Porn Stars

Re:Nice alias
eltigre71 1 Reviews 8536 reads
1 / 17

Whats up everyone. I have not posted in what seems to be a lifetime but I just wanted to let everyone know that the very awesome Jennifer Steele will be in my hometown of Washington DC starting on Monday and Tuesday. If anyone has seen her knows she is one not to be missed. I talked with her today and she is so excited to be coming here and hopefully we can show her a great time while she is in DC. Contact Bodymiracle for info.

Lord Of The Rings 8561 reads
2 / 17

[email protected]

I met her in Chicago and she was incredible.


-- Modified on 5/31/2003 1:10:49 PM

MichaelCA 12 Reviews 11427 reads
3 / 17

Please do not post the ladies phone numbers on a public board unless that number appears somewhere on a public site. This is just a coutresy to the ladies. I have adjusted your post to have others email you for the number.



Lord Of The Rings 10188 reads
4 / 17

The lady in question authorized me to post her number (removed).

All you need to do is to call or e-mail her to confirm. Stop depriving the hobbyists from seeking alternate ways of booking the ladies besides agencies.

Not everyone has your commodities, connections and relations.


-- Modified on 6/1/2003 7:40:46 PM

MichaelCA 12 Reviews 8811 reads
5 / 17

That is hilarious!

I don't intend to try to stop anyone from contacting anyone. It is merely a matter of normal board manners to not post personal phone numbers unless you have explicit permission. I will gladly take your word that you have said permission.

You should really try reading my reviews before assigning me unusual and powerful connections. I believe I have three reviews of pornstars posted, all of that I have seen :) My information is gathered much as your own, form being on TER and various other groups.

If you want to talk to people with connections and inside inofrmation talk to Doc, Fast Eddie or Chettah Luv.

-- Modified on 5/31/2003 8:10:21 PM

squirrel_crazy 10270 reads
6 / 17

LOTR is one of those with the connections.  You might want to ask STAFF about his original alias, it could be very informational for you.

Lord Of The Rings 9633 reads
7 / 17

Mr. Know It All,

I think, but I'm not quite sure that the Moderator has ways on finding out who am I, but since you seem to know please don't leave the readers in check.

I urge you, NO, I beg you to expose my identity and while you do that please use your official registered handle.



-- Modified on 5/31/2003 5:08:06 PM

fasteddie51 11253 reads
8 / 17
MichaelCA 12 Reviews 9149 reads
9 / 17

Sorry, typing too fast and not editing my posts :)

taiss 11 Reviews 9163 reads
10 / 17

trolling for action in the ol' Loch.

xxxpyromaniac See my TER Reviews 9733 reads
11 / 17

Jennifer Steele here!
You hobbyists are worse gossipers than strippers!  No...I gave no one permission to post my personal cell phone number...I am available through BM this coming week in DC and Philly...If you want to learn more about me, check out my website at in advance for taking my cell phone number down...I've been getting goofy calls all day...I'm sure I'll laugh about it tomorrow...Oh! And don't forget to watch my episode of Sexcetera on Playboy TV with Pyrosutra airing June 6,10,14,19,25,and 29th....


MichaelCA 12 Reviews 9463 reads
12 / 17
Lord Of The Rings 10550 reads
13 / 17

This is bodymiracle impersonating her, something that Staff and probably the Moderator could confirm.

I'm not one going around posting numbers and e-mails for the fun of it.

That was certainly not cool of you if you are indeed Jennifer, one that gave me the best of times in Chicago.


-- Modified on 6/2/2003 5:00:57 AM

REFORMED 8985 reads
14 / 17
Lord Of The Rings 10462 reads
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Although one might think I would not mind being compared to the "infamous Doc" because of his alleged contacts and "knowledge" you are far away from reality. He is one that does not practice safe sex putting the ladies and hobbyists at risk at all times.  He is also one that shills for agencies just like fast eddie, el tigre, and others in exchange for free meetings while screwing all of you that book through these same agencies.

I rather you compare me to Bill Clinton, who is from my hometown than your "infamous Doc".

If the Moderator has the ability to expose my original handle I authorize him to do so, if not, I’m sure Staff can.


marseille 8000 reads
16 / 17

LOTR, I have a chance to see Ms. Steel in DC tonight. Should I jump at the chance and if so why?

ThomasJenkins 8 Reviews 7390 reads
17 / 17

First, let me say that I won't post anything here that people can't find on their own in searching the net....

But if you're interested in meeting Jennifer Steele, perhaps you should find a swinging female partner.  Jennifer had an ad on Adult Friend Finder stating she and her husband were looking for swinging couples... BUT NO SINGLE MEN!  If I had a female partner into that, you can bet your a** I would've contacted her!!

Thomas Jenkins

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