Politics and Religion

Julian Assange/WikiLeaks Press Conference On The CIA Vault 7 Release

Child rapist in bed with Russian murderer and American pussy grabber..

Posted By: RobbinYoung

earlweaver126 reads

and his thing with Vlad was consensual

leave the man alone

Barry's out playing with his new rich, white friends!

I was just speaking with my ex-fiance...a brilliant man...the love of my life...my intellectual mentor. And although he no longer lives near me, and we haven't seen one another for years...we enjoy conversing with each other. I brought up Assange, and there was silence on the phone. I immediately knew what was coming next, because I know him so well. He said, "I'm sorry, but I disagree with you. He is a traitor, who should be hanged. His release has caused Americans to be put in danger or even killed."

Ugh, I literally feel sick to my stomach! I'm sooo confused, because my ex has always been right!  

*Sigh* I'm wayyy too passionate and naive! I just wanted a hero to trust and believe in...someone who strives to make our world a better place for all mankind. Now, I don't know what to believe, and I just want to curl up in bed and cry. :(

earlweaver115 reads

you are open minded and thoughtful - good for you.

Assange did both good and really bad.  He rightfully exposed the lawlessness of the intel community and their surveillance programs.  While in so doing, he compromised and did inestimable damage to our intel assets, sources and methods critical to defending us from the animals who rape and murder in the name of their god.

If I met Assange, I'd shake his hand then shoot him in the head.

Don't shoot him yet, I want to see him leak that Obama was banging Chelsea Manning.  

35 years cut down to 7 for being a spy.  

There's Obama's legacy right there.

Posted By: earlweaver
you are open minded and thoughtful - good for you.  
 Assange did both good and really bad.  He rightfully exposed the lawlessness of the intel community and their surveillance programs.  While in so doing, he compromised and did inestimable damage to our intel assets, sources and methods critical to defending us from the animals who rape and murder in the name of their god.  
 If I met Assange, I'd shake his hand then shoot him in the head.

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