Politics and Religion

You don't count. You are special and are treated as such.
Rutabaga_Baggins 192 reads

Judging ones character by observing interaction with you with reflect a distortion in proportion to your involvement.

Your turn to offer some distortion and lane changes.

I just would like to point out that I started a thread for the first time in a few days. One thread that I would have liked seen get some serious dicussion in.

But in the last 6 hours or so....

Nuguy has started 3 new topics of his usual pissing and moaning.

Laffy has started 2 new topics of his usual obnoxiousness.

And Jeff has started a whopping 6 new topics of his usual spamming.

Thanks a lot, trolls.

Just add to your existing threads, it's not like anyone stays on topic here, lol....

Just a little curtisity would go along way...you can still post what you want to say, just keep it on the same threads you post...it will stay up on the page longer for others to read as well......

I have a few questions to ask, because I'm simply not aware of what Romney's position is on several issues. So, I figured Romney's supporters would know better than I.

Is Romney in favor of the Lilly Ledbetter act or opposed to it?

***I don't know.  But he has said that as President he intends to enforce laws without rewriting them.

Is Romney in favor of allowing women to have access to birth control or not?

*** Yes, and he has said this many times already.  As governor, he made to attempt to interfere in this.

Does Romney believe that that a woman's employer should have the right to deny an employee birth control health coverage?

*** No.  Romney has said that the issue is not about the coverage being available.  The issue is that employers should not be obligated to pay for this service through mandatory government legislation.  He says the coverage should be based on the HC coverage the employee selects without any employer payment mandated.

***Is Romney in favor of the GM bailout or not?

Kind of a mute point.  Romney advocated that auto companies follow the already in place bankruptcy process, just like any other industry company would do.  He explained that bankruptcy law established fairness of treatment for creditors, workers, retirees, etc... This is also what Obama did; however, Romney drew the line at government funded loans (bailouts).  Whereas Obama intervened in the bankruptcy process and took control of the negotiations, Romney was against this portion and would have left the negotiations to the bankruptcy process.

Is Romney in favor of "personhood" legislation that would declare someone a legal person at the moment of conception or not?

*** Yes.  However, he has also said that this is a matter for the courts and not the President.  He said he would enforce the current law without exception.  He said that his personal view is that he is an advocate personally as pro life.

Is Romney in favor of the sanctions against Iran or not?

*** Yes.  His issue with current sanctions is that they should have been done to the fullest three years ago.  Instead Obama wasted that time and only recently put stiffer sanctions in place.  In Romney's view, we drug our feet way too long and now find ourselves possibly running out of time for them to work before Iran completes it's objective.

Is Romney in favor to making abortion illegal or not?

**** If a time came where the Supreme Court was to revisit RvW, Romney has said he is against abortion except in cases rape, or the health of the mother.  But he also acknowledged that as president, he would simply enforce the current law whatever that is.

Is Romney in favor of staying in Afghanistan past 2014 or not?

No.  He has stated he would withdraw.  However he also stated he is against advertising this pull out timeline to our enemy and the evidence suggests the broadcast of a timeline has given the enemy advantages on the battlefield.

Does Romney support the Roe v Wade decision or not?

**** Romney has stated he has no control over the law of the land.  He stated he will enforce the law.  If a time came when that law was to be revisited he would advocate a change to RvW.

Does Romney consider Ronald Reagan his hero or not?

*** he has never revealed who his hero might be; however, he does support reaganomics to some degree but not necessarily all of it.  He has stated that the extent to which reagan economic policies could be approached again would be determined in part by conditions at the time and serious negotiation with both dems and repubs in Congress for meaningful compromise.

Does Romney thing the minimum wage should be increased or not?

**** Romney has stated he would leave decisions of that nature to the will of the Congress and would sign legislation passed by Congress.

Does Romney support stem-cell research or not?

**** Yes

When you get done answering these, I have a few more.

****** My commentary **********

Willy, these questions might make for interesting discussion in a college classroom, they really don't have much to do with the President.  Your questions are posed in a manner that seems to suggest we are considering who the new dictator would be as if POTUS could dictate these things.  That's not the case.  To his credit, Romney hasn't advocated any end around game to get his way when he can't get buy in from Congress.  I wish Obama had been more aware of the three branches of government and their authority/duties.

Rutabaga_Baggins182 reads

I made 3 responses to you very recently. I wasn't rude or indignant yet nothing from you. It's not the first time either.

Why should we bother?

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