...I can not wait to meet you ....xoxoxoDream

my three to do are:




Lucy (platinumconnections)
Tricia Yen


Jackie (asian) the only one to see in LV.

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