Porn Stars

fasteddie's contributions to the hobby
Rod Johnson 4894 reads

where would we all be without eddie's insight, knowledge, and guidance? He has clearly distinguished himself as the Master Hobbyist on this board. The ladies just can't get enough of him and his performances are legendary.

All hail the king!

jldick504956 reads

Hey Rod, are you and Eddie swapping spit or what?, if you expect Eddie to show you the light at the end of the tunnel, youre more lost than he is (lol). Eddie like most of the big players on this board dont need TER or people like you, and they only come on this board to brag and thats not an accusation, just a fact.

as always


fasteddie514248 reads

ROTFLMAO!  Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!  I post reviews, share what information I can, and offer my opinions and observations (for whatever they're worth), which is pretty much the same as what most of the other "big players" do.  

On the other hand, who was it that made a point to mention on this and other boards on various occasions about a PSE giving him a car?  Or talk about being invited over to a PSEs house for Thanksgiving dinner, or mention whenever the opportunity arose about a host of other gifts he's received from a pornstar?

Oh yeah, now I remember... it was YOU. (lol)

I never fail to marvel at your chutzpah!

As always,

Happy Bragging!

jldick504243 reads

Eddie you have admitted on several occasions on this very board, that one of the reasons you post, is to brag about your exploits, those are your words.

as always


fasteddie513520 reads

What I've actually said is that just about everyone who posts reviews does so out of a certain amount of ego-gratification, myself included... What I NEVER said, contrary to your statement, was that that was the only reason I posted; In fact I've mentioned many times that my principle reason for posting is that I got a LOT of help from the "big players" when I was a newbie, and I post (and do a LOT of back-channeling) as my way of "passing it forward".

None of that changes the fact that you are just about the most unabashed braggart on this or any board, and I find it extremely amusing that you of all people would be the one to point out anyone elses so-called boasting.  Maybe that's why the PSEs give you gifts... you have one huge set of balls on you! (lol)

-- Modified on 7/5/2004 8:12:53 PM

Fasteddie is a great source of info especially if you know him persoanlly....
He has always been extremely accurate and fair to all for many years!!!!
Never forget that!

jldick504252 reads

Hail King Eddie and his court (ROTFLMAO) you guys deserve each other, and I say that with the utmost sincerity. Most of you guys are so lost, you couldn't get laid in a TiaJuanna whore house with a fistful of hundred dollar bills.

as always


Vieques Libre3665 reads

jldick50, the day will come when you too may contribute something insightful and helpful to this board and then others may sing your praise too.

until then,


jldick503750 reads

In the mean time let Eddie take you by the hand and lead the way, I sure dont need his help, but I guess you do, sort of like the blind leading the blind.

as always


Damn Ed, I thought you said I was the most unabashed braggart on the porn star boards :(

Man the way you throw that around, it just doesn't mean as much to me, lol


fasteddie514163 reads

You must have misread what I said... I said you were the braggart with the biggest rash, not unabashed! lol.

Well I never......well I did, but I got some cream and it cleared it right up


never met eddie, but your opinons, your integrity and your willing to share info amongst us is really great, thanx eddie keep going son!!

Score3978 reads

His counsel and guidance have been invaluable; I'm proud to call him my friend and hold him in high regard.

Score3193 reads

I know I'd be down by four scores myself!

he was getting the thread going, but everybody who contributes to this board (with integrity) desrves the respect

DJDude2685 reads

Don't praise him too much :-) Last King of the board went insane, left this board, and started chainspamming another board with mostly useless ads and posts.

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