Politics and Religion

Wyoming Senate race 2014: Liz Cheney's Husband Registered to Vote in Two States....
salonpas 1748 reads

Liz Cheney's husband has been registered to vote in both Virginia and Wyoming for the past nine months, even though he signed a document in Wyoming saying he was not registered elsewhere," Politico reports. The county clerk, Sherry Daigle, said new voters are asked if they are registered elsewhere so the office can send a withdrawal request to the other jurisdiction.

“He signed an oath saying he was not currently registered anywhere else,” Daigle told POLITICO.
Wait, are we talking about REPUBLICAN voting fraud? How can that possibly be? I'm sure Fox News is all over this story! Not

GaGambler350 reads

Does it really matter if it's Dem or GOP fraud? Fraud is fraud and should be eliminated regardless of which "side" commits it.

I agree, whether it's Democrats or Republicans, voter fraud should be eliminated. What do you have to say about this fact? The various voter restriction laws passed by several state Republican legislatures have nothing to do with eliminating voter Fraud but suppressing the votes of the poor/minorities. A fact stated by several Republican politico's.

GaGambler314 reads

Motivations are irrelevant on whether or not to eliminate voting fraud, Having ID is a fact of life not only in this country, but in most of the world. If  a person wants a say so in how this country is run, proving who they are is not an unreasonable prerequisite.

I will confess that I think the problem is too many  completely uniformed people vote, not too few, Whether there are poor or a minority is beside the point, I've been  as poor as any of the people you are talking about, and I always have been and always will be a minority, and I have no problem complying with the rather simple rules proposed.

...if you were to argue, this is a financial issue? The individual states should wave the fee.

...if the state can not do this, have Democratic volunteers(they're easy to find during the election cycle) take the poor people to get an ID, and let the Dem vollys raise money to pay for their ID.

Embrace some Independent Socialism, for a change. :-D

1) allow everyone to vote online or by phone. Everyone will have a unique voter ID number with their own pin number, just like we have for our bank accounts. No more waiting in line to vote. Vote online, and it's a done deal.

2) Allow everyone to vote. It shouldn't matter if you're a convicted felon, or if you're even currently serving a prison sentence. Lower the voting age to 5.

3) Allow people to collect a $50 deductible on their taxes if they vote.

4) Allow everyone to have the option to vote their preferences instead of just a single candidate. If the libertarian candidate is your first choice, and the Republican is your second choice, you should be able to vote that way. If the Libertarian candidate doesn't get enough votes to win, your vote should then go to the Republican.

5) Allow everyone to vote for "None of the above". If "None of the above" wins a majority, then all the candidates running are barred from running in that election cycle, and the process starts all over again.

If we live in a representative democracy, then it should really be representative. Of everyone. If you're subject to the decisions made by Congressmen, then you should be able to vote. If you're not allowed to vote, then you shouldn't be subject to their decisions.

GaGambler304 reads

Did you just seriously suggest lowering the voting age to 5?

I will admit I like your "None of the above" option.

Willy I have to confess, you are like the Libertarians or the Rand/Ron Pauls of the world. Your bad ideas are so idiotic it makes your good ideas get lost in the haste to distance ourselves from you.

Jjust out of curiosity, how do you feel about illegal aliens voting? You seem to have no problem with convicts voting, so I would imagine you would have no problems with non citizens voting as well. Am I correct?

...driving after hurting or killing innocent people, will you still be against convicts voting?  Think of it - a future where ignorant, uninformed people are voting but not 'smart' guys like GaG.

GaGambler359 reads

Sorry, but you are the one who appears to be posting drunk, or at least posting while stupid, and remember drunks sober up, stupid is forever.

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