Porn Stars

did the right thing
kippyy 6759 reads
1 / 27

Arranged a date with a porn star for the 1st time thru Tryst Agency for this weekend for BBFS. When I reached out to confirm the date, I was told she has gonorrhea, is on medication, and will have to cancel. I got almost all my money back except for my negative testing.
While I was really excited about this, this has really dampened my enthusiasm for following thru in the future.
I assumed STD's were quite rare in the industry, but maybe not?
Would you try the same provider in the future after this?

eightmillions8 170 reads
2 / 27

They could have said she had Covid or something.  

Is it well known porn star?

uniball2 11 Reviews 171 reads
3 / 27

be great full that they told you did and the porn star went to take the med and got better .

Instead of seeing clients and taking the money.

IJMiggs 190 reads
4 / 27
TheVoiceOfReason 161 reads
5 / 27

What do you mean by you got all your money back except for the negative testing?  What was Tyrst's testing protocol?  Did you share any real world information?  it is actually pretty common for porn stars to get stds.  Many porn stars get chlamydia and/or gonorrhea.  And most porn stars have herpes.  I would see her again and give her credit for being honest and having integrity.  Most would lie and worse yet some would even see you.  Could you PM me the lady's name?

TheVoiceOfReason 155 reads
6 / 27

You could actually Google talent testing and locations and see how how many people tested positive and negative for each location.  It looks like about 3-4% of those who tested had an std.  So an average porn star who is testing every two weeks might average 1.2 stds per year.

LanaLoveDC See my TER Reviews 163 reads
7 / 27

As a math human, I'd like to know how you got that answer?  Do you know HOW MANY porn stars were tested in the time frame that the 3-4% positive tests were measured and reported?  Do you know how many of the people tested ACTUALLY shoot porn?  Because many, many people (mostly men) get tested in hopes of shooting content with a porn star if they themselves cam or are building a site, and many pornstars offering bbfs will require the client to get tested via TTS because of speedy and highly accurate results.  That means anywhere from 0% to 4% of the positive tests COULD BE CLIENTS ONLY.  Or just no one in the industry.

More than likely, the girl picked it up from a client that did not respect the timing boundaries and general etiquette of being offered bbfs.

The regular population (not in porn) most definitely has a FAR HIGHER percentage of STIs, and they don't give a flying umph about testing.  

You are Civilians to us-- highly dangerous, untrained, and unaware (generalization but as someone that studied these stats in school--Mainstream Porn takes safety more seriously than your average human under 35).  Obviously not everyone, but I can tell you porn girls are more likely to be appropriate, honest, and responsible about testing and telling you if there is an issue.  They don't want to ruin their reputation by being unsafe and spreading disease, nor would they want to risk picking something up before several major scenes.

I'd request her TTS history for the last couple months, if you're so concerned, and just make sure she is not repeatedly testing dirty in short periods of time.

Sorry, cracks me up how people don't understand just how serious legitimate people shooting porn are about health and safety.

TheVoiceOfReason 168 reads
8 / 27

Here are the results for the LA clinic


2360 positive
78 neutral  
67 negative

jaycor93 8 Reviews 150 reads
9 / 27

Well said!
Thank you to your agency for the transparency. Because of this I will do business with Tryst in the future.

The Moose 26 Reviews 152 reads
10 / 27

Maybe it's me but COVID scares me more than any STD..  (And I've gotten all the COVID shots and boosters).. Also, STD's while certainly not pleasant, are not the end of the world...  Pancreatic cancer, ALS, end stage respiratory issues are the end of the world.  

And the answer to your last question - yes.  

kippyy 155 reads
11 / 27

I do appreciate the honesty and did not intend to be critical of your agency.
Thanks for responding here.

inicky46 61 Reviews 143 reads
12 / 27

given all the shots you've had. I got Covid in January and was similarly well-vaccinated. I had mild, cold-like symptoms for a couple of days and then had low energy and loss of appetite for ten days or so. That's it. Not exactly the end of the world compared to the other illnesses you mentioned.
Nice to see you back here, BTW.

The Moose 26 Reviews 135 reads
13 / 27

Hi Inicky

Yeah, I've accepted that COVID is a way of life in the world now.  It will probably never leave us, like one of those here today, gone tomorrow viruses .  So living life again after couple years of barely leaving the house.

DogCatcher 146 reads
14 / 27

You can always tell when someone isnt a math person lol
We are just civilians, to someone that hasnt really shot with large studios. OK.  

You can tell this one wont handle fame very well.

Kevinburnz 35 Reviews 146 reads
15 / 27

The math is simple. Testing every two weeks in a 52 week year is 26 tests a year. So 3 to 4% of those 26 tests would be positive, meaning 1.2 times per year

The flaw is average porn stars don't get tested every two weeks because they aren't shooting year round like that. Many don't live in LA and shoot sporadically and others just aren't in that great demand.

Its likely the positive tests come from escorting and private life activities and not from porn

TheVoiceOfReason 157 reads
16 / 27

I have talked to a lot of ladies who do porn and escorting and all of them have told me that they feel that they are far more likely to get an std from porn than escorting even those ladies that offer bbfs while escorting.  Most of them have told me that they have gotten stds from porn, but never from escorting.  One told me that she got an std from escorting only b/c a guy offered her a large chunk of cash on the spot to do bbfs w/o recent test results.

MellowSoul 120 Reviews 136 reads
17 / 27

Really? Ive the the Rona 3x, one time i barely felt it. Was waiting to get the vaxx until i saw more research, but now doesnt seem like its necessary.  

Dont live in fear my man. Get out there and have fun! Be responsible, but have fun! Turn off the news!!!

big-boobs-guy 134 reads
18 / 27

Lol, we had to listen to you pontificate about how much you hate condoms for years and you would end the post with some absurd analogy that didn’t make sense. Now you are telling us you are afraid of what is essentially a cold at this point?  

I worked in health care when COVID first hit and it seemed like doomsday. Dead bodies were being brought into the ER once every five minutes. Being afraid of the virus at that point made sense. It was a scary time and no one had any answers. Things got so bad at one point that if EMS couldn’t get a pulse back on the patient in their home they left the body there to be collected by the medical examiner at a later time. That was the first month of COVID. It did what it was designed to do and killed off anyone with a comprised immune system. It’s been a glorified cold since then.

Turn off MSNBC, it’s damaging your brain.

The Moose 26 Reviews 152 reads
19 / 27

I said I MOVED on and accepted COVID is here to stay.

That's the problem with you Trumpers, you believe what you want no matter what the facts are or what anyone says.  You people live in your own world devoid of any facts or reason.  I bet you were at the Capital on 1-6-21 smashing windows and screaming for Pelosi...

As far as your condom blasts, I bet you never turned down BBFS.   Your one of those posters who thinks BBFS is just fine if you do it, but damn anyone else if they do it.   Jealousy and rage aren't good traits to go thru life with... But then again, you Trumpers are ALL alike

big-boobs-guy 145 reads
20 / 27

I can’t stand Trump. Trump was an ineffective, idiot who was arguing with idiots at 4 am on Twitter. He wasn’t up to the job of being president, however the legacy media can be dishonest about pretty much everything and intentionally spread COVID hysteria. Both of these things can be true at the same time. I no longer accept anyone’s version of what they tell me what the facts are. The truth is we will never know what the facts are in almost any situation because no one is giving us truly factual information.

They were telling us in the early days of COVID that anyone who believed the virus had leaked from a lab was a conspiracy theorist and a racist. I don’t accept what anyone else insists is the truth.  

I’ve absolutely turned down BBFS from certain girls. If she is exceptionally high volume, is okay shooting with openly bisexual men or is willing to let me hit it raw the first time I see her I’m not going bareback.

But if I’ve seen the girl once or twice before, her boyfriend isn’t bisexual, she’s not saying crazy shit like trans rights are human rights, she’s not an IV drug user or things like that I’ll take my chances.

MellowSoul 120 Reviews 138 reads
21 / 27

Me saying that you are essentially a scared fool has nothig to do with Trump. Its me looking at someone that is scared due to consumption of too much media.  

Once again, turn the news off and go outside. Im glad youve "moved on", years, after the rona has calmed down to just a cold.  

Real shiny bright one here boys.

netnoy 32 Reviews 154 reads
22 / 27

Answers like this make me want to go through your agency.  I like the straightforward.

wsboriley 9 Reviews 138 reads
23 / 27

I kinda don't get this recent turn in hobbying toward BBFS. I'm old school. I'm not going bare on anyone in the hobby, period. Not worth the risk, even with testing. This is some new shit, and it's lame.

inicky46 61 Reviews 133 reads
24 / 27

People have been doing it from time immemorial. They just didn't talk about it;

-- Modified on 10/29/2023 10:27:12 AM

pacificrider 98 Reviews 146 reads
25 / 27

Appreciate Tryst agency’s honesty and transparency.
Hobbyists can and will appreciate that  
Will make me use you guys for sure

Bandit200 202 Reviews 121 reads
26 / 27
Blackman 52 reads
27 / 27

FYI - Those numbers on the website are counts of positive/negative/neutral reviews of the testing location from those who have taken tests there. Not testing results.

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