Politics and Religion

who believes in an invisible man? i've never heard of that.confused_smile
ChowderICantHearYou 482 reads


First, let me say, this isn't intended to mean that there is a conflict with having faith and either being a provider or a client.  I go to church regularly, and have a strong personal faith.

So, having just come home from church, I was thinking/wondering about if providers are regualr church goers.  

This is my first post of any kind and I hope it's ok, not intended to be too personal or judegmental in any way.

I was raised in a christian household and I attended church on a fairly regular basis when my son was growing up.

Although I do not believe in the bible or other Christian teachings (dont believe in Jesus, hell, heaven, etc) church has been a great place to find support and friendship during some rather trying times, plus it gave my son social activities that he would have missed out on had we not attended.

Now that he is grown, I do not attend church very often and the times I do go its for the socialization more than anything else.

ATLDAWG1006 reads

Church is one of the greatest places to meet women who are not in the Hobby-It is amazing how much free pussy one can get by becoming involved in church activities-you have to learn how to look for and act upon the subtle hints-the down side is that you have to be extremely careful to cover your tracks as all church groups are relatively small-but since gossip abounds anyway-as long as you both can hold the line-it is absolutely the best-lot's of married soccer mom types needing attention and of course the usual run of widows and divorcees! Don't plan on just going once and getting hooked up-but get a little bit involved-be nice but be yourself-this is what many of the gals that attend church and participate in church and after church activities are looking for-especially the after church stuff !!

You hound dawg!!!  What are the subtle hints that you refer to??? Inquiring minds want to know.

....from a Christian Academy...and on another note, the mother of Jesus before giving birth was accused of being a prostitute in the King James version.

Being that Christ has died on the cross, so that our sins will be washed away,  he has already forgiven us of our sins  and this came from a preacher that I used to see on a regular basis.

Posted By: tmill9
First, let me say, this isn't intended to mean that there is a conflict with having faith and either being a provider or a client.  I go to church regularly, and have a strong personal faith.

So, having just come home from church, I was thinking/wondering about if providers are regualr church goers.  

This is my first post of any kind and I hope it's ok, not intended to be too personal or judegmental in any way.

My Father met my Mother at a church function.
my mother later told me, he was a con artist and bilked her of all of her savings.

I like going to church. the sermons need to keep me more awake, I tend to nap, mentally

followme1257 reads

You need to step into my confessional.


Thank you
2012 = 28

There is no such person who died for us? As in you and me and everyone around us? Not possible
not reality he had no clue we were going to be born its all fiction.

Posted By: Corey Edwards
....from a Christian Academy...and on another note, the mother of Jesus before giving birth was accused of being a prostitute in the King James version.

Being that Christ has died on the cross, so that our sins will be washed away,  he has already forgiven us of our sins  and this came from a preacher that I used to see on a regular basis.

Posted By: tmill9
First, let me say, this isn't intended to mean that there is a conflict with having faith and either being a provider or a client.  I go to church regularly, and have a strong personal faith.

So, having just come home from church, I was thinking/wondering about if providers are regualr church goers.  

This is my first post of any kind and I hope it's ok, not intended to be too personal or judegmental in any way.

...has been asked many times regarding providers and hobbyists.  Search there.

You're gonna hate me after I say this but this invisible man people believe in is bullshit.Don't get me wrong some wonderful people go to church but it is sad that the parental society has brainwashed their children who were taught to brainwash their children and it becomes a family tradition to believe in the invisible man. To me,the garbage that's written in the bible truly pisses me off. Are you aware what that book has done in our world? Women in Saudi Arabia and who are of muslum faith are tortured,  stoned to death , married off at age 16 to some old man who is usually a cousin of the family and all the book says is how we are all sinners and will all die not being accepted by this pretend person called God. I don't like the book because it's crap and the crap it has in it is worshiped . My heart goes out to the women of Saudi who's retarded abusive husbands follow this book. Doing what people are said to have done back in time. I think if it were not for that book we would have less crime.I am spiritual and many people are good people who don't go to church to listen to a few scripts  from some book that was written and re written , revised and made into some supposed to be true novel but in reality its a fiction book . I am sure that when people people get nailed to a cross those who watched that horror y all got drunk smoked pot or some other drug hell wouldn't you ? And have a hallucination  that someone they saw who was killed is now back walking and talking to them. Pl--ease. Not in reality but under the influence of drugs after now being mentally unbalanced . Look at what these people witnessed? And were made fun of after the fact.  Religion is the most major bullshit story told.Religion has too many people convinced that if they break any of the 10 things the man in the sky has set forth that they will die in hell , scream burn suffer and choke but he LOVES YOU! And he does, because he needs your money.

As much we  try to really believe there is this man in the skys looking down upon us there comes a time where you look around and you can see that something's really effed up with war disease crime  corruption and children who are supposed to not suffer being born all messed up. I would say God is doing a pretty shitty job if there really were a God. I am not impressed. What kind of a resume is this when God is supposed to be the only perfect one? Even women wouldn't frig up the world llike this invisible person called God has. But he's perfect. Yeah . Ok. Right.Everything he does is for a reason. Is he related to Charles Manson too? I would rather look around and find something else to worship.Something I can see not something that is invisible.

If there were a God this audience would be struck dead by now. If there's a God make me blind.
GASP! I can still see to finish this narration. But if the church is a place where you feel peaceful at the end of the week I say go. I go to churches. But I go when I want to sit in a room and look at some pretty art and meditate.  

Happy Sunday ! I hope I didn't sound crass or mean but I just can't help it when I see that this book
has done to our world. It isn't a pretty picture . Would you like to real a couple of my books its the real deal of what the black book is doing to people.


....for my own personal needs do I regularly go to any religious institution? No.

Married men that pay for sex can still justify calling themselves religious?  I love religious hypocrisy.

EDIT: Sorry for triple post. Not sure how that happened.

Posted By: tmill9
First, let me say, this isn't intended to mean that there is a conflict with having faith and either being a provider or a client.  I go to church regularly, and have a strong personal faith.

So, having just come home from church, I was thinking/wondering about if providers are regualr church goers.  

This is my first post of any kind and I hope it's ok, not intended to be too personal or judegmental in any way.
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