Politics and Religion

You have to be pretending thinking the US actually gave money. :D
Timbow 50 reads

-- Modified on 8/18/2017 12:05:29 AM

HappyChanges2410 reads

Some folks, like BLM, believe the United States Government should pay reparations to the descendants of african slaves for their unpaid labor. Do you think reparations would help mend race relations in the United States?

86H13LTP51 reads

turned the traders trail into a war trail and ran - yes ran - all the way to Carolinas to rape , pillage and plunder other more peaceful injuns ?  

Peaceful injuns owned the portage around Niagra Falls too and made decent scratch from the early Europeans coming in . When the Iroquois say the $ they murdered all of the wimp tribe and took over portage .  

Or maybe you're talking about the Sioux who just decided to move from modern day Minnesota to the Dakotas so wiped out the tribes already there .  

Or maybe you just mean Indian unregulated Casinos . Chief Cheating Bull is making money hand over fist off old blue hair whities .  

So fuck them

bigguy3045 reads

Then some people say it's no such thing as white privilege today.

-- Modified on 8/17/2017 3:00:10 PM

HappyChanges49 reads

the merciless Indian savages, whose known rule of warfare, is undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions.

-- Modified on 8/17/2017 4:03:30 PM

...What moronic posts CrappyChanges sends to this board, but this one tops his mountain of manure. During the invasive take over of North America by whites many times more native American people died at the hands of whites than whites killed by native Americans, posts like this one from this ass hole tell us he is nothing but a racist troll with nothing better to do than to try to spread bullshit to try to make his point.

HappyChanges41 reads

Declaration of Independence. And yes, it was a vile and racist statement. Should we burn it, rip it down and stomp on it like confederate memorials and flags!?!?!?!?;?  Erase it from history, memory and shun those that took part and fought for OUR independence and freedom. Fuck NO!!!!!!!!! PUSSY!!!!!!

Cupcakes taste so good!!!!!

bigguy3062 reads

So the white man steals this land from the Indians.
Then forces blacks here from Africa.
Most of them were abuse, killed and raped.
They still built a lot of this country and worked for their lives.
You want to post a question like this using BLM?

If reparations were given to the Jewish people by the US goverenment and rightfully so by the way.
Then it's only right that other groups of people are shown that same respect.

-- Modified on 8/17/2017 2:38:58 PM

86H13LTP48 reads

If I was privileged then I would have pulled into a certain Atlanta club 15 mins before I did recently. Then I could have gotten a " free kill " .  I'd love to post the surveillance video to prove why always carrying is smart .  

That crackhead POS would have looked like  swish cheese and then I would have went home afterwards and jerked off to a Soprano episode.  My favorite is the 3rd season when Tony and Furio slap around the faggot doctor on Golf Course  

" Stupida  Fuckin Game "

bigguy3044 reads

I guess you need more attention.
So what happen they kicked you out of the strip club?
Just another insecure old fool on here.

WomanLvr80 reads

For someone to be arrogant, they must have something to be arrogant about!  Have read this dumb, dumb's posts and he can't string two intelligent syllables together.  Maybe what we are witnessing is simply ignorance with a major dose of stupidity.  

In this case, maybe "FALSE" arrogance?

HappyChanges42 reads

The article you posted states France paid reparations to Holocaust survivors living in the United States because French state-owned railways transported Jews to German concentration camps.  The United States soldiers liberated Nazi concentration camps in Germany during WWII.  

We all know reading comprehension is not one of your strong points.

bigguy3050 reads

The article headline:
U.S. begins paying out reparations from France to Holocaust survivors and their heirs

Plus the first paragraph clearly says paid and I posted it below.
Since you want to act like a clown again.

The State Department has paid or approved 90 claims for a total $11 million in reparations from France to former World War II prisoners who were carried to Nazi death camps in French trains — the first French reparations paid to Holocaust survivors living in the United States, officials said Thursday.

So the article goes on but you are not very smart Happy.
You keep showing why you are a Trump supporter.

HappyChanges48 reads

All the US government did was distribute the reparations that FRANCE paid to United States citizens who were Jewish and suffered because the French government used it's railways to transport them to concentration camps.  

The United States soldiers fought like hell to defeat the Germans and liberated the Nazi concentration camps. Show some respect, cupcake.

bigguy3043 reads

I know it was too hard for you to understand Happy. Lol

-- Modified on 8/17/2017 10:00:28 PM

HappyChanges78 reads

Feel free to let everyone on the board know, how hard it is to understand your dumb post. lol

bigguy3037 reads

Then you can explain your own dumb ass responses.
I love it when a stupid Trump supporter is trying hard to be smart. Lol

HappyChanges40 reads

if you have nothing of substance to add to this thread. I've already stated my point. Just go home and lick your wounds and try again next time.........

bigguy3054 reads

Well Trump is not the only one that is confused and stupid.
It's also his supporters like Happy clown trying to cover up his own stupidity. Lol
You were on here all day and keep showing why you are lost!
We get it the article went way over your head and it's not the first time on here.

Timbow56 reads

More than 700 claims have been filed under a 2014 agreement between the United States and France in which the French government pledged a total $60 million for the deportations carried out by SNCF, officials said. In exchange, the U.S. government agreed to ask courts to dismiss any U.S. lawsuits against SNCF or the French government.

If the second and perhaps a third round of applications doesn’t use up the $60 million that the French government paid to the United States in November, those who have already received payments would receive more,  

-- Modified on 8/17/2017 3:49:44 PM

bigguy3044 reads

The larger point of this article keeps going over their heads. Lol

bigguy3054 reads

I guess the Washington Post does not know either.
Since that was posted in their headline.

You and Happy must have been at the bar around the same time.

The both of you continue to sound like fools. Lol

-- Modified on 8/18/2017 9:27:48 AM

bigguy3058 reads

So the Headline below is very clear.

"U.S. begins paying out reparations from France to Holocaust survivors and their heirs"

I guess they did not account for foolish Trump supporters.
When writing that headline in the article.

Also I would not be talking Tim.
You seem to have a problem on here yourself.
Well I guess the link says it all about you. Lol

-- Modified on 8/20/2017 1:38:35 PM

HappyChanges46 reads

"France begins paying out reparations to Holocaust survivors and their heirs"  

This way you don't have to continue to look like a illiterate fool on the board. Lol.

bigguy3090 reads

The stupidity and lack of intelligence from you as a Trump supporter.
Just shows it's not fake news.
Most Trump supporters really are stupid.

Then you have the nerve to put Lol, after your dumb ass response.  
Most people outside of your fellow cult members are laughing at you! Lol

-- Modified on 8/20/2017 3:20:36 PM

Timbow85 reads

I want to hear your intellectual explanation.  
France is expected to wire the $60 million lump sum to the U.S. Treasury by November 30th and the money will be distributed by the State Department sometime after May 2016.


-- Modified on 8/20/2017 5:29:08 PM

bigguy3039 reads

You continue to show your limited ability to understand the larger point.  
Well you must be smarter than the writer and editor of the Washington Post. Lol

Please keep it up and I am enjoying your clown show with each response.

bigguy3047 reads

Also they had almost the same headline too.


So I guess a Jewish newspaper would make up that headline?

This is why you and your response comments are a joke.

When slavery existed here my forebears were in Russia being chased around by Cossacks.  Why the fuck should I pay reparations?  Anyway, it will never happen, so all this is a waste of time.

HappyChanges54 reads

grandmother's ancestors where the only ones in America during slavery days and they lived in Pennsylvania. Not sure if they had slaves. I guess I would be responsible for only a small percentage of reparations if the government considers your perspective.

I wouldn't be to quick to say it will never happen. If we get a super liberal democratic president, democratic senate and house for more than one term. There is a good chance we will be paying reparations to descendants of african slaves. As well as paying for everyone else in this country who doesn't work

Not to dismiss republican controlled government. Who knows, morally religious conservatives may feel guilty for their ancestors injustices and may feel justified to grant reparation to full fill their religious obligation.

It's not like it hasn't happened before. As stated above, native americans have received reparations for past injustices.

...been given 40 acres and a mule.  Let's say that would be worth $1 million today.  A descendent of a slave would say: "Okay give me my million!"  But it doesn't work that way - Holocaust survivors and Japanese internment victims were compensated directly.  A freed slave may have 1,000 descendants today, so each of them would only be entitled to $1,000 as their per stirpes share.  If descendants of slaves would agree to receive that amount as a symbol of the government's acknowledgment of slavery, then it would be okay.  But I have a feeling that they're just pushing for reparations to get a windfall, not to hold the government accountable.

Let's confiscate all of Trump's dirty Russian money..that should take care of the East Coast..

WomanLvr77 reads

But this is a very complicated issue and the "form" these reparations should take is even more complex.  No "decent" American would condone any minority or person of color being treated unfairly.  Of course, we are not talking about neo-Nazi, white supremacists, or the KKK these people are pure evil and far from "decent."  But I am sure the rest of us would agree.

The American way is to reward innovation and hard work.  No matter how "decent" or open-minded, no one I know has respect for someone (minority or not) who has their hand out and expects something for nothing.  Those of us who came from nothing and are now in a much better place, are more content, with what we have because we "earned" it.

Reparations need to be made in the form of finding a way to get at the core of why non-whites do not have the same opportunities that whites have and changing the system.  This is clearly an extremely complicated undertaking and some would tell you we are already trying to do just that.  The major systems that most immediately come to mind are opportunity for a good education--from elementary school all the way up to the college level--and then employment opportunities.  Again, just taking inventory will show initiatives already being implemented.  Although far from perfect and clearly not enough, things are significantly better than a few decades ago.

Giving someone, something simply for being a minority is clearly not the way.  Nothing irritates hard working Americans more than seeing someone cry injustice and then demand they be given something for nothing (yes, I know I already mentioned that).  So yes, reparations are in order, but in the form of initiatives that improve opportunity and reward merit.  All those activists who demonstrate without purpose, would be better served by expending that same effort as volunteers in our elementary schools or other tutoring activities.

-- Modified on 8/18/2017 7:57:35 AM

It was called the Civil War.  Apparently quite a few are still fighting it.  We freed the slaves.  With freedom came great responsibility for ones own self.  What America owes all its citizens equally is education, fair and equal treatment in the courts and equal opportunity to succeed.  

We are not there quite yet and at least during the Trump era we've taken a giant step backwards.  But once the curmudgeons and slow witted have had there day, we will progress yet again.

Sure give them more money for doing nothing.......

bigguy3057 reads

Since your fellow supporters benefit the most from Federal goverment assistance.
I really would keep your insecure response to yourself and look at your own cult!

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