Politics and Religion

DOMA, Medical Marijuana, Prostitution. The 4th & 5th Amendments?angry_smile
RRO2610 51 Reviews 1605 reads

We as a country/society, founded on democracy & law are totally FUCKED thanks to capitalism and greed. Marijuana, Prostitution and any other substance or dynamic that cannot be controlled (monopolized) by big business, government or religion will forever be lobbied and legislated as “illegal”. No matter if 99% of the population is for the total decriminalization of it. The privatization of the correctional/incarceration industry has forever made victimless crime and/or personal choice a cash-cow that the Corporatocracy and their parasitic venal minions are not soon to give up. And the fucking mouth-breathing, science challenged God Squad will immediately prosecute the government for “Pimping” if prostitution is in anyway legitimized(regulated).        

    The most shitastic, demeaning, low responsibility, low paying jobs now requires one to pee in a cup for a toxicology test, and our Bill of Rights is powerless to protect the citizens because every last cocksucking politician and legislator has sold our 4th & 5th Amendment Rights to the Corporatocracy. Only “Upper Management” and entertainment industry people seem to be exempt from the mandated urine, blood or hair testing. So much for “Equal protection under law”!

  Mit Romney and his moneyed backers PROVED that 99% of us are no better off than the peasants that tended the land for the nobles and Monarchies 500 years ago. Mit and his mega-rich chronies pay so little percentage wise in income taxes that it would have caused a national outrage if he surrendered his tax filings as did every other contemporary Presidential candidate(including his father).  If I put a humble automobile under a fictitious name for reasons of "limited liability" it quickly raises eyebrows of suspicion, distrust, or contempt; but if Mitt or his ilk secret away millions in foreign banks, or put Rolls Royce’s and priceless treasures under a business name it is simply accepted as “how the big boys do it”.

   This Country of ours has simply degenerated into a hypocritical piece of “sell it to the highest bidder” SHIT that DESERVES to go down the fucking toilet as the most egregious, venal, corrupt, duplicitous, cacophony of slavish idolaters to money ever

GaGambler231 reads

I am far from one of the "Big Boys" but I hold almost everything I own under various corporations. It's perfectly legal and offers me that "limited liability" that you mention. It also allows me to make my deductions under Schedule C as opposed to Schedule A which gives me worlds more options on how to treat my expenses. You would be surprised at how easy it is to do it legal, and still protect yourself.

As for pissing in a cup, and this country's obsession with pursuing and punishing victimless crimes, I could not agree with you more. I will never submit to a piss test except under threat of arrest, and I have never, and will never subject any of my employees to such a degrading and invasive insult to their civil rights.

but this country is still better, and offers more opportunities than any other I can think, if someone like me can make it, and make it more than once after fucking up and going broke on more than one ocassion, then anyone can make it here. I don't think any one here, with the possible exception of 'tini has it too fucking bad, and even the poorest amongst us here on this board are still the envy of the overwhelming majority of people on this earth.

St. Croix226 reads

Gonzo. Something would piss him off, and voila, the shit would hit the TER fan. If someone threw everything but the kitchen sink at me as it relates to problems, I have to admit I'm not going to give a fuck.

Aren't endorphins released during sex. If we are all supposedly having sex all the time, you'd think we'd be a mellow group of assholes.

Any more tips for this weekend?

-- Modified on 3/28/2013 10:54:50 AM

If the people got smart and were twice as vicious to the 1%ers as they are to us, then their bullshit would stop.

In the meantime, if you don't want to put up with their bullshit, you can just go work in the public sector. You'd be surprised how many gov't employees are never drug tested. :)

...the majority of us do. Why do we enable the 1% ? because we are comfortable.


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