Politics and Religion

Harris up 5 in……. Fucking Florida…WTF
Hpygolky 208 Reviews 222 reads

I Never really thought Florida was in play because, you know … it’s fucking Florida is Florida.
But if this poll is correct or even close this could be game set match  
Funny  was that the VP’s husband had a town hall at the Villages and it was well received so, maybe something is brewing  
And Poor Desantis must be shitting on his platform boots

Because Trump-backed Gubernatorial Candidate Mark Robinson is now having to deny he called himself a "Black Nazi." He's losing the Governor's race and may drag Trump down with him. If Trump loses NoCa his path to victory is very narrow.

Quote: "A new Florida Atlantic University (FAU) survey shows that the presidential race has remained relatively unchanged since the Democratic National Convention (DNC)."
AtlasIntel and Rasmussen Reports also found the race has been relatively unchanged.  Both Atlas and Rassy have Trump ahead by 3 and 2 respectively.  FAU has Harris +5.  So apparently the only difference is in their Dem/Rep/Ind weightings.
All three of they do agree, however, that other polls showing wild swings are probably just bad polls.  The race has been pretty stable.

It's too late to resurrect your lack of credibility by putting up posts favorable to Harris.

University of Mary Washington poll for state of Virginia, Harris +1.  756 LV, Sept 3-9.
Biden got +10 in Virginia in 2020.  Yikes!  (A concurrent WaPo poll had Harris +8)

And it's also clearly an outlier. She is up by 4.5% there on RCP average and by 7% on 538. The only two polls that have some post debate participants, she leads by 8% average.

You will be quite surprised by how poorly KamalamaDingDong will do on election day. Trump is going to win. It won’t be close.

So maybe he'll explain why the latest Virginia poll has Harris up by 2 points? Yes, it's within the margin of error but I'd still rather be up by 2 than down by 2. Also, the poll is validated by Kaine's +6 performance.

I hope I didn’t give the impression Trump would win Virginia by a large margin. He won’t. It will be close in VA, but Trump will win the state. What won’t be close is the general election. Trump is going to clobber Harris in the electoral college. Harris will be the worst performing Democrat since Dukakis.

Just prior to the debate, he had Trump leading her 64-36% re: winning the EC. Damn he soured on Trump fast. No surprise. He doesn't want his legacy tarnished if/when Kamala wins. It's CYA time.

Posted By: RespectfulRobert
Re: The debate and subsequent polling has really messed with Nate's mind.
Just prior to the debate, he had Trump leading her 64-36% re: winning the EC. Damn he soured on Trump fast. No surprise. He doesn't want his legacy tarnished if/when Kamala wins. It's CYA time.
Seriously? Now Nate Silver is putting his thumb on the scale? Is that what your suggesting?

Now he suddenly switched to Kamala. Just an interesting observation. :)

I give the advantage to Harris on that, as she has more money and a better organization for her ground game. Also, the big PAC run by Musk just switched the group in charge of its ground game, never a good thing this close to an election. And the RNC is "led" by Lara Trump, who's a political neophyte.

2670 likely voters, Sept 17-21
Doesn't look like Kamala is winning the sunbelt.

Normally, Fester will deny the truth of any Times article, just because it's in the Times.
Hypocrisy alert!

You remarked a few days ago about this election hinging on turnout. The campaign heads and money spent plays little into turn out. What drives turn out is the state of the country, and most people think the country is heading in the wrong direction. And much more importantly, Republicans are voting for Trump. Democrats are not voting for Harris, but against Trump. When you have that dynamic, the candidate people are voting against wins.  

Just like in 2008. Democrats were voting for Obama. Republicans were not voting for McCain but against Obama. Trump is going to be the next President, unless Biden gives the Dems their November surprise and he resigns so Harris can get sworn in at the last minute. I’m guessing that won’t happen now that they stabbed him in the back.

Biden did resign, Jill is running cabinet meetings now (they aren't even hiding it.)  Jill Biden is president of the US.  

The question isn't whether I believe the NYTimes,  the question is whether you believe the NYTimes.

So no hypocrisy there. It's YOU who only believes what he wants to.
Hence, hypocrisy.

You know who else might believe the NYTimes polls, PolyMarket bettors.  Yesterday PolyMarket was trending in favor of Harris +5.  Today she's down to Harris +3.5.  Considering how slow that market has moved recently, that appears significant.

While the Minneapolis Star Tribune has Harris +5 overall, they found she has terrible approval numbers with independents.
Trump favorable 48, unfavorable 51, -3 net
Harris favorable 41, unfavorable 57, -16 net

Could this be it, could Kamala be breaking out and shooting to the moon???  Tune in tomorrow to see if she overcomes her current 5-day rolling average -3.8% deficit.

Florida is NOT in play.   Everything AFTER than is pure drivel.   Lol

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