Politics and Religion

You are so full of shit ! When Jesse started
quadseasonal 27 Reviews 1278 reads
1 / 21

President Trump  assesses people based on “their successes and their failures.”

When MAGA President Trump mentioned there were fine people on both sides he wasn't  speaking of White Supremacists, Aryan Nation or KKK goons...........or Antifa  

There were ordinary  people in Charlottesville on both sides that believe in equality for all.


I suspect millions of  Lefty snowflakes hate MAGA Trump because he  tends  to attract Hot women.
      Jealousy is a waste of time IMO.

bigguy30 36 reads
2 / 21

So no matter how many times Quad wants to post a black face with Trump.
Just remember he has a long history of racist behavior.

Also black people are not a props or a shield, to cover up a person racist actions Quad!

macdaddy1944 51 Reviews 29 reads
3 / 21

an ass he is..

-- Modified on 8/22/2017 8:06:22 PM

hotplants 44 reads
4 / 21

“I didn’t hide my race from Donald Trump. He knew,” Ms. Young said in a rare interview. “He would say, ‘You’re like Derek Jeter.’ And I would say, ‘Exactly.’”

HA!....damn. Quad.  

“There were ordinary  people in Charlottesville on both sides that believe in equality for all”

Surely you are aware that when T made that statement about fine people on both sides that he was talking about the Fri night before the actual march started, right? Which means that, the very nice, ordinary people who were there, who you seem to believe were not Nazis’, apparently, chose to stay and march WITH Nazis.  

We know, for a fact, that this happened because the ONLY group of people who were there was marching in a crowd with tiki torches yelling: Blood and soil! Jews will not replace us! The only people standing on the sidelines were anti-protesters. The march was filmed, Quad. There’s video from multiple sources.

Calling something fake news can’t erase that fact that the thing you don’t want to believe happened is something that actually happened. It happened.  

Most people, I used to think, anyway…(until this debacle in Charlottsville) would understand this next statement to be so plainly obvious as to not require any further explicit justification, or exlanation:  

“nice people”, when confronted by Nazis marching through a city, do not pick-up a tiki torch and join right in the march because they oppose the removal of a confederate statue---and they, somehow, defying all credulity, managed to overlooked the nazi symbols/confederate flags/armed militia/anti-Semitic chants…et al… They were just nice guys……that were so clueless they had no idea what they were doing.  

After Charlottesville, I now understand that not only does this concept require repeated explanation, for some, no matter how may ways you try to explain this they still can’t grasp it.

JackDunphy 45 reads
5 / 21

...Donald J Trump spent TWENTY YEARS in a church with a racist, bigoted, anti-Semitic pastor? And not only did he do THAT, but PRAISED HIM on numerous occasions, gave him money and brought his kids in that evil place as well?

And imagine if Trump said "he was the most influential male in his adult life" and said that that racist, bigoted Jew hater "brought him to Christ?" LOL

One can only imagine your outrage had T done something so racist.

Once again, it is liberals like yourself, and many others here, SO incensed by Republican "racism" and yet they cower, hide, excuse or just flat out chose to ignore it when it comes from a Dem president.

Sorry plants, but it was the Left's capitulation and silence about all of BHO's racist shit that opened the door to a guy like Trump.

How does that make you feel?

Yep, Trump was a day late and a dollar short saying what should have been said in Charlottesville. Stipulated.  

But a day late beats twenty years late by a considerable margin, now doesn't it Plants? ;)

hotplants 31 reads
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86H13LTP 35 reads
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Robert Lee the Asian guy gets embarrassed by the network because of his name .  

Bruce is lucky

86H13LTP 36 reads
8 / 21

the Rainbow coalition Trump gave him FREE office space on Wall St .  Jesse kissed his ass and said " People of color have a friend in Donald Trump "  
Anyone who cries racist all the damn time like you do is the real racist in the room .  
FREE rent on Wall St . FREE the word you were raised to exploit !

marikod 1 Reviews 37 reads
9 / 21

Hot Pants 1, Jack 0

What you never saw on the 200 or so shows where Hannity ripped Obama about Rev Wright is that in April of 2008 Candidate Obama described Wright’s bigoted  rhetoric  as “divisive and destructive.”  Obama praised  Wright for good reason - for introducing him to Jesus and being a mentor – but never for his bigoted remarks. And you embarrass yourself by calling his church an" evil place" bc the pastor chose to step into the political arena.  

No different from many of our generation who had loving fathers and who later discovered that the fathers made racists remarks.  Unless you a member of the Jehovah's Witnesses, you don't excommunicate your Dad just bc he is a product of his generation and still harbors racists views. You condemn  his racists views as Obama did.

WomanLvr 30 reads
10 / 21

Clearly you have a "man crush" on Barack Obama!  Inwardly could you actually admire him and feel gratified he guided our country through one of the most tumultuous periods in our nation's history?  You continue to view all of Trump's missteps through the prism of Barack Obama's legacy.  You should do yourself a favor and get another hero or at least a different frame of reference.  Or, try a novel approach and just to make you feel adequate, judge Trump on the merit of HIS actions.

NEWS FLASH:  Barack Obama is no longer the president of the U.S.  Whatever he did or did not do is ancient history.  TRUMP is the president of the U.S. and was handed a "cake walk," compared to any of our past presidents.  The only thing that truly matters is how Trump handles the complex issues that face our nation TODAY.  Get an exorcism and have the spirit of Barack Obama completely removed from your psyche!  Trust me, you will be one step closer to reality and will feel a lot better!


bigguy30 31 reads
11 / 21

It's shows the truth is getting to you.
You are one of the biggest race baiters on here.

Also you support Trump and apart of his racist cult.
So you calling anyone on here a racist makes you a hypocrite.

86H13LTP 31 reads
12 / 21

because they didn't have enough ethnic food meals ? You said soul food but I'll stick with ethnic .  And someone replied to you that fatback is called fatback for a reason , dope so of course it's not in any of their meals .  

I was nice in my response to you and only said you should try running around the block sometime.  

Your favorite word is racist .

JackDunphy 44 reads
13 / 21

WOW! Your all-time WORST defense. Shameful, really.

Obama's mentor Mari, was a Jew hater, An anti-American. A bigot. Wright didn't just chose to "step into the political arena" as you so innocently and coyly state.  

He CHOSE to jump into the pool of deep hatred and bigotry. Shit you make it sound like he was merely stating his thoughts on taxes, HC or the national debt. Do I really have to explain these differences  to you?

Please list for me ANY Republican who would have had the EXACT scenario as BHO that YOU and ALL the other lefties would be giving him a pass. I will await forever for such a list as it doesn't exist.

If McCain or Romney was found out to have attended a white nationalist church for 20 years, what do you think the main stream left would be saying? What would YOU or the always offended Hotplants be saying? Puh-lease. Rhetorical.  

Tell me. What did Obama do when a different reverend (Lowery) said a racist prayer, and delivered it on his inauguration day in front of his children and a throng of people? Did Obama stand up to that after he heard it and denounce racism? Um, no. He APPLAUDED IT, Mari.

And how about ALL the times he jumped into race issue but always seemed to side against "whitey?" Remember the infamous Cambridge police nonsense. The "I don't know all the facts but the police acted stupidly comments? Yeah that was a big plus to racial relations in the country. LOL

How about him referring to his grand mom as a "typical white women?" Is there a "typical black woman?" Obama didn't say. Would you like to tell us what a typical black women is Mari? I am sure the African American women would LOVE to know your thoughts. Unless maybe only the "typicals" reside in the white race? LOL

But where you really fail epically is your bull hit about Obama condemning Wrights racists views. A little trip down history lane for you bro...

Obama did no such thing until ABC News outed Obama's racist mentor, and if you remember, Obama first tried defending it with that nutty speech in Philly until Obama's handlers got to him and forced him to throw Wright under the bus the following week.  

Yeah, Obama is REAL brave Mari. A true crusader against racial bigotry and injustice. LOL

And if you don't think the apple fell very far from the tree, Obama placed a nice cherry on top of his racist sundae when he brought in the scum bag Sharpton to be his racial advisor.

Thank you for making my case. Liberals see racism everywhere unless it is seated right next to them in church then they suddenly dodge, weave, excuse and refuse.  

Game. Set. Match. Day. Week. Month. Year. Decade. Century, Mr Dunphy. ;)

bigguy30 35 reads
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BuffetBoy 3 Reviews 30 reads
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bigguy30 47 reads
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I guess it's all that beer and chicken wings at the strip club.
So as you continue to make up dumb ass comments.
Just remember you cannot run from your race baiting comments on this site.

-- Modified on 8/23/2017 2:50:43 PM

bigguy30 43 reads
17 / 21

Well you are just acting like your master the racist Liar-In-Chief.
So I know your history on here and not surprised you needed to lie.
Since you are a clueless clown that earned being called a racist.
The comments you posted earned you that title.

I had so many to pick from too.
This comment in the link sums up why Trump is your God.
You said that eights months ago.
So you had to be drunk writing that comment.

-- Modified on 8/23/2017 4:30:36 PM

marikod 1 Reviews 32 reads
19 / 21

But let's give him some credit - there were some "fine ideas" in that post. About as many as the number of "fine people" who marched with the Nazis.

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 34 reads
20 / 21

There were no fine people marching with Nazis..     All the videos I've seen didn't show fine people marching with Nazis or White Supremacists ............however there were some fine people there marching who hold a souvenir allegiance to Yankee made  cheap statues.    
   Is that too difficult for you to understand.
   I have no love for Confederate Statues but I'm not so ignorant I can't understand why some decent  people do.

 Most of the people there in favor of the Confederate Statues were not Nazis or White supremacists but you'd never realize  that with  your incessant gallant defense of fake news.
   At least you admitted Jack made some good points you'll never hear on CNN.  
  So there's hope for you if you find the strength to change the channel if only once in a while.  

 There was no shortage of everyday goofballs on both sides.

Posted By: marikod
Re: I love it when Jack is so wrong he unites the Board
But let's give him some credit - there were some "fine ideas" in that post. About as many as the number of "fine people" who marched with the Nazis.

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 32 reads
21 / 21

Focus on reading comprehension.
Don't interject your personal opinion in material you are reading.
Keep a dictionary and Thesaurus nearby to help you understand.  
Determine the main idea of sentences  you are trying to decipher.
Don't try reading  fast until you can comprehend while reading slow.
Don't   attempt  reading while thoroughly agitated,  confusion could  easily outshine your distracted  mind.
Have you asked your DR. for Diazepam to calm you down and help you comprehend?  
A majority  of those with lowest  literacy skills live in poverty.  
Would you like to make  money and be successful ?  

   PM   # I can reach you, I'll give you a vocal lesson to help you understand my point.
   Or PM with your email I'll send you a list of books to help you comprehend, if you read slow.

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