Politics and Religion

Trumpcare is like chinese care. See examplered_smile
dbentertain 7 Reviews 2825 reads

asian culture is very very different! see video  


Shocking Video: Chinese girl hit by 2 cars, sparks outrage across internet


Chinese child got hit by car twice in China. 18 people ignoring it!  

To 14 million hapless Americans.    If you have healthcare now you will not have it when I sign the bill!    Don't worry if you need care, just dial 911.   An ambulance will arrive, take you to the nearest ER and they will treat you and you walk out.   See how it works, you pay nothing.

Crooked Obama was forcing you to pay for this free stuff.   Do you believe how I am saving you money.

-- Modified on 3/19/2017 10:20:21 AM

Before you leave they give you an official autographed ObamaCare is dead crying towel.  

Posted By: hwy2heaven
To 14 million hapless Americans.    If you have healthcare now you will not have it when I sign the bill!    Don't worry if you need care, just dial 911.   An ambulance will arrive, take you to the nearest ER and they will treat you and you walk out.   See how it works, you pay nothing.  
 Crooked Obama was forcing you to pay for this free stuff.   Do you believe how I am saving you money.

-- Modified on 3/19/2017 10:20:21 AM

Actually it should be given to the 14 million who will lose their health insurance and other millions who will never buy any as they can go to any ER for free treatment.     You will need that towel to wipe your ass when the hospitals jack up their prices and insurance company follow suit.

Read the link and have fun!   That is from one of the clowns in the Big Clown Circus running DC

I've seen your reviews. If anyone needs to wipe their ass it's YOU.

Posted By: hwy2heaven
Actually it should be given to the 14 million who will lose their health insurance and other millions who will never buy any as they can go to any ER for free treatment.     You will need that towel to wipe your ass when the hospitals jack up their prices and insurance company follow suit.  
 Read the link and have fun!   That is from one of the clowns in the Big Clown Circus running DC

TwoMints368 reads

Kinda like the 10+ million that lost the care they wanted when Ocare was passed.

Most of those "losing" their insurance are those forced to buy it by Obama.  Now they'll be able to choose the care they want again.

Posted By: hwy2heaven
To 14 million hapless Americans.    If you have healthcare now you will not have it when I sign the bill!    Don't worry if you need care, just dial 911.   An ambulance will arrive, take you to the nearest ER and they will treat you and you walk out.   See how it works, you pay nothing.  
 Crooked Obama was forcing you to pay for this free stuff.   Do you believe how I am saving you money.

-- Modified on 3/19/2017 10:20:21 AM

If Obamacare is a menace as it is made out,  why did they not repeal it on day #1?    "Now they will be able to choose the care they want again".   From whom?    The bill is not even passed, LOL.   There is plenty of 'in fighting' with the party of stupid.    Stay tuned?

TwoMints334 reads

When I was 21 and had to get insurance. I did so, I never used it for at least a decade. I got it because I was told to get it by well meaning family. Kids today, that ignore good advice and forego insurance then get ill, deserve to go bankrupt. Growing up sucks dick. It's not like bankruptcy ends of your life...  

Before Ocare you could get a catastrophic policy for peanuts.  

Posted By: dbentertain

My 31 year old neighbor had breast cancer in 1985 and after her surgery AETNA dropped her health insurance policy.   She could not get any health insurance after 1986 till 2010 after Obamacare took effect.   The family sold their car, had garage sales to sell many of their stuff and finally sold their house and moved to apartment and filed for bankruptcy in 1987.

That story sure fits the narrative.  Got a link?  It's just that you make so much shit up.  I say these people don't exist.

Posted By: hwy2heaven
My 31 year old neighbor had breast cancer in 1985 and after her surgery AETNA dropped her health insurance policy.   She could not get any health insurance after 1986 till 2010 after Obamacare took effect.   The family sold their car, had garage sales to sell many of their stuff and finally sold their house and moved to apartment and filed for bankruptcy in 1987.

Obama created Obama care simply to make rates go up little by little. Then when you did not take it you got penalized by the gov't and faced a penalty on your taxes.  

some idiot said Emergency Rooms will become primary Care. Hey snowflake...they already are. Have you been to an Emergency this century. They are filled with ghetto dwelling free loaders seeking, again, something for free or service now and pay never.  

got the sniffles, go to the hospital, got a hang nail go to the hospital. Then they sit there and complain about having to wait.

Posted By: TwoMints
When I was 21 and had to get insurance. I did so, I never used it for at least a decade. I got it because I was told to get it by well meaning family. Kids today, that ignore good advice and forego insurance then get ill, deserve to go bankrupt. Growing up sucks dick. It's not like bankruptcy ends of your life...    
 Before Ocare you could get a catastrophic policy for peanuts.  
Posted By: dbentertain

Only illegals mostly go to the ER for primary care now that obamacare is still in affect.

I have ppo insurance and there is not more then 3-6 people being seen in the ER but at a county hospital it's like 100's and its a whole day thing. I had to take people there and pick them up when they had no insurance, l.

Your narrative is not correct, I seen it with my own eyes and I know the difference between UCLA ,cedar Sinai,... And Usc county general hospital.

Posted By: SoleSurvivor
Obama created Obama care simply to make rates go up little by little. Then when you did not take it you got penalized by the gov't and faced a penalty on your taxes.  
 some idiot said Emergency Rooms will become primary Care. Hey snowflake...they already are. Have you been to an Emergency this century. They are filled with ghetto dwelling free loaders seeking, again, something for free or service now and pay never.  
 got the sniffles, go to the hospital, got a hang nail go to the hospital. Then they sit there and complain about having to wait.
Posted By: TwoMints
When I was 21 and had to get insurance. I did so, I never used it for at least a decade. I got it because I was told to get it by well meaning family. Kids today, that ignore good advice and forego insurance then get ill, deserve to go bankrupt. Growing up sucks dick. It's not like bankruptcy ends of your life...    
  Before Ocare you could get a catastrophic policy for peanuts.  
Posted By: dbentertain

So because you saw it in one place it happens everwhere?  

I took an employee to the hospital a few months ago and all that was there was ghetto dweller with their pants down past their ass complaining about how long they were going to have to wait. when they finally got to see a nurse to get registered 99% of them didn't have insurance and were told to take their sniffles and go wait their turn.  

2-3 kids running through the room acting like uncivilized cannibals, smoking their Newports outside and talking out loud on their cell phones.  

Once I went back to the actually emergency I spoke to a nurse...she confirmed what I said. It's happening in all hospitals.  

Posted By: dbentertain
Only illegals mostly go to the ER for primary care now that obamacare is still in affect.  
 I have ppo insurance and there is not more then 3-6 people being seen in the ER but at a county hospital it's like 100's and its a whole day thing. I had to take people there and pick them up when they had no insurance, l.  
 Your narrative is not correct, I seen it with my own eyes and I know the difference between UCLA ,cedar Sinai,... And Usc county general hospital.
Posted By: SoleSurvivor
Obama created Obama care simply to make rates go up little by little. Then when you did not take it you got penalized by the gov't and faced a penalty on your taxes.    
  some idiot said Emergency Rooms will become primary Care. Hey snowflake...they already are. Have you been to an Emergency this century. They are filled with ghetto dwelling free loaders seeking, again, something for free or service now and pay never.    
  got the sniffles, go to the hospital, got a hang nail go to the hospital. Then they sit there and complain about having to wait.
Posted By: TwoMints
When I was 21 and had to get insurance. I did so, I never used it for at least a decade. I got it because I was told to get it by well meaning family. Kids today, that ignore good advice and forego insurance then get ill, deserve to go bankrupt. Growing up sucks dick. It's not like bankruptcy ends of your life...      
   Before Ocare you could get a catastrophic policy for peanuts.  
Posted By: dbentertain

And you spew racial code words.

Look racial code words like welfare,unwed mothers,ebt,food stamps,ghetto.....,sagging pants

How about heroin hillbillies, heroin chic,krocodile,u47000

Ghetto ,welfare is just code words for black  
How To Read Political Racial Code  
Using certain words to invoke stereotypes and racial fear is a reprehensible but time-worn tactic  
Part of my job when I speak about politics is to speak up for black people and say things black people need said. This mission has rarely felt so necessary as it has when racial code words recently entered the Presidential election. These code words are ancient racial stereotypes in slick, modern gear. They are linguistic mustard gas, sliding in covertly, aiming to kill black political viability by allowing white politicians to say ‘Don’t vote for the black guy’ in socially-acceptable language. Sometimes the code comes directly out of a candidate’s mouth. Sometimes it comes from supporters, or can be found in advertisements.  
Do not be fooled by the canard that both parties do it. That was former RNC Chairman Michael Steele’s response when I asked him about it on my MSNBC show “The Cycle.” Using certain words to invoke racialized fear and scare white working class voters is a long-established part of the Republican playbook. The GOP is a 90% white party and has been for decades. According to Ron Brownstein of the National Journal, Mitt Romney will need over 60% of white people to vote for him or he will lose. “That,” Brownstein says, “would be the best performance ever for a Republican Presidential challenger with that group of voters.” Given that math, in a base turnout election where Romney has a big lead among white, non-college educated men, it’s understandable why he’d try to motivate those voters with code words that remind them of their racial difference with Obama and stigmatize that difference. In this effort a word like “welfare” is extremely valuable. Sure there are more white than black Americans on welfare, but when a candidate says ‘welfare’ many whites think of their tax dollars being given to blacks.  
So when Romney began running ads about Obama “dropping the work requirement from welfare” — ads which are still running even though the claim has been thoroughly debunked — he was merely updating Ronald Reagan’s old “welfare queen” meme. Both are designed to create racial resentment around entitlements.  
Food Stamp/ebt  Capital of the U.S. is WHITE & REPUBLICAN  
In spite of the prevailing stereotypes and assumptions about who uses SNAP Food Stamp benefits the most in the United States, the highest usage is not in Compton, Queens, nor the South Side of Chicago. Instead, a city that is 99.22% white and 95% Republican comes in the lead. Owsley County, Kentucky is a community of about 5,000, residents earning the lowest median household income in the country outside of Puerto Rico, according to the U.S. Census.  

-- Modified on 3/19/2017 7:35:24 PM

Related Link: RACIAL CODE WORDS like WELFARE,free money YOU ARE A BIGOT! How To Read Political Racial Code Using certain words to invoke stereotypes and racial fear

Caucasians get more welfare then anyone not even including the corporate welfare OR RED STATES WELFARE  


More NEOCons on Welfare include Corporate Welfare, Pentegon Contracts, Agriculture, and Oil industri  




More NEOCons on Welfare than Liberals. You have to  

include Corporate Welfare, Pentegon Contracts, Agriculture, and Oil industries when talking about Welfare.  

And the blood sucking Welfare winners are:  




neocons do not have to do this!;they just get free money  


Red States are “Welfare Queen” States  


Happily, the Tax Foundation — a conservative Washington-based think tank — has, however unintentionally, provided the answer. In 2007, the foundation published a survey of 2005 federal spending in each state and compared that with each state’s contribution in federal taxes. In other words, the foundation identified the states that sponge off the federal government and those that subsidize it. The welfare-queen states and the responsible, producing states, as it were.  

The list, alas, hasn’t been updated — in part, no doubt, because conservatives didn’t like what it revealed: that those states that got more back from our government than they paid in were overwhelmingly Republican.  

The 10 biggest net recipients of taxpayers’ largess were, in order, New Mexico, Mississippi, Alaska, Louisiana, West Virginia, North Dakota, Alabama, South Dakota, Kentucky and Virginia. The 10 states that paid in the most and got back the least were New Jersey, Nevada, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Minnesota, Illinois, Delaware, California, New York and Colorado.  


The authors answer to budget cuts? Stop sending those states the money.

Food Stamp Capital of the U.S. is WHITE & REPUBLICAN  

In spite of the prevailing stereotypes and assumptions about who uses SNAP Food Stamp benefits the most in the United States, the highest usage is not in Compton, Queens, nor the South Side of Chicago. Instead, a city that is 99.22% white and 95% Republican comes in the lead. Owsley County, Kentucky is a community of about 5,000, residents earning the lowest median household income in the country outside of Puerto Rico, according to the U.S. Census.  

Everyone in this country has a right to be taken to an ER, get treatment and decide not to pay because they cannot afford.

There is nothing you Repubthugs can do about it.    When the Hospitals lose money and raise their rates, the Insurance Companies raise their premiums.   This is what is going to happen until the country switches to Guaranteed health care like other developed countries.  

Now sit back, relax and inhale some Hookah.   That will all you Repubthug trolls here some good.

Ghetto ,welfare is just code words for black



How To Read Political Racial Code  

Using certain words to invoke stereotypes and racial fear is a reprehensible but time-worn tactic  

Part of my job when I speak about politics is to speak up for black people and say things black people need said. This mission has rarely felt so necessary as it has when racial code words recently entered the Presidential election. These code words are ancient racial stereotypes in slick, modern gear. They are linguistic mustard gas, sliding in covertly, aiming to kill black political viability by allowing white politicians to say ‘Don’t vote for the black guy’ in socially-acceptable language. Sometimes the code comes directly out of a candidate’s mouth. Sometimes it comes from supporters, or can be found in advertisements.  

Do not be fooled by the canard that both parties do it. That was former RNC Chairman Michael Steele’s response when I asked him about it on my MSNBC show “The Cycle.” Using certain words to invoke racialized fear and scare white working class voters is a long-established part of the Republican playbook. The GOP is a 90% white party and has been for decades. According to Ron Brownstein of the National Journal, Mitt Romney will need over 60% of white people to vote for him or he will lose. “That,” Brownstein says, “would be the best performance ever for a Republican Presidential challenger with that group of voters.” Given that math, in a base turnout election where Romney has a big lead among white, non-college educated men, it’s understandable why he’d try to motivate those voters with code words that remind them of their racial difference with Obama and stigmatize that difference. In this effort a word like “welfare” is extremely valuable. Sure there are more white than black Americans on welfare, but when a candidate says ‘welfare’ many whites think of their tax dollars being given to blacks.  

So when Romney began running ads about Obama “dropping the work requirement from welfare” — ads which are still running even though the claim has been thoroughly debunked — he was merely updating Ronald Reagan’s old “welfare queen” meme. Both are designed to create racial resentment around entitlements.  



Food Stamp/ebt  Capital of the U.S. is WHITE & REPUBLICAN  

In spite of the prevailing stereotypes and assumptions about who uses SNAP Food Stamp benefits the most in the United States, the highest usage is not in Compton, Queens, nor the South Side of Chicago. Instead, a city that is 99.22% white and 95% Republican comes in the lead. Owsley County, Kentucky is a community of about 5,000, residents earning the lowest median household income in the country outside of Puerto Rico, according to the U.S. Census.  


-- Modified on 3/19/2017 7:35:24 PM

Now what does it mean in code when I call you a fool?

Posted By: dbentertain
Ghetto ,welfare is just code words for black  
 RACIAL CODE WORDS like WELFARE,free money  
 How To Read Political Racial Code  
 Using certain words to invoke stereotypes and racial fear is a reprehensible but time-worn tactic  
 Part of my job when I speak about politics is to speak up for black people and say things black people need said. This mission has rarely felt so necessary as it has when racial code words recently entered the Presidential election. These code words are ancient racial stereotypes in slick, modern gear. They are linguistic mustard gas, sliding in covertly, aiming to kill black political viability by allowing white politicians to say ‘Don’t vote for the black guy’ in socially-acceptable language. Sometimes the code comes directly out of a candidate’s mouth. Sometimes it comes from supporters, or can be found in advertisements.  
 Do not be fooled by the canard that both parties do it. That was former RNC Chairman Michael Steele’s response when I asked him about it on my MSNBC show “The Cycle.” Using certain words to invoke racialized fear and scare white working class voters is a long-established part of the Republican playbook. The GOP is a 90% white party and has been for decades. According to Ron Brownstein of the National Journal, Mitt Romney will need over 60% of white people to vote for him or he will lose. “That,” Brownstein says, “would be the best performance ever for a Republican Presidential challenger with that group of voters.” Given that math, in a base turnout election where Romney has a big lead among white, non-college educated men, it’s understandable why he’d try to motivate those voters with code words that remind them of their racial difference with Obama and stigmatize that difference. In this effort a word like “welfare” is extremely valuable. Sure there are more white than black Americans on welfare, but when a candidate says ‘welfare’ many whites think of their tax dollars being given to blacks.  
 So when Romney began running ads about Obama “dropping the work requirement from welfare” — ads which are still running even though the claim has been thoroughly debunked — he was merely updating Ronald Reagan’s old “welfare queen” meme. Both are designed to create racial resentment around entitlements.  
 Food Stamp/ebt  Capital of the U.S. is WHITE & REPUBLICAN  
 In spite of the prevailing stereotypes and assumptions about who uses SNAP Food Stamp benefits the most in the United States, the highest usage is not in Compton, Queens, nor the South Side of Chicago. Instead, a city that is 99.22% white and 95% Republican comes in the lead. Owsley County, Kentucky is a community of about 5,000, residents earning the lowest median household income in the country outside of Puerto Rico, according to the U.S. Census.  

-- Modified on 3/19/2017 7:35:24 PM

Injured are hurt anyway it means financial chaos. Lost of many basic items and
It could mean bankruptcy or and bad credit.
Older people use doctors more and also people who take risk like skiing,motorcycle riding,surfing.......

I know of an Asian guy who will not eat sugar,sweats are anything that could make him go to doctor because his business does not have insurance.

Many have lost there business after going to the ER just once.

-- Modified on 3/19/2017 5:08:28 PM

The only party of stupid is you. Repeal it on day 1? How fucking stupid are you. They are doing it the way it is supposed to be done. Presented, Changes, Vote Pass.

Posted By: hwy2heaven
If Obamacare is a menace as it is made out,  why did they not repeal it on day #1?    "Now they will be able to choose the care they want again".   From whom?    The bill is not even passed, LOL.   There is plenty of 'in fighting' with the party of stupid.    Stay tuned?

"I will repeal Obamacare on my first day in office".     The Clown and Conspiracy theories artist.

Your party of stupid (not me, your Repubthugs)  voted to repeal it 33 times without a plan!   You are a fucked up troll here posting your BS "they are doing it the way it is supposed to be done".  WTF and I can't stop laughing at you and your Repubthugs and the Tweeter in Chief!

Read this and you really need smoking Hookah!    "They are doing it the way it is supposed to be done. Presented, Changes, Vote Pass."    Then leave out millions without health care!   WTF .   Are you glad you are now a confirmed member of the "party of stupid".?

"Stupid".  Meaning ' "knowing the truth, seeing the truth but stull believing in the lies"

...what Los Angeles looked like in the 1950's.  That's smog, not fog.  The air quality is so much better today because of a concerted effort to improve it,  but with Trump gutting the EPA and eliminating funding for climate change, we can look forward to walking around wearing surgical masks like they have to in China.

Trump just wants Exxon to get that oil in the pumping oil from the Siberian sea.  

Carter Page meets with COB Igor Sechin, chair of the state-owned Russian oil company Rosneft, who is anxious to get Obama-levied sanctions lifted so he and Exxon CEO Tillerson can start pumping oil from beneath the floor of the Siberian sea. COB Sechin offers Page up to a 19% stake in Rosneft if he can get the personal and corporate sanctions lifted. Page expresses interest and says sanctions will be lifted if Trump is elected president (page 30 of dossier).

oil in Siberian sea worth 900 Billion is the reason

trump/putin needs sanctions dropped toget oil §  
donald trump treasonous Russian ties
 that worth $900 billion and they need no environment protections and Russian sanctions lifted to get
The oceans would be at risk and it would make Russia stronger.

pumping oil from the Siberian sea.  

Carter Page meets with COB Igor Sechin, chair of the state-owned Russian oil company Rosneft, who is anxious to get Obama-levied sanctions lifted so he and Exxon CEO Tillerson can start pumping oil from beneath the floor of the Siberian sea. COB Sechin offers Page up to a 19% stake in Rosneft if he can get the personal and corporate sanctions lifted. Page expresses interest and says sanctions will be lifted if Trump is elected president (page 30 of dossier).

oil in Siberian sea worth 900 Billion is the reason

trump/putin needs sanctions dropped toget oil  
donald trump treasonous Russian ties

Posted By: BigPapasan
...what Los Angeles looked like in the 1950's.  That's smog, not fog.  The air quality is so much better today because of a concerted effort to improve it,  but with Trump gutting the EPA and eliminating funding for climate change, we can look forward to walking around wearing surgical masks like they have to in China.

-- Modified on 3/19/2017 5:05:00 PM

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