Politics and Religion

You are ALL fucking morons and TSTTT
GaGambler 20 reads

So I'll let my link speak for me. (For all the fucking good it will do) "Real Leader Obama" my fucking ass.

...and now Abdul Ghani Baradar will be the leader of Afghanistan.  Baradar formed the Taliban with Mullah Omar who died a few years ago.

Real Leader Obama was concerned about Baradar's military expertise so he had the CIA track him down in 2010 and persuaded Pakistan to arrest Baradar.  Pakistan kept him in prison from 2010 to 2018 simply because the U.S. asked them to.

 In 2018, however, Trump asked the Pakistanis to release Baradar so he could lead negotiations in Qatar, based on the naive belief that Baradar and the Taliban would settle for a power-sharing arrangement.  Baradar signed the Doha agreement with the US in February 2020, in what the Trump administration hailed as a breakthrough towards peace but which now appears a mere staging post towards total Taliban victory.

The US and Taliban agreement not to fight each other was supposed to be followed by power-sharing talks between the Taliban and the Afghani government.  It  is clear now that Baradar and the Taliban made Trump look like an idiot (not hard to do).  They duped Donny the Dummy - they were playing for time, waiting for the Americans to leave and preparing a final offensive.


But, yes, they never intended to honor the deal they made with Donny "Only I Can Fix It" Trump. He's the biggest dupe EVER to be President.
Please remember his words only a month ago:  
“I started the process, all the troops are coming home, they (Biden) couldn’t stop the process. 21 years is enough. They (Biden) couldn’t stop the process, they (Biden) wanted to but couldn’t stop the process.”

about an unconfirmed story that the Taliban paid off Stump so they could take over Afghanistan.  I haven't seen or heard anything about it, but If there's any truth to that & it could be proven, Trumpolini's on the hook AGAIN for treason.

That's why we haven't seen or heard anything about it.  But Donny the Dupe got duped again!  The Taliban paid him in this cryptocurrency:

Stump got confused; in other words, normal.  He accepts his own cryptocurrency, ShitCoin, as payment on his various grifting sites.  He believed it was a legit payment when he saw those "Shit coins" hanging out of their asses.

So I'll let my link speak for me. (For all the fucking good it will do) "Real Leader Obama" my fucking ass.

Where is the future draft pick, the terrorist to be named later, & the undisclosed amount of cash we were supposed to receive?

myopic in his take on the situation.  If he's going to call out Trump for releasing a Taliban bigshot, then he needs to call out Obama, too.  When he spends most of the day with his head up his ample ass, he could have just missed the rest of the story from your link.

...for the failures of "Real Leader Joe". Apparently, this is the only freed prisoner they didn't like. Democrats were cheering releasing prisoners on the streets of the America for the last year and a half and then they blame guns for the spike in crime instead of their stunning incompetence.

...TSTTT.   And his link speaks VOLUMES about what a fucking moron GlugGlug is.  It's from "GOPUSA.com," an obscure righty website.  Other "esteemed" journalistic media sites that reported the story the same way GOPUSA did are:
Fox News & the NY Post, both owned by Rupert Murdoch.  Notice that the Wall Street Journal did not make the same assessment of Khairullah Khairkhwa because the WSJ still has some credibility.

Also reporting the story are The Daily Mail, The Sun and meaww.com.  When a lefty posts something from a lefty site like The Daily Kos, HuffPo or The Daily Beast, GlugGlug mocks and ridicules the link.  But the fucking hypocrite "lets his links speak for" him.

But the REAL REASON GlugGlug posted the link and ran away is that he is a passive-aggressive little bitch.  He's trying to come to Cuck-Da-Loser's defense for posting this LIE in another thread:
"BTW, the head of the Taliban that Trump dealt with was a guy released from Guantanamo by Obama during the Bergdahl prisoner exchange when the Democrats got our traitor back from the Taliban."

I exposed Cuck's outright lie in my reply to his post and I also criticized GlugGlug for never calling out Cuck for his constant lying:
"Not one chickenshit righty ever calls out Cuck-Da-LIAR for his bullshit.  He has nothing but contempt for you because he knows you are all so stupid that you'll believe anything he posts.  The worst is GlugGlug - he laps up Cuck's bullshit just like he laps up the rotgut tequila with his tongue when he spills his drink on the bar.  GlugGlug says: My BFF CDL is just using a little poetic license.  Hic!'"

My OP proves that Real Leader Obama captured the co-founder of the Taliban and held him in prison until Idiot Trump released him and negotiated the agreement with him that resulted in the current catastrophe in Afghanistan.  But GlugGlug is still trying to prove that Cuck-Da-LIAR wasn't lying when he said:
"BTW, the head of the Taliban that Trump dealt with was a guy released from Guantanamo by Obama during the Bergdahl prisoner exchange when the Democrats got our traitor back from the Taliban."

Thant's why GlugGlug posted the link that speaks for him.  He said NOTHING because he knows Certified-Dick-Lover is a liar and his link does nothing to prove that Cuck-Da-LIAR wasn't lying.

in prison?  I heard that the Pakistanis were holding him in THEIR prison.  Since you're the link-meister, you should be able to provide proof that Obama had this guy in prison.  

The Pakistanis were holding him in THEIR prison because Obama told them to:

"The Obama administration, however, was more fearful of (Baradar's) military expertise than it was hopeful about his supposedly moderate leanings. The CIA tracked him down to Karachi in 2010 and in February of that year persuaded ISI to arrest him."

"'The capture of Baradar was predominantly instigated because of his role in the war rather than because of the likelihood that he was going to suddenly make peace,' a former official said. 'The fact is, the Pakistanis held on to him all those years in large part because the United States asked them to.'"

"In 2018, however, Washington’s attitude changed and Donald Trump’s Afghan envoy, Zalmay Khalilzad, asked the Pakistanis to release Baradar so he could lead negotiations in Qatar, based on the belief that he would settle for a power-sharing arrangement. 'I had never seen any real substantiation of that point, but it just took on a kind of mythic idea,' the former official said."

"Baradar signed the Doha agreement with the US in February 2020, in what the Trump administration hailed as a breakthrough towards peace but which now appears a mere staging post towards total Taliban victory."

There's my link, now where is YOUR link to back up this BULLSHIT statement:
"BTW, the head of the Taliban that Trump dealt with was a guy released from Guantanamo by Obama during the Bergdahl prisoner exchange when the Democrats got our traitor back from the Taliban."

You're NOT a link-meister, You're a bullshitter.  Maybe GlugGlug can help Can't-Do-Links find the link.  But he hasn't been able to so far.  

…we can get the ISI and Pakistan to do anything we tell them to do. So why are we letting Pakistan supply and aid the Taliban? Sounds to me like Real Leader Joe wants the Taliban back in charge. Maybe it’s so he can import even more Democrat voters. Taking in Afghans worked out great for Germany. They’re only causing 90% of the crime there including raping and murdering children.

the two releases GOQ are trying to desperately compare as equals are not equals. The one Trumpolini released is now the leader of the Taliban!
Accept the fact that Trump sold out Afghanistan to Taliban for personal political and financial gain.

-- Modified on 8/19/2021 12:17:56 PM

for Biden.  He's done more for the Taliban than he has for anyone else, and they are the only ones not funneling money to Hunter.  The Biden's made China, Russia and Ukraine pay millions.  With the Taliban, Biden PAID them by giving them  billions of dollars worth of Military hardware.  I just heard some general on the news say that the Taliban now has MORE Blackhawk helicopters than our ally, Australia.  Joe just made the Taliban the most well-equipped Army in the Middle East.  

...for Cuck-DA-LIAR to get caught lying red-handed.  A few posts above, Cuck asked me for a link proving that the Taliban leader was imprisoned by Real Leader Obama.  I gave him the link and then asked him to prove this statement:
"BTW, the head of the Taliban that Trump dealt with was a guy released from Guantanamo by Obama during the Bergdahl prisoner exchange when the Democrats got our traitor back from the Taliban."

Naturally, Cuck-Da-Loser didn't reply because he's a LIAR and can't admit he's a LIAR because he's also a cowardly bitch.

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