Politics and Religion

Yes. Alec Baldwin Could Be Charged Criminally In The “Rust” Shooting
cks175 43 Reviews 639 reads

There have been number of inquiries on the specific liability of actor Alec Baldwin and whether he could be charged criminally. The answer in one word is “yes.” However, much depends on the still unfolding facts around this fatal mishap with the prop gun.
New Mexico has a provision that allows “involuntary manslaughter” charges for “the commission of a lawful act which might produce death in an unlawful manner or without due caution and circumspection.” …Such a charge is a fourth-degree felony in New Mexico, with a penalty of 18 months jail time and up to $5,000 in fines
The individuals most at risk of such a charge are the assistant director and prop manager.

The most likely liability for Baldwin would stem from civil liability in the form of a wrongful death action.
Other Hollywood actors don’t see Baldwin getting off the hook so easily.

Adam Baldwin:
Why did he aim, cock and pull the trigger - of his unchecked weapon - in the direction of crewmembers during a rehearsal?

Ans: Negligence.
Nick Searcy:
This is it. Why on Earth a trigger would be pulled under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES during a rehearsal is hard to understand.

So this was Rehearsal? Yeah, his goose might be cooked.  Apparently, this is a low-budget film of only 10 million. The plot of the story is a typical western and Travis Fimmel is one of the "bad guys" who I would actually like to see in a western.  I wonder if it will get finished now...

Anyone who actually pulls the trigger "in fun" is dumber than our village idiot.

Yes, the gun should have been unloaded, but that's no excuse for pointing a gun at ANYONE who you don't intend to shoot for real, with the obvious exception of doing it in while actually filming a movie.

I have owned a handgun since the ripe old age of 11 and is ANYONE points a fucking gun at me they better pull the fucking trigger and kill me, because if they don't I promise you that gun is going to end up someplace where the sun doesn't shine. I had it drilled into me by my father back when I was a child that a gun is NOT a fucking playtoy, for a grown ass man like Baldwin not to know this is criminal in it's own sake.

No, Baldwin didn't load the gun, but anyone with any familiarity with firearms knows to check any weapon put in your hand to see if it is loaded and the presumption until doing so is that ALL guns are loaded until proved otherwise.

Posted By: GaGambler
Re: Anyone who points a gun at a person with an "unloaded" gun is a fucking moron
Anyone who actually pulls the trigger "in fun" is dumber than our village idiot.  
 Yes, the gun should have been unloaded, but that's no excuse for pointing a gun at ANYONE who you don't intend to shoot for real, with the obvious exception of doing it in while actually filming a movie.  
 I have owned a handgun since the ripe old age of 11 and is ANYONE points a fucking gun at me they better pull the fucking trigger and kill me, because if they don't I promise you that gun is going to end up someplace where the sun doesn't shine. I had it drilled into me by my father back when I was a child that a gun is NOT a fucking playtoy, for a grown ass man like Baldwin not to know this is criminal in it's own sake.  
 No, Baldwin didn't load the gun, but anyone with any familiarity with firearms knows to check any weapon put in your hand to see if it is loaded and the presumption until doing so is that ALL guns are loaded until proved otherwise.
It actually has a name, Muzzle awareness. I was taught that you should imagine there is a laser in the bore of your weapon that will harm flesh if it crosses it. As such you never point a weapon at anyone. It's considered a skill at arms. In a military situation when you have a group of people all moving around one another you go to extreme lengths to make sure your weapon never "FLAGS" your fellow service members ever. To this day I practice it. I also open the chamber of every weapon I pick up.  

So I am betting Baldwin has very little actual firearms handling experience as he's a noted anti-gunner and he's also kind of an arrogant ass that would expect every aspect of his on-set time to be catered to in a fashion that would shock a normal person.  So him popping the loading gate open and ejecting a round of ammunition out to inspect it was probably the LAST thing on his mind. Him pointing the gun at someone... NOT another actor prescribed by the director specifically for a scene... well that's on him. Any arguments over whether it was loaded or unloaded will fall on deaf legal ears

Adam Baldwin  Who has TONS of onset gun experience has been spot on in his analysis of the situation.  

...you should wait until all the facts are known before jumping to conclusions.  This statement was part of the search warrant for the movie set:

"Joel (the director) stated they had Alec sitttting in a pew in a church building setting, and he was practicing a cross draw.  Joel said he was looking over the shoulder of Halayna when he heard what sounded like a whip and then a loud pop.  Joel vaguely remembers Halayna complaining about her stomach and then grabbing her midsection.  Joel also said Halayna began to stumble backwards and she was assisted to the ground.  Joel explained that he was bleeding from his shoulder and he could see blood on Halayna."

-- Modified on 10/24/2021 11:47:41 PM

The gun in question is a single action revolver which needs to be cocked first and then fired meaning that they don't simply "go off" like a 14 year old getting laid for the first time.  

Let me stipulate, I HATE Baldwin, I never liked him, or his brothers long before Trump was an issue. That said, I doubt seriously that dumbass that he is/was Baldwin is unlikely to be found criminally negligent in this case. One concession I will make about checking the firearm before handling it is that with a single action revolver that is supposedly loaded with blanks is the ONLY way to tell if it's truly loaded with blanks is to remove each and every cartridge from the cylinder and check them individually, not an option on a movie set which means IMHO that Baldwin is NOT guilty of negligence, or at least most certainly not guilty of criminal negligence for not checking the weapon more thoroughly. He did however point, cock and fire the fatal round, the gun did not just "go off" which gives him at least some culpability, but I will concede it's highly unlikely that whatever negilgence is proven on his part will rise to anything even close to being criminal.

Here is a bone to you lefties, I agree that the righties on the board simply hate Baldwin so much that they are trying to create a crime where none exists. It would not surprise me however if the person/s actually in charge of inspecting the gun/s on set are not charged criminally, and another unanswered question remains, What the Fuck was live ammunition doing anywhere near a movie set where people are going to be pointing and shooting supposedly "harmless" weapons at each other???!!!

Right on all counts. The guilty parties seem to be the Head Armorer and the Ass't. Director. Good point about why the hell ANY live ammo was anywhere near the set. I haven't seen that mentioned before.
Oh, and did I mention FUCK YOU!!!

One of the early youtube "million hits" millionaires was some guy who showed how to use computer graphics special effects in various shooting scenes, from old muskets to futuristic laser weapons. I forget his name and can't find those old vids, but there are newer versions. Computers can insert muzzle flashes onto a banana, sparking ricochets off of a marshmallow, puffs of powder smoke out of a soda straw, etc..  
Basically, some pros argue, there is NO NEED for real functioning weapons on a movie set these days.  Fully disabled real weapons, solid rubber fakes, ... or a bar of soap can all be CGIed into working weapons during editing.  
When a closeup of a "real" weapon being handled is needed, they can use a stunt double. In the Dueling Banjos scene in Deliverance, a stunt musician was crouched behind the mountain boy with his arm thru a shirt sleeve doing the fretting. In other movie(s), the facial closeup is on the star but the closeup of the hands playing the Stradivarius violin is a stunt double real violinist (or real pianist or real magician or real sushi chef ...). If, for some reason, you need a real gun closeup (cowboy gun twirling?), put the gun in the hands of an expert and zoom in.  
This Baldwin incident might accelerate the elimination of real weapons from movie sets.  
I participated in drama programs from K-12 and into college. At no time were we allowed to have live ammunition on the set. In high school, the only weapons with live ammo were held by the thugs and toughs in the audience or hanging out in the hallways or outside the school.

Posted By: cks175

There have been number of inquiries on the specific liability of actor Alec Baldwin and whether he could be charged criminally. The answer in one word is “yes.” However, much depends on the still unfolding facts around this fatal mishap with the prop gun.
New Mexico has a provision that allows “involuntary manslaughter” charges for “the commission of a lawful act which might produce death in an unlawful manner or without due caution and circumspection.” …Such a charge is a fourth-degree felony in New Mexico, with a penalty of 18 months jail time and up to $5,000 in fines
The individuals most at risk of such a charge are the assistant director and prop manager.  
 The most likely liability for Baldwin would stem from civil liability in the form of a wrongful death action.
Other Hollywood actors don’t see Baldwin getting off the hook so easily.  
 Adam Baldwin:
Why did he aim, cock and pull the trigger - of his unchecked weapon - in the direction of crewmembers during a rehearsal?  
 Ans: Negligence.
Nick Searcy:
This is it. Why on Earth a trigger would be pulled under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES during a rehearsal is hard to understand.

…that after Baldwin and other deranged lefties kept saying that Trump would be in prison by now, that the guy that ends up going to prison is Alec Baldwin?

for all of the skits he did mocking and bashing Trump.  

Juries for celebrities, like OJ, who couldn't send a double murderer to prison, are unlikely to convict Baldwin for an unintentional shooting regardless of actual negligence.
However, he'll be paying out big bucks.  Almost certainly.

From The NY Times:  
"Alec Baldwin was rehearsing a scene that involved pointing a revolver “towards the camera lens” when the gun — which the crew had been told did not contain live rounds — suddenly went off and killed the cinematographer, according to the film’s director, who was quoted in an affidavit released Sunday night.

The film’s director, Joel Souza, described hearing what “sounded like a whip and then loud pop.”

The account by Mr. Souza explained why Mr. Baldwin had been pointing the gun at the cinematographer, Halyna Hutchins. But it did not answer the question of how a gun that was not supposed to contain live ammunition wound up killing her.

The director, who was wounded in the shooting, told investigators that he had believed that the gun was safe and that it had been described as a “cold gun” in firearm safety announcements. He said that guns on the film’s set were typically checked by the film’s armorer, Hannah Gutierrez-Reed, and then checked again by Dave Halls, the assistant director, who would hand them to the actors.

On film sets, the order of who handles a weapon typically involves a precise sequence, several armorers in the industry said. But actors had been handed guns on the set by both Mr. Halls and Ms. Gutierrez-Reed, according to a producer of “Rust” who asked not to be named because of the ongoing investigation.On Thursday, after preparing for the scene in a set of a church, Mr. Souza told investigators, there was a lunch break, and the crew was taken by shuttle elsewhere for food. He said that they returned to the set after lunch but that he was “not sure if the firearm was checked again.”

The new details, which emerged when the Santa Fe County Sheriff’s Office released the affidavit used to obtain a search warrant, provided the fullest account yet of the deadly shooting, which took place Thursday afternoon on a set outside Santa Fe.

Mr. Baldwin had been sitting in a wooden church pew, rehearsing a scene that involved “cross drawing” a revolver and pointing it at the camera lens, Mr. Souza said, according to the affidavit. Mr. Souza said that he had been standing beside Ms. Hutchins “viewing the camera angle.”

Mr. Souza saw Ms. Hutchins grabbing her midsection and starting to stumble backward. Then he noticed he was bleeding from his shoulder.

The details, woven together by Detective Joel Cano in an application for a search warrant to seize everything from camera memory cards to bone fragments and firearm discharge, provide a chilling account of the fatal shooting on a production set that had been beset by accidental gun discharges and labor disputes between producers and crew members. (The warrant was granted.)
“Upon making contact I did observe a visible injury to his right shoulder,” Detective Cano said in the affidavit, describing how he had interviewed Mr. Souza on Friday afternoon, after the director had been treated for his injury. Ms. Hutchins, who sustained a gunshot wound to the chest area, had already been pronounced dead on Thursday at University of New Mexico Hospital in Albuquerque.

“Joel stated there should never be live rounds whatsoever, near or around the scene,” Detective Cano wrote in the affidavit.

Mr. Souza was grappling with delays the day of the shooting, after about six members of the camera crew had quit over late pay and safety conditions, the affidavit said. Another crew had quickly been hired, but the production was off to a late start because of the labor problems. Mr. Souza said only one camera was available for recording before the shooting.

Asked about “the employees’ behavior,” Mr. Souza told investigators that “everyone was getting along” and that there had been “no altercations” to his knowledge.

The affidavit also includes notes from an interview with Reid Russell, a cameraman who was standing near Ms. Hutchins and Mr. Souza when the gun discharged.

Mr. Russell told the detective that after returning to the set from lunch, he had stepped outside for about five minutes; when he returned, according to the affidavit, Mr. Baldwin, Ms. Hutchins and Mr. Souza were setting up the scene and were already “in possession of the firearm.” Mr. Russell said he was not sure if the firearm had been inspected because he had been absent for those five minutes.According to the affidavit, Mr. Halls grabbed the revolver from a gray, two-tiered tray set up by Ms. Gutierrez-Reed. Mr. Halls handed the gun to Mr. Baldwin and shouted, “cold gun,” which on a film set typically refers to an unloaded firearm.

While setting up the scene, the crew had to reposition the camera because there was a shadow. Mr. Russell told the detective that Mr. Baldwin was explaining how he was going to draw the gun, pulling it out from the holster, when the firearm discharged.

Mr. Russell said that Mr. Baldwin had been “very careful” with the firearm; during an earlier scene, Mr. Russell said, Mr. Baldwin had tried to ensure safety on set, making sure that a child wasn’t near him when he was discharging the gun. Asked about how members of the production team were behaving as they set up the scene, he said “everyone seemed to be getting along.”

Mr. Souza, the director, told the detective that because the crew had been setting up the scene when the gun discharged, the incident had not been filmed.

After the firearm was discharged, Mr. Russell told the detective he “remembered Joel having blood on his person, and Ms. Hutchins speaking and saying she couldn’t feel her legs.”

Yeh guns do that when you suddenly pull the trigger.

If anyone else so much as pointed a gun at someone, we’d get charged with a crime. Throw this idiot in prison and let him show the prisoners his Trump impression.

You hate Baldwin because he's a liberal who repeatedly mocked your 'dear leader' on SNL. If anyone should be criminally investigated and charged it's the person who loaded the gun with live ammo.

If I pointed a gun at someone and I *didn’t* shoot them, I would still be committing a crime. Baldwin pointed the gun, he failed to check the gun, he failed to keep his finger off the trigger. Baldwin fucked up. It doesn’t matter that he’s an actor and he doesn’t know how to wipe his own ass. You handle a gun and you’re either responsible with it or you’re not and if you’re not you go to prison, period.

It was a REHEARSAL of a movie scene in which. Baldwin was supposed to point the gun at the camera and dry fire it. BY PULLING THE FUCKING TRIGGER. He'd been told it was "cold."  
Now, that said, the only thing I agree with you on is he should have checked the gun himself. But he's not criminally responsible for not doing it because both the Head Armorer and Assistant Director were supposed to have done that.

The liberal media protecting Hollywood actor who advocates for gun control
The Hollywood version of the Alec Baldwin story is that the actor killed a woman with a prop gun and a blank and is not at fault.

The true story is that Baldwin shot two people with a real gun and did not follow firearm safety rules.

The media version is the crew made a mistake and gave the actor one live round of ammunition that shot two people. The factual version is no one knows what was in the gun

When I first read the IndieWire story, I though, that’s a great exclusive. And then when I read the LA Times update late in the day, I thought, this is another example of liberal media unforced errors on guns.

I don’t know the IndieWire reporter, but I would bet he never thought to ask his source if the “live” ammo had a bullet in it.

Neither outlet explains how bizarre it is to shoot one “blank” and hit two people and kill one of them.

A bullet can easily go through the shoulder of one victim and into another. A blank supposedly only has something that will fall to the ground when the trigger is pulled. It’s premature to put blame on anyone on set — other than the person holding the gun in an unsafe manner

to make a  point and / or push an idea.  

But how they decide who would be sacrificed?
But then again someone else will take the blame.  hmmm, very interesting. Talk amongst yourself.
I'll just leave this here 💩

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