Porn Stars

Porn Actress Reviews
Crazy Bare 11190 reads

Is it just me or has anyone else noticed a lot of ladies being reviewed in the porn actress section, that you have never heard of?. Whats up with that?.

I'm guessing that some ladies might have appeared in a gonzo film or two, or make their own videos and call themselves porn stars.

I was really pleased when TER decided to add this feature in the reviews section,but now its starting to lose its appeal.People are starting to list women that may have done an amateur video (if that)but are certainly not "porn stars".After doing a search on porn stars,there were only 2 or 3 legitamate actresses on the whole first page!

fasteddie519483 reads

An imperfect porn section is better than no porn section at all.... I think most hobbyists are capable of seperating the "wheat form the chaff".... I say live with it...

Ferangi9813 reads


Not sure I agree. It is getting ridiculously watered down.. Don't want to have to search through 12 pages.. Staff has got to get control of this..

You're right. Something has happened and a lot of girls are showing up as pornstars. I emailed the moderator and I hope he removes them.

fasteddie517131 reads

Unfortunately, it's the reviewer who states if the girl is a pornstar or not when he fills in the review form.  If the lady has told him that she's made porn videos, and he believes her, he fills in the pornstar? box with a yes.  It's not a perfect system, but I think most of us recognize who is and who isn't a true pornstar... of course, as has been noted on this and other boards, that's open to opinion as well.

Ferangi7713 reads

I was the one that suggested to TER that they add this feature by creating another search field in the database.. One of the things you can do is report it a problem under each person that you feel is not a porn star... I agree.. The term should be porn star and not porn actress.  There needs to be some standard. Isn' there a database or web site that lists who is a porn star?

Time to get busy....

Ferangi8298 reads


One simple way to correct this is to see if these providers are listed in the internet adult film database.  Also change the category to Porn Star, instead of porn actress...

when it was first suggested.

The definition of a Porn "Star" is different than a porn actress. Using a movie database listing has two problems: the first is a logistical proiblem of verification - who on TER should verify every entry (too labor intensive) and second, what constitutes the definition of a "Star"?

The use of Actress is more suitable and will probably remain.

Ferangi11566 reads

The problem is that anyone and everyone can make a video and then call themselves a porn actress.  I think you understand that the category can get deluded and take away from what we both now what was intended by its creation. I would suggest that if the provider is charging $200 an hour, or if her web site does not list a number of videos that she was in, she probably is not a porn actress.  There must be some way to keep this category from being abused?

Ferangi9162 reads

Need another talk then.. I think if you were to pull the hobbyists.. they are interested in seeing porn stars. The ones that command anywhere from $400 to $1800 an hour.. It is not hard to screen for the fakes or mistakes.. A girl charging $200 an hour or has her face blurred out on her web site is not the real McCoy..

Ferangi8257 reads

Guys it us up to us the hobbyists to maintain the integrity of the database.. Nobody else is going to do it.. I just spent the past 20 minutes reporting problems under the provider profiles that were not porn stars.. It is very obvious who is and who is not... If everyone would take a few minutes to go through the database it would help all of us.. I took the first page...

Is'nt this a matter of opinion? mans "star" is anothers "actress".

If you had a screaming time with a provider that has done only 5 flicks, you probably could not classify her as a star. But you probably would not want her listing as a porn actress removed from TER. I know I would'nt anyway.

Personally, any chick that is willing to go in front of a camera, even a few times, even for her own private video's she markets strictly on her own website, is someone I am interested in. She does not have to be a "star" to make me want to pay her a visit.

I agree with Ferangi, if the members of this board poke around and can find no mention in a provider ad that she has done porn's and there is also no mention by a reviewer that she's done porn's, then it should be sent to Staff as a problem report, and if Staff agrees, the review should be modified.

IMHO this is a fix to this problem that gets rid of mis-marked reviews while at the same time does'nt leave the selection box with too many restrictions.

Ferangi9866 reads

No it is not a matter of opinion.. You may not know how to define it, but you know the real thing when you see and when you don't..

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