Politics and Religion

Why are you pointing fingers?confused_smile
bigguy30 25 reads

So you don't do that yourself on here?

You cry and blame black people for everything daily on here.
It does not matter, if your responses are true or not either.
We get it, you hate yourself and black people.

Then you want to turn around and point fingers???? Lol
Well you are a prime example of a hypocrite!

"and we will win, and you will win, and we will keep on winning, and eventually you will say we can’t take all of this winning, …please Mr. Trump …and I will say, NO, we will win, and we will keep on winning"
Last three month added jobs average, over 240,000.  

       Thanks to MAGA President Trump
  I'm  enjoying  all the winning in my town.
                  How about you?

And where did all the TDS infected "Chicken Littles" screaming that the Dow futures were down 300 go?  

OMG! The Dow Futures are down 300??????? Is this the end of mankind?

Maybe I need to build a bomb shelter?????  

Nah, the Dow was up only 440 today on the news. :D :D

Dopey libs. lol

1) The "trickle down" could only come from the new tax bill.  But it only took effect in January.  Anyone who thinks it could have affected job growth the following month is officially on crack.
2) You have oh-so-conveniently ignored that my post about the -300 Dow Futures was about this: "Which means Wall Street believes the battle over tariffs has been lost by free-traders like Cohen and a damaging trade war is now much more likely."  And what has happened since then?  Donnie was pulled back from the brink and delivered an almost completely de-fanged version of his tariff order.  So now Wall Street is relieved.  Duh.
3) For your own safety, puh-LEASE go build that bomb shelter.  It may save you from injury when another of your posts explodes.

Jake did you miss how many corporations announced the DAY OF THE TAX DEAL that they would hire more, give out bonuses, expand, etc? Many of them made good on those promises within weeks of making those announcements.

Since you have never run a business OBVIOUSLY, let me let you in on a little something. Business owners anticipate laws in the works. They make plans BEFORE passage of those laws then many ACT on or shortly after implementation of the law.

Of course the tax law had something to do with February hiring. How would I know this? I hired several people in Feb due to the new tax law and many friends have as well. Dolt!

And sorry Jake but you speak out your ass once again with the "trickle down" could only come from the new tax bill" idiocy. That is just ONE way to trickle down. The other way is to relax numerous regulations which Trump has previously done.

Forget about those Jake? Apparently. LOL

Now that I have educated you on several things, get that new diaper Mac has been ogling so YOUR "trickle down" doesn't make it all the way to your old man knee high white socks. ;)

Based on the knowledge of business you just displayed, it must be a very, VERY tiny pop stand.  FIRST of ALL: "In addition to the big job growth, previous months' counts were revised substantially higher. December went from 160,000 to 175,000 while January saw a boost from the initially reported 200,000 to 239,000. That brings the three-month average to 242,000."
So now I guess you'll say that was anticipatory. LMAO.
Also, NO ONE says there's been a quantifiable impact on jobs from cutting regulations.
Now, Duncey, here's a good article from the Times that will explain the subtleties of a very complex issue.
Now here's another thought: your smak extremely repetitive.  It is also even older than I am. Step up your game

...maybe will you listen to a fellow Democrat?

"When you ask small business owners from Nevada to Pennsylvania what the greatest obstacle in the way of their success is, they echo what numerous studies have indicated for months: government regulations."

Of course regulations affect employment Jake. Virtually any business owner who deals with them knows this to be true but since you never owned one, of course you would know better than those who do. ;)

2) knock down straw man.
3) declare victory.
I never said cutting regulations had no affect on job creation.  I simply said there was no way to credibly link recent job creation to Trump's regulatory cuts as definitively as you did.
And I am still waiting for more info on your little pop stand.  How many soda jerks did you hire? Two? LOL

Most at$ buying back stocks.

WalMart $1,000 bonus was great example. If you worked 20 years, you get $1,000. Bonus turned out be $193 on average Ann Walmart employee got rich beyond their imagination!!

It's just astonishing how desperate you trumptards are to see donniedeepstate succeed at something.What the fuck happen to trumcare ,was'nt  it suppose to be  better than  The Affordable Care Act ?  Biggest tax cut for the wealthy who don't NEED  more money, small tax cut for you that will be eaten up by the slightest increase in inflation (rise in price & services).

And for the record he has not done anything of substance since taking office;i n fact he is still benefiting from Obama's hard work.

With these kind of number, it should have "trickled" down to 4.0..am I missing something? Or maybe hannity and trump were right along, that the "real" unemployment rate is like 42%...

To understand why they are excited about the low unemployment rate. During my 40+/- years of working in my profession I have been out of work maybe 3 months at the most. There are always jobs even during recessions for people with experience and skills, For example during the Obama administration trucking companies could never hire enough truck drivers so why the fuck are people not employed!!! Also, there are 11million +/- illegals in the country and the most of them are working some type of job. Seems like the only people not working are the Trump supports that can not find a job paying their premium hourly wage of $25.

They want someone to magically re-create their old job, right where they are.  And despite quad's dim-witted vaporings, coal ain't coming back.  Because no one wants it.

My family moved back and forth between the Mid-west and the West coast several time, while I was growing up, following the market. Meanwhile, those left behind, screamed and hollered about not having a job, and not being able to pay their bills, while living on welfare. Moving is difficult, but that's no excuse.

More people entered the workforce (or re-entered having left years ago).  "For the fifth month in a row, the jobless rate remained unchanged at 4.1 percent, a 17-year low. And hundreds of thousands of people streamed into the job market, confounding analysts who have insisted that the pool of potential workers has been depleted."

Unemployment, makes me feel superior. The only people that should be unemployed are the people that have total mental and physical handicaps. Anyone else is a total loser.

While unemployment has been dropping steadily since the crash of 10 years ago, the more important Labor Participation Rate which should have been going up as unemployment went down was instead moving down just as rapidly as the unemployment rate proving that yes Hannity (who I despise) and Trump were indeed telling the truth and that the unemployment numbers were based in fantasy.

That said, I will fully concede that now that these numbers belong to Trump he fully embraces them as proof of his success, but to answer your question, if a hundred thousand "discouraged workers" who have been sitting on the sidelines for the last several years decide to reenter the workforce a hundred thousand "net new jobs" will have to be created just to keep the unemployment exactly where it is.

I am sure you have heard the old saying "Figures don't lie, but liars figure" Nothing could be more true than when trying to calculate the "true" unemployment numbers


I work with numbers for a living, usually for myself, but occasionally someone will want to hire me to do analysis on various projects and my first question before starting is "Do you want me to PROVE the projections, DISPROVE them, or do you me to let the chips fall where they may and give you a completely objective opinion?" As anyone who works with numbers can tell you, you can prove or disprove anything you want depending on your motivation.

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