Porn Stars

Screensavers, wallpapers, etc.
MBB 7769 reads

I've searched the web for porn star desktop themes, screensavers and wallpaper and I usually end up and 1 of the 1,000,000 websites dedicated to the stars and they're usually just pictures.  Anybody know a good site or 2 that has these PC downloads?  Free is always better, but I'll pay if it's worth it.  Thanks for the help.

my advice to you would be to stay away from anything that is free. these usually come bundled with spy/adware that starts profiling every aspect of your web-surfing habits and reports them back to cyber-marketers

speaking of screensavers, i once installed that "virtual stripper" freeware (i have to confess, it seemed pretty cute at the time!) and lived to regret it -- it was hell trying to uninstall it and god only knows what it was doing other than stripping for me!


fasteddie514923 reads

Many of the pornstars offer free wallpaper and to a lesser extent screensavers0 at their own websites... some you have to join to access, but many others offer them free to all...

juneBUGs6563 reads

let me know who you're looking for and ...i'll make one for you ...for a small fee of course..

-- j
ps..if you have a picture you like..i can make one out of it too.

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