Politics and Religion

Why a Obama Presidency does not worry me..
quadseasonal 27 Reviews 2404 reads

 If you look outside you will  see,
 Millions of libs in misery.

Why are they miserable, we certainly ask,
Because they believe,  King George is a ass.

They wake up in the morning with nothing to do.
So they stand on street corners asking change from you.

When they look at Obama they say "whats not to like"
He's handsome and dashing and certainly bright,
His only bad thing  , he's half white.

If Obama becomes  President  you will see,
The libs will be as happy, as the Queen Bee.

How does that help those that will despair
Millions of libs with no smiles to repair

The budget will be balanced the factories will open
Because the libs, will no longer be moping

Instead of thinking who next to rob
The libs will finally get a job..



I've truly come to believe these O'libbyphiles are amongst the most miserable people on the face of the earth...oh the bitching, moaning, whining, gnashing of teeth, day,after day, after day.. life MUST be miserable for them cuz it's pretty difficult watching em......

it just might be the BEST thing coming out of a FlimFlamma prez is the averted mass suicides by our mentally crippled libby friends....?????


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