Politics and Religion

trump loses..what happens?....Prepare for 1/6 insurrection part 2
Hpygolky 207 Reviews 151 reads

If you read the tea leaves trumps will be using the same excuse he would have used if he lost on 2016. It'll be the millions of illegal voters. Because after all, trump was leading in all the polls so how can her lose, right?
Note. its the topic most righties are bringing up now is immigration..the seeds are being planted.
One difference I hope...that the National Guard will be lock and loaded this time.
It'll be like Oprah, ...."You shoot a MAGat","You shoot a MAGat","You shoot a MAGat"

Just hope they don't do anything stupid this time, or am I am I giving the too much credit.
And don't forget to file this in your memory bank...you might need it in a few years..."Hpy said this ...he's so mean".

Posted By: Hpygolky
Re: Yeah its kinda step down, but hey
Just hope they don't do anything stupid this time, or am I am I giving the too much credit.  
 And don't forget to file this in your memory bank...you might need it in a few years..."Hpy said this ...he's so mean".
You really are happy gulag guard!

First off your advocating for a goverment body to open fire on it’s civilian populace ✅

And your side is the one all wound up about Trump tyrannical rule…

Not only did you not know your ass from a hole in the ground about anything firearms related but you are actually looking forward to possible violence so you can say… I told you so?

Lost to Hpy: "You really are happy gulag guard!"
Lost, YOU really are a hypocrite!
New book claims Trump suggested shooting protesters 'in the legs or something'
(published 2 May 2022)
"Ex-Defense Secretary Mark Esper alleges in a memoir out next week that former President Donald Trump suggested shooting Washington, D.C. demonstrators "in the legs" as they protested George Floyd's death in the summer of 2020, Axios reports Monday. "Can't you just shoot them? Just shoot them in the legs or something?" Trump reportedly asked, per Esper's A Sacred Oath.
"The ex-official wrote that the moment "was surreal, sitting in front of the Resolute desk, inside the Oval Office, with this idea weighing heavily in the air, and the president red faced and complaining loudly about the protests under way in Washington, D.C."
"The memoir was "vetted at the highest levels of the Pentagon," reports Axios' Mike Allen. "I'm told that as part of the clearance process, the book was reviewed in whole or in part by nearly three dozen 4-star generals, senior civilians, and some Cabinet members."
"Esper's account also seems to confirm what The New York Times' Michael Bender reported last year in his book Frankly, We Did Win This Election, Rolling Stone notes. Per Bender's reporting, Trump said he wanted the military to "beat the f--k" out of the racial justice protesters in D.C. and said "just shoot them" on multiple occasions.
"Trump fired Esper after the 2020 election."

Posted By: LostSon
Re: Yeah its kinda step down, but hey
Posted By: Hpygolky
Re: Yeah its kinda step down, but hey  
 Just hope they don't do anything stupid this time, or am I am I giving the too much credit.  
  And don't forget to file this in your memory bank...you might need it in a few years..."Hpy said this ...he's so mean".
You really are happy gulag guard!  
 First off your advocating for a goverment body to open fire on it’s civilian populace ✅  
 And your side is the one all wound up about Trump tyrannical rule…  
 Not only did you not know your ass from a hole in the ground about anything firearms related but you are actually looking forward to possible violence so you can say… I told you so?

Is Esper on Trump's "Revenge List"?
Who Is On Donald Trump’s Revenge List?
"One of the central themes of Donald Trump’s 2024 presidential campaign has been the desire for vengeance against those who he believes have done him and the country wrong. ****“I am your retribution,”**** has become a staple of his stump speech, and it’s not just rhetoric. ..."

It’s not like Democrats went to ridiculous lengths to go after Trump or anything, right? Democrats instead just remained calm and civil in the spirit of peaceful public debate, right? So you have nothing to worry about.  


"Why would [anybody] be worried about revenge?" by Trump??????
Stochastic Terrorism: targeted political violence that has been instigated by hostile public rhetoric directed at a group or individual. (This can occur along with more direct incitement to violence, e.g., "Hang Mike Pence!") A key element is the use of social media and other distributed forms of communications where the person who carries out the violence has no direct connection to the users of violent rhetoric.  
E.g., http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/us-milley-60-minutes-trump-treason-1.6980752
Top U.S. military officer Milley taking 'safety precautions' after Trump alleges treason.
"Mark Milley, set to retire as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, says he will take "appropriate measures" to ensure his security after former president Donald Trump suggested he had committed a treasonous act that would have once warranted death. ... "This is an act so egregious that, in times gone by, the punishment would have been DEATH!" Trump said on Sept. 22 on his Truth Social platform. ..."
This Weekend's Additions to Trump's List of Treasonous Foes: Mark Milley, NBC News. They have displeased His Magnificence.
And Trump lackeys, like Gosar and MTG and many more, jump on board. Milley and others on Trump's Revenge list have received death threats, threats against their families, and other threats from MAGA Cult Members eager to do Trump's bidding.  
THAT'S why normal people are concerned about Trump's openly stated Revenge List.

Posted By: impposter
Re: Yeah its kinda step down, but hey
Lost to Hpy: "You really are happy gulag guard!"  
 Lost, YOU really are a hypocrite!
Because yet another person is publishing a book (trying to make money) said Donald Trump said someting outrageous… 🙄

You don’t even get a mother fucker on the front of “oh please”  

Hell next icky’s going to write a book and say “I heard Donald Trump say we should go butt rape imps’s mom’s cat” for gods sake and it would probably sell. 🙄🫣

PS your side shot a protester, not the right. How many protesters did the secret service shoot when people were trying to breech the White House in the mostly peaceful protest in the summer of 2020? I don’t remember a peep out of any of you for them! All you guys could say was Trump was a pussy for going to the bunker. How many of you called members of congress pussies for going into shelters on Jan 6?

they go, he told this crazy story with electric.  It's actually not crazy.  It's sort of a smart story, right?  Sort of like, you  know it's like the snake it's a smart when you, you figure out you're leaving in right? You're bringing it in the , you know, the snake right? The snake and the snake.  I tell that and they do the same thing.

Tell me insurrection part 2 ain't coming..I hope the National Guard is ready.
And to the righties who soiled their diapers after my post...wake the fuck up morons

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