Politics and Religion

Thank you to my supporters
Donald.J.Trump 560 reads

Your confidence in my Administration is very exciting.

I've changed my mind on AG and am summarily firing Jeff and hiring Lego Batman.  He won't let that FBI get away with anything!

Please don't miss my speech to the joint session Tuesday.  It will be so huge.  We'll scream and yell about the fake news that the fake news outlets keep spewing.  It's so pathetic.  Lego Batman will be there too.

I'm also terminating my relationship with Caitlyn Jenner.  And Jackie (the one who sang at my inauguration).  I never meant that I'd go along with chicks with dicks using women's bathrooms.  

Lego Batman has a connection at Lego too.  I've ordered billions of Lego blocks to be used in the construction of that wall that you wanted.  The leftovers will be used for bridges in Detroit.


Thank you my virtual supporters.

Luv-Kit2171 reads

want you to give a shout out to comrade Vladimir. After all the things he had cone for you, when will you have the guts to give him public acknowledgement.

Donald.J.Trump175 reads

Is in charge of managing the Russian connection.  I had to shitcan KellyAnne from that job.  

He's doing a great job.  And with Lego Batman on board, USA national security is the best it's ever been, or going to be.

@Quad...Melania asked you to put some additional toilet paper in the upstairs lavatory.  Please don't make her ask again.

...for quite some time.  He's too dumb to be in cahoots with the Rooskies.  He doesn't know that RT is a Russian propaganda arm.  Sad!

Donald.J.Trump144 reads

They wouldn't make shit up.

@Quad...please clean up that mess in the Lincoln bedroom.  And stop your posting while you're on duty.  Or is that doody?

Also, please stop watching the Oscar's.  You know that is fake.

And also don't watch Braveheart again.  That's not going to make America great.  Another anti-semite.  You don't want to be thought of as an anti-semite...do you?

#5:00 DumpWhileTweeting

...but Keith Ellison wouldn't. LOL

And neither would the DNC.  

Did you hear he was nominated and accepted for deputy of the DNC yesterday with ZERO dissenting voices?

Of course you did, sir. I hear you watch all the cable news programs.

I'd bet you didn't know Farrakhan will deliver the invocation though. LOL

That last sentence may be fake news. I will get back to you after I ask Donna Brazile.  

She is a pious soul so I am sure she will tell me the truth.

In case you don't understand my message, Don't share your used paper.  :-D

    You really should do something about that stutter.
    Do you still have access to your Teleprompter ?    

    All joking aside, you are an adorable couple.  
    Does the dumb one realize who you are ?    ROFL  


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