Porn Stars

Bait N Switch
dante790 13771 reads

I called sexsymbols to set up an appointment. Got the typical how much are you trying to spend that is so prevalent with ROBs.

Quality providers and agencies have set rates. They disclose the rates and if hobbyist is in agreement set the appointment.

Not only was Letia not working there. The impression I got was that she never was. When I inquired about the availabilty of any of the other 15 "porn stars" I got the comment "you're just going down the list".  What else am I do to?  Should I know by luck who is working there and who never was?

Fellas stay away from these guys. They have to be true ROBs.

The length and breath of my reviews on TER and RB as well as my postings under the Street Action, Escort 411, Sac, CV forums as well as the SC and MP forums should speak to my subject matter expertise when I say sex symbols are ROBs.

Does anyone know of a star by the name of Donna Yasmine Sheers? and links to her, if any?

dante79013046 reads

Why do all the escorts on that sight have the same telephone number?  Why is there never an answer on the cellular telephone number?

dante79013772 reads

I called sexsymbols to set up an appointment. Got the typical how much are you trying to spend that is so prevalent with ROBs.

Quality providers and agencies have set rates. They disclose the rates and if hobbyist is in agreement set the appointment.

Not only was Letia not working there. The impression I got was that she never was. When I inquired about the availabilty of any of the other 15 "porn stars" I got the comment "you're just going down the list".  What else am I do to?  Should I know by luck who is working there and who never was?

Fellas stay away from these guys. They have to be true ROBs.

The length and breath of my reviews on TER and RB as well as my postings under the Street Action, Escort 411, Sac, CV forums as well as the SC and MP forums should speak to my subject matter expertise when I say sex symbols are ROBs.

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