Porn Stars

Porn Stars coming back!
JohnReisman 8323 reads

Romi Rain, Reagan Foxx, Bridgette B…. There coming back.

Wish Romi rain never got the new ink, especially on her arms and chest and I wish Bridgette never got her boobs removed but better to have them back than not at all

Where is Bridget at?

FILOSOFEM91348 reads

They definitely got a boatload of new talent in the last several weeks. Not all touring, but still, a lot of options.

Julzyw168 reads

They’re coming back to providing or simply performing? I know Bridgette was UTR with either AIA/PC but I saw a recent seen with her and she looked absolutely off in my opinion - the face fillers were terrible, something wasn’t right with her skin around the abdomen and of course, the breasts…not sure what happened to her unfortunately.

Think that Miss B got her Titays fixed,  at least as good as could be done with what was left.  Her nose has been butchered, the new face work is off.   She is now a plastic surgery disaster , and she's not even the big 4-0 yet.  What a shame and waste of one hot ass body ( pre surgery).  Have no interest in her anymore.

Yeah, Bridgette was one of my ATFs, an almost PERFECT specimen of a woman.  She just had a SLIGHT bump on her nose, but that only added to her NATURAL beauty.  

Now, for whatever reason, she has a PERFECT nose, but it comes off looking FAKE.

I didn't realize she got her boobs done.

What is it with these BEAUTIFUL ladies who go in for unnecessary plastic surgery and end up "fixin'" what AIN'T broken (not to mention the CONSCIENCELESS, greedy doctors who perform said surgeries)?  

Nicole Aniston did this. At one point one of the most beautiful women in the world, she chose to destroy herself.

Re: Nicole A, can u please elaborate?
Is she providing?
Have u seen her?
Not sure what u mean by destroying herself?

No, i have not seen her. I don't even know her status. Just a general comment that a few years ago (in my own opinion) she ruined her natural look with some sort of cosmetic procedures,

Posted By: pacificrider
Re: Back as in?
Re: Nicole A, can u please elaborate?  
 Is she providing?  
 Have u seen her?  
 Not sure what u mean by destroying herself?
I think he meant Nicole Aniston 'destroying' her natural beauty when she started doing plastic surgery on her face. I know what he means and I agree. When a PS gets a boob job, it's whatever because most of them do at some point, if they don't have a natural large chest to begin with so it's not really a big deal.  

But what is a big deal is when they start messing with their face is when you know they have body dysmorphia issues.  Nicole had one of the most beautiful faces in the industry but now she has that plastic surgery face. I don't think it's flattering when you make a living of your looks.  

Yeah, you nailed it. Many instances of this in the entertainment industry. Obviously not a porn star, but remember when Meg Ryan was actually cute? She had plastic surgery and mangled herself and her career. Nevertheless, back to porn...

Like Jennifer Grey of Dirty Dancing. Says she was pressured into getting a nose job.  Then she says she became invisible. It ended her career, she says.  

I saw Nicole A when she provided for a short time. very hot then but has fallen off a cliff in the last couple of years.... not in shape anymore, removed boobs, face redone, thicker legs, etc.

She looks awful now to be honest. She doesn’t even look like the sane woman. She was exceptionally beautiful at one time. Can’t think of a woman who fell off faster. Who did you see her through? I never knew she was available or I absolutely would have seen her.

JohnReisman192 reads

I noticed that some of the one time A listers are popping up as avail either on there own or thru agency.  

I have noticed a lot more options and some who have not provided since before the pandemic are back again. Maybe the onlyfans wave my be leveling off..

Not to filming, but private encounters are welcomed :)  
...been MIA for a few years to the public. Catch me if you can ;)


Vanessa Monet XXX ~ an oldie but goodie ;)

pngbsg162 reads

Where is Reagan Foxx?

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