Porn Stars

Hugs and Kisses!!regular_smile
candy cotton 8388 reads

Once agian seattle has proven to be the BOMB!!! In a good way of course!! I had a wonderful time seeing freinds and making a few new ones!! I am back in NYC and will be attempting to gain employment from a local club within the next few days!! I will reply to this post with an update as soon as I have one!! I am also always looking for new friends in the NYC area!! And i do have some bad news for Philly/DC friends. I have to postpone my trip until after I return from Europe. I want to visit  when I do not feel like I am rushing around and trying to cram things into a small amount of time. So, it will be May when I head your way. I will be in NYC until late March however so if you find yourself in the area, drop me a line!! I am currently offering outcall only and all gift info can be found on my wonderful website!!

I told you I'll still be here whenever you decide to make the trip. Your more than worth the wait.

If you make it out here in May, You can be my birthday gift and I can't think a better one I could give myself.

I will be looking out for you in May, untill then I still have our home movies to keep me company.

lalamann9597 reads

All past aside would you please go to booking's in my site (for my e-mail) three of us would love to have lunch with you ,we'll be here till Sat.Morn....looking forward to finally meeting up w/ you.............i'm w/ exotica this week...i'm also basic mem. now so I can't send you A priv.....
Please-Please ....send Ambie say's your cool.. and hi...L.A. Lee-Ann xoxoxoxoxo

candy cotton9647 reads

thats right it is official!! I will be available for lunch at flashdancers this upcomming tuesday. I am so excited!! Everyone seemes awful nice there!! Stop in at lunch or after work and say hi!!

I have a very good friend that works near by that calls FlashDancers his "other office!" I'll send you a private email with his info so you guys can connect.

Are you back to living in NYC?


lalamann11734 reads

Hi Candy Niki Diamond and I ,Celena are all going to flashdancer's to see nikki Lynn Profrorm she'll be so excited
to see us i've known her for many-many year's... cal us ???
my mail [email protected] Please meet us ,or have A drink at the whisky Blue to start off....then of to Flashdancers  O.K.

candy cotton7171 reads

I will be working during the days. I HATED featuring so I don't do that anymore. SO I will just be a lil' ol' house dancer which is what I like to do anyways. Less pressure, less preperation and MUCH more personal!!! Just email me when you are in town. [email protected]. I am not much of a drinker and am kinda a baby when it comes to staying up late, but we'll see!!

candy cotton8040 reads

and will be for the next six months!! hope to see ya!!

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