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IN THE NEWS!!!!!!regular_smile
Deena Duo See my TER Reviews 3138 reads

Hi guys,I know it has been a long time since I have posted but I have some great news and felt I was now ready and it was time to share.I had my weight loss surgery on November 15th as I had told some of you as I could not get a handle on my over eating and was putting on way too much weight and needed a great tool to assist me the (lap band) to help me for the future to not gain weight and lose what I had ultimately gained and have to date lost 50 pounds,it feels excellent to have my life back.I am so happy these days that I am feeling better about myself that I am going to change my rates to fit our tough times and bring them down to better market myself and to open the door for a chance to meet me.I had a rate of $500.00 an hour,I am now going to take my rate down to $350.00 an hour,and tips are always appreciated(FOR INCALL I GET A ROOM YOU PAY HALF)and if you can pay for half my travel I do not drive my own car on appointments that would be very nice of you and very much appreciated as it costs me $50.00 each way for my drivers)in hopes that I will be able to meet some of the less fortunate folks that have always wanted to meet me and never had a chance to meet me for my entertainment because they felt my price was too high.I am proud of this positive change and hope to meet some of you real soon.I am looking very good,only have 35 pounds to go to goal and I will also then be working some of the local clubs,could you imagine that?I think it is so cool that I now can now really realistically see this happening.As a super big breasted lady I sure hope this makes some of you think more of me not less of me for doing this,it took many days of thinking this out on what is going to be best for me in a very competitive market and I know that I am worth being seen and being appreciated.Please email me when you are sure to be coming to Vegas and we can plan our special meeting,I have also quit smoking for all of you non smokers,just about two years now and I am sure you are really happy for me too but of course smokers are always welcome.Affectionatly Deena Duo XXX

-- Modified on 6/13/2006 6:26:07 PM

OOPS that was affectionately!!!! hehe!!

I Travel all the time yes for sure.  D.D

That's quite an achievement, and I'm sure it wasn't an easy decision to go through all of that.

Hopefully you'll come visit us here on TER more often!

Best always,

TER Porn Star Board

Thanks so much your right it took guts to do what I did but my god it was so worth you guys Deena XXX

Weight is a tough battle and you are winning!!!

Thanks honey so much,you know I wish it was as easy for me as shutting my mouth but it purely was not that easy,I do have an eating disorder,have had it for years.I was fighting a losing battle for sure and it goes way deeper then just putting down the fork,but sweetie I do have a respect for overweight people now that I myself had the problem of obesity,I used to get disgusted myself seeing a fat person and felt gees can't they just stop eating,it is clerly not that simple for some.I now can put the years of yo yo dieting and crying because I was so sad that I felt aweful about myself behind me and very much have the hope that I need and the tool to win the battle.I promise you this was not easy at all but I am now enjoying the adventure of feeling human again and enjoying with a passion watching the scales numbers going down and not having to worry about future health issues that all of you know go with obesity.I am a winner,I found an excellent Dr to help me and he truly cares about me,oh he's not american by the way,he is mexican and he taught all of the american Drs how to do the procedure,it is truly amazing that this procedure works and all I have to do is chew my food real well and had to give up soda and oysters,well and maybe some fibrous things,and a few other things a small price to pay.It is a new way of life for me now a redoing if you will of eating habits,you have to eat slow and not eat before you go to bed,just a few things that you have to change in order to use the tool to the best way it is to work.The lapband has been around for a while in europe but now it is beating the gastric bypass as most of those patients gain back the weight and have a much much higher chance of early death due to the cutting of organs.My tool is adjustable,can be tightened to make me eat less and can be loosened to allow me to eat more and I love my band,but I am at a good level now so the weight is just falling off and with a little working out you bet your sweet bippy I am going to look great,I look so much better now and people are noticing the positive change !!! thank you so much sweetie for thinking of me.Love Deena XXX

fasteddie512619 reads

Hey Deena, that's great to hear.  Gastric bypass surgery is not picnic, and it's a tough decision... I've considered it myself in the past, but never had the balls to do it.

I'm confident you'll reach your goal in no time!

Any plans to get back into doing videos???

I dont know honey,good question but with me lowering my fee and being very very very busy now and with plans to go back to dancing I really do not know if I will have time let alone if these days they are paying the girls good money to do them and well I have to say I like to pick the ones I want to be with too,hehe!! Kisses Deena XXX P.S I had Lap Band Surgery not gastric,really dangerous that procedure mine is a slower weight loss but it catches up and I will not gain my weight back many of those patients do,so I am very happy with this procedure I love my band...Down 50 35 to go!!!

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