Politics and Religion

Now Trump and the Republicans have picked a fight with Zelensky and Ukraine.
inicky46 61 Reviews 123 reads

Zelensky went to a factory that makes shells for Ukrainian cannons. It was in PA, so naturally the Dem Governor was there as well as Dem Senator Casey. So the Republicunts wailed and clutched their pearls that it was a campaign event. This despite the fact that Trump and the Republicunts have done the SAME thing.

Clearly looks like a campaign event to me. Bad move for Z to basically burn his bridges with the Republicans.

First of all, remarks at the White House with the sitting VP isn't remotely "a campaign event."
Also, Zelensky knows Trump is Putin's Poodle and will fuck him and Ukraine if he gets back into office. So Zelensky has nothing to lose.

Wait for it --- But Trump!!  
Trump was planning a campaign event with Zelensky but the plans fell through when Zelensky gave an interview to NY Magazine in which he said he believed the 78-year-old Republican "doesn't really know how to stop the war."  
Trump doesn't really know how to stop the war? Hooda thunkit!

Posted By: cks175
Re: It Was A Stupid Move For Zelensky To Appear Side By Side With Harris Today  
Clearly looks like a campaign event to me. Bad move for Z to basically burn his bridges with the Republicans.

Trump changed his mind and decided to do a CAMPAIGN EVENT with Zelensky in NYC today. They already had the prelim "news conference" and are then meeting. That, no doubt, to be followed by another Trump Campaign Event.  
I don't want to wait to hear Trump's plan to end the war in Ukraine in 24 hours. Maybe we'll hear it "in two weeks." :-)

Posted By: impposter
Re: It Was A Stupid Move For Zelensky To Appear Side By Side With Harris Today  
Wait for it --- But Trump!!  
 Trump was planning a campaign event with Zelensky but the plans fell through when Zelensky gave an interview to NY Magazine in which he said he believed the 78-year-old Republican "doesn't really know how to stop the war."  
 Trump doesn't really know how to stop the war? Hooda thunkit!
Posted By: cks175
Re: It Was A Stupid Move For Zelensky To Appear Side By Side With Harris Today  
 Clearly looks like a campaign event to me. Bad move for Z to basically burn his bridges with the Republicans.

I think it’s telling that after Harris and Zelensky made statements, Harris abruptly left the podium without taking questions.

Contrast with Trump who began the meeting with a joint statement, followed by meetings.

So what did you get out it? Is there something I missed? So what's telling?? Pitch me..
Sounds like he's going to pressure to let Russia keep what he took and then lets let bygones be bygones....I hope Ukraine gets back the thousand of kids that putin kidnap?
Trump was better off saying nothing...Ukraine will be sold out.

Republicans are jumping all over Zelensky for a innocent visit to a factory that supplies shells. He thank the workers so whats the big deal...Oh wait...its the Putin/MAGA republicans loosing their shit..how surprising is that
His here visit is, beside to give a UN speech is to outline a strategy for the war with Biden/Harris, Congress and of course the trump administrations. But trump blew him off and went on a rant against Zelensky. Now trumps has said he'd meet but I doubt trump will continue support.
And when someone ask trump about his plan to end the war, he might as well have said, "I have a concept".
Imagine the moral of the Ukrainians and how our allies view us? Think trump abandoning the kurds was bad , this will be a black eye

He has your party under his thumb.
Like Harris told Trump , “He’ll eat you for lunch “

Barr wrote a bogus paper claiming that but the charges of Russian collusion were proven by Mueller, it was just that Barr decided to do nothing with the info and then Congress impeached him on that and other stuff.
The crap about Trump being exonerated was just that: CRAP.
But clowns like Looooser choose to believe it.

If collusion actually happened, Congress would have started impeachment proceedings the moment Mueller submitted his report.

Read the attached article, which demonstrates conclusively that Trump DID collude with Russia and it WAS used in the 2019 impeachment.

Posted By: Hpygolky
Re: I love how righties suck the ball sack of Putin
He has your party under his thumb.  
 Like Harris told Trump , “He’ll eat you for lunch “

Under Obama/Biden Crimea was invaded.

Under Biden/Harris The rest of Ukraine was invaded.

Under Trump No invasions by Russia.

Under Trump Isis was defeated in Syria where the Russians were operating. At one point when the Russians attacked US forces Trump had zero qualms about killing them all.  

You all love to claim Putin controlled Trump, it’s another bullshit talking point.  

As for Camel Toes, she was running her mouth because she was assured the moderators were on her side. 🙄 🙄 🙄

First of all, stop confusing "collusion" (not a crime) and "conspiracy" (a crime). There absolutely, positively, most certainly contacts between the Trump campaign and the Russians about campaign matters.  
I have previously posted material quoted DIRECTLY from the DoJ reports and other official sources about this:
"... The Mueller Report detailed over 140 instances of significant collusion (contacts) between the Trump campaign and Russians. ..."
""Mueller investigated CRIMINAL CONSPIRACY, not collusion. "For that reason, this Office’s focus in resolving the question of joint criminal liability was on conspiracy as defined in federal law, not the commonly discussed term “collusion.” "  [DIRECTLY FROM THE MUELLER REPORT!]
"Mueller Report Shows Depth of Connections Between Trump Campaign and Russians"
"Donald J. Trump and 18 of his associates had at least 140 contacts with Russian nationals and WikiLeaks, or their intermediaries, during the 2016 campaign ..."
"... Detailed reading the entire report exposes Trump to be a lying SOB who used others to insulate himself from criminal charges. Most people remember from headline news that Trump asked WH Counsel McGahn to lie to Mueller four times: Trump ask McGahn to "write a letter “for our records” denying that the president ever ordered Mueller’s firing. McGahn rebuffed the president every time, but that does not exonerate Trump. An unsuccessful attempt to obstruct justice is obstruction, nonetheless." ..."

Posted By: LostSon
Re: You know Russian collusion was actually debunked right?
I love how you lefties “love” to perpetuate myths if they demean Trump.
Meanwhile, Trump and the MAGA cult try to ignore and hide the evidence.

Meanwhile, world leaders have already accepted that Trump will be the next President.

When the two sides have been warring to a draw and nobody is advancing anymore, but many are still dying, you negotiate a settlement at the point of active fighting, hence North Korea and South Korea.  This means Ukraine would have to accept a new border where the Russians have advanced to.  Russia would gain a small piece of Ukraine and Putin saves face while Zelensky stops the slaughter of his people in the rest of his country and can start rebuilding.  

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