Porn Stars

Cancellation on Bostonsad_smile
StevieXXX See my TER Reviews 1971 reads

Ok sorry to be a pain but I have been online since four a.m. trying to figure this out. As it goes now, I cannot get a room anywhere in Boston...I can get a room in Cambridge but with the jacked up prices for hotels right now along with my flight, it is going to cost me too much. Sorry but 699 for the Best Western (my best choice available) per night is appalling. NYC is my last city before I quit July 10-14th so I am thinking of coming to Boston 5-9th of July. I do hope we get an opportunity to meet at that time. If so let me know. I am sorry for this confusion and thank you for being patient.
I will be going to Detroit though so see yall there :0)


Any chance for a return visit to philadelphia before you retire?  I sooooooooo want to see you!

sorry I only have detroit  June 15-17th/ chicago 28-30th / and NYC 10-14th of July I will be going to Boston but will have to go July5-8  getting sad coming so close to the end here :0(

percydell2464 reads

Stevie how about one last hurrah in L.A.?

Probably all the colleges graduation and students leaving....

DC hotels are not as expensive as NYC.  Why not Dc instead of Boston?

I have already done DC I am only doing these last cities one last time before I quit the whole industry.

DJDude1545 reads

Darling, just so you know, there are cheaper rooms in Houston or Dallas!  C'mon down with your open schedule.

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