Porn Stars

Lisa Sparxxx Booking Inforegular_smile
lisasparxxx See my TER Reviews 6282 reads


Guys a lot of you have been emailing me about my booking info since I have left E2K. I have set up a small site with a few questions answered etc.

I hope to hear from you.

Lisa Sparxxx

Lisa, any travel plans?

I'll put in the first plug for Boston

daddys girl4389 reads

any reviews on Lisa could not find anything on search? Any info would be appreciated.

AAAMan3199 reads

Please check your webpage.  It was down earlier when I tried to set up an appointment.


The website is up and running. I just checked as for the reviews I don't know why there are not any. Maybe because I was with an agent before. On the other hand there are not any negative ones either. :0)

NastyJohn3522 reads

I agree, a visit to Boston is a must. You look amazing on your web site!!!!Is fisting a distinct possibility?


As it would be hard to believe me being  aporn star. I am actually tight and unable to fist.

Lisa Sparxxx

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