Porn Stars

Another email from our disgruntled friend
fasteddie51 10786 reads

Got a reply to my reply to the gentleman who called us stupid for paying more than $300 for any woman. (see my post about 3 pages ago)  Below is his latest email, and my further reply.... (name deleted by me)

----- exxxxxxr wrote:
Thanks for your email.

You are wrong on every count. Amazing. Batting 1000!


My reply.....

It's easy to say "you're wrong on every count"...  I could have replied to your email with something as simple as that.  Come on... Be specific!  Are you saying that I'm wrong to say that one cannot put a price on a fantasy?  I wouldn't pay $1000 to be shot into space, but apparently Lance Bass thought it was worth $20,000,000.  How can you presume to arbitrate the value of someone else's fantasy?

There are Playboy Playmates, Penthouse Pets and some fairly well known TV and movie actresses who are available for $25,000 to $50,000 per night, and PLENTY of wealthy men out there who can and do partake of their services....  Too rich for my blood, but I envy them their ability to do so rather than decry their decision to do so.

Now, you might be pissed off because I choose to pay the amount the pornstars charge (although, as I said, you have NO idea what I pay.... nor would you believe it if I told you), but if you're pissed off, that's all about YOU, isn't it?  It has nothing to do with the relative worth of the experience.

It never ceases to amaze me that there are those who think that just because something is what THEY like, everyone else should feel the same way, and those who don't are "wrong"....  And as I said before, I'm sure there are those out there who think that your choice to pay up to $300 for an escort is outlandish, and is ruining it for those who wouldn't pay over $100.  The view is totally dependent upon which rung of the ladder you're on, my friend.  

You're really no better than John Ashcroft or anyone else who thinks that the world should bow to their opinions.  Before "liberal" became a dirty word, it pretty much stood for what this country was all about... Liberty.  The ability to live one's life without imposing your values on others, or have others impose their values on you.  

People like you are dangerous, because they see things as black or white.... their opinion is right, everyone else's is wrong.  Well, there are no such thing as wrong opinions.  Look it up in the dictonary:

O·PIN·ION  noun
1. the view somebody takes about a certain issue, especially when it is based solely on personal judgment

Encarta® World English Dictionary © 1999 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Developed for Microsoft by Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.

If you had emailed me and stated that it was your OPINION that no girl was worth more than $300, I wouldn't have had a problem with it.  But to call me stupid because I don't share the same view is egotistical on your part, as well as presumptive.  As Forrest Gump says, "Stupid is as stupid does", and sending multiple emails to people you don't know chiding them for their personal choices kind of speaks volumes about stupidity....


Fast Eddie

jldick5010915 reads

Gee whiz Eddie I think you have found a new friend(LOL)

ZedEx9466 reads

When I get a stupid e-mail or TER mail I simply ignore it--I don't see why some of you feel the need to "get in the last word" with these guys.

Remember;"never argue with an idiot, people might not be able to tell which one is the idiot".

zipped8288 reads

Worth is indeed an opinion.  And opinions can silenced.  Which in this case can be done by blocking his e-mail.  

Assuming you're the same fasteddie on Kathy Willet's site. I commmend you on your choice. There's someone worth her rates but is out of my league.  Lucky SOB.

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