Politics and Religion

Definition of DEMAGOGUE
NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 1459 reads

Definition of DEMAGOGUE
: a leader who makes use of popular prejudices and false claims and promises in order to gain power



White people can't judge demagoguery!!!!: Matttard the psychologist!

Allen West, a better judge than you about demagoguery!!!!!

“First of all, having been born and raised down in Georgia, I’m very surprised at the incredible southern accent that the president, who was born in Hawaii and grew up in Chicago, was able to command,” the Florida congressman said, poking fun at Obama’s drastic accent change during the 2007 speech.

There was definitely a “tinge of racially motivated comments” in Obama’s address, West explained, adding that he was playing on people’s “worst fears and emotions, which is this sense of separation.”


I guess you didn't bother to read this part: ""I shouldn't be, but I am surprised Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity don't know black folks use different speech patterns among each other," television critic Eric Deggans tweeted while watching.

Hannity's day-long hyping of the video drew a rebuke from guest Juan Williams later in his show.

"I love coming on your show Sean, because I've been here now for all these conspiracy theories," Williams said. Hannity said there was no conspiracy, that Obama was pushing racial divisiveness by talking about the federal response to Hurricane Katrina and the lack of federal money for black-owned business, and that he seemed like a different person because of his accent.

"He was speaking to an elite audience of young black people," Williams said. "He was relating to them directly ... politicians do this repeatedly.

"You guys are playing a race card now," he said.

"Why are you protecting what should be condemned by everybody?" Hannity asked.

"Are you kidding me? I would condemn it in a second if I saw it in the way you are describing," Williams said. "When I see that you guys throw dirt and see what will stick. All you do is hope something's going to stick this time."

"You guys?" Hannity said.

Williams pointed out that George W. Bush himself had said that Katrina was rooted partially in racial discrimination."

Yes, I do view Juan's judgement about what constitutes a black man demonstrating demagoguery, over that of Hannity and Tucker Carlson, and over a politician who is very much against Obama, even though he is black. Where's "racebaiting" in that???   ;)

That's how the whole show works, that's why we are so muti-cultural.

We can create a middle-class over nite.

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