Politics and Religion

Who'd have thunk it: Vance booed at fire-fighters' convention.
inicky46 61 Reviews 143 reads

I'd have thought it would be a friendly audience. But Vance was nearly booed off the stage. And happening when Trump has outraged veterans, it's a bad couple of days for Don.

The Keystone Kops can't go through a day without f'ing something up. They even pissed off the pro-lifers the other day!

Who knows what they were boo’ing. Driving in a city with more potholes than common sense? Waiting in line for 90 minutes to get a Big Mac? Boston is a goofy place.

Just because the convention of firefighters was IN Boston doesn't mean more than a few attendees were FROM Boston. Walz spoke there two days ago and was cheered.

Many in the crowd were "subdued" ie: arms crossed and not buying a word of it.  
If it weren't for lies TATL would have nothing to post at all.  

Kinda like that "Great democratic program" he lied about 2 days ago only to be caught in another lie. Since it was NOT a democratic program. Geez this guy is a liar! But.... I guess that's why he's known as TATL. So makes sense.

Same crowd..Worth listening too…. If you want, of course

His many lies have been thrown back in his face and he just spews out more Trump turd sandwiches.
He also likes these...

I said my "Good Morning, how are you?".
Then I ask which donuts she'd recommend and I ordered.
You know what I didn't ask...."How long have you worked here?"... I didn't ask because its none of my business.
So, how many of you have asked the person behind a counter,"How long have you worked here" on an initial meet?  
Then tell me if that wasn't weird.

-- Modified on 8/30/2024 1:20:35 PM

She has an actual personality compared to Vance who comes off as an automaton:

A had a friend with Chihuahua. The dog would have to go out to the front yard every time you visited. The dog would shake and wiggle and snort and shit and piss itself 3 times before calming down. The third piss and shit was when everybody could go into the house again. Harris reminds me of that Chihuahua.

Posted By: BigPapasan
Re: Compare Harris to Vance...
She has an actual personality compared to Vance who comes off as an automaton:  
JABBA!!! KACKLES has zero personality!!!





And you idiots want that dumbass as president?

Oh wait of course you do Becuse your ERTDS is becoming soooooo ingrained it’s starting to change your DNA!

Hell Icky’s health is slipping as is his already sketch mental acuity. He went impotent over Trump’s election (I know one other person this happened to cough! Robert Dinero cough! ) but in Icks case he starting to sound like Joe Joe the potato!


All ya’ll lefties need to wring out your panties, take several deep breaths and realize the absolute insanity your advocating for…🫣🫣🫣

Unfortunately it's obnoxious, vile, ignorant and lame.

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